Francis, Day & Hunter
List of Works: C - D
Last updated: 04.10.24
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Let Me Think I'm Someone (1910) Frank Calvert Orlando Powell (words)
May Mars (perf.)
sm15.gif Sierra Sue (1916) Joseph B. Carey(w&m) Kate Smith (perf.)
Al Donahue (perf.)
Glenn Miller (perf.)
Bing Crosby (perf.)
Jan Savitt (perf.)
Doris Rhodes (perf.)
sm15.gif If the Shooting Suit Should Suit (1910) Harry Carlton Terry Sullivan (words)
Wilkie Bard (perf.)
sm15.gif He Knows the Werry Number on Yer Door (1894) S.W. Carlysle Alfred J Morris (words)
Charles Coborn (perf.)
sm15.gif Boomerang. (1913) Alfred Carpenter(w&m)
sm15.gif Glasgow Belles (1909) Alfred Carpenter(w&m)
sm15.gif Gloaming (1914) Alfred Carpenter(w&m)
sm15.gif I Could Give Him Away But I Won't (1896) Alfred Carpenter W S Laidlaw (words)
Louise Beaudet (perf.)
sm15.gif Just on the Tip of My Tongue! (1895) Alfred Carpenter Eustace Baynes (words)
Lottie Collins (perf.)
sm15.gif Let's Swop! (1906) Alfred Carpenter Marriott Edgar (words)
sm15.gif White Horses (1968) Michael Carr(w&m) Ben Nisbet (co-author)
sm15.gif Come On, Boys of London Town! (1914) Harry Carroll F. W. Mark (words)
sm15.gif Always Look After Number One (1907) Frank W. Carter(w&m) Joe Burley (co-author)
Florrie Gallimore (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Been Down to the Races (1899) Frank W. Carter A.J. Mills (words)
Leonard Barry (perf.)
sm15.gif All I Want (1905) Harry Castling Fred W Leigh (words)
Albert Ben (perf.)
sm15.gif All the While (1916) Harry Castling Herman Darewski (words)
sm15.gif Are Yer 'sleep? (1905) Harry Castling Charles Collins (words)
Ryder Slone (perf.)
sm15.gif  Are You Pining For Me As I'm Pining For You? (1909) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
sm15.gif As His Father Did Before Him (1898) Harry Castling Rosie D'Alberg (perf.)
sm15.gif Baby Bill (1901) Harry Castling(w&m)
sm15.gif Be in Time (1899) Harry Castling(w&m) Charles Pastor (perf.)
sm15.gif Blame It on to Poor Lloyd George (1909) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Whit Cunliffe (perf.)
sm15.gif Boy Blue (1906) Harry Castling(w&m)
sm15.gif Bringing Home the Sunday's Dinner (1898) Harry Castling(w&m) Will Dalton (perf.)
sm15.gif Buffalo (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
Daisy Dormer (perf.)
sm15.gif Can't You Spare One Little Feather? (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif Colliers (1909), The Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif Come in My Submarine (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
Billie Burford (perf.)
sm15.gif Come In, the Water's Fine! (1907) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
sm15.gif Come With Me, and Be One of the Nightbirds! (1912) Harry Castling Charles Collins (words)
sm15.gif Courting (1897) Harry Castling(w&m) Charles Gardener (perf.)
sm15.gif Courting Game (1901), The Harry Castling(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Daily Mail Hat (1921), The Harry Castling Will Wise (words)
Fred Curran (words)
Jack Edge (words)
Bert Weston (perf.)
sm15.gif Dark Night Before Yer (1897), A Harry Castling(w&m) Marie Kendall (perf.)
sm15.gif Day You Became My Bride (1907), The Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif  Doesn't It Get Dark Soon? (1896) Harry Castling Albert Hall (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't Call on Friday (1905) Harry Castling Charles Collins (words)
Daisy Dormer (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't Forget Your Little Dicky Bird, Dick! (1914) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
S. W. Wyndham (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't It Make You Wild? (1892) Harry Castling Walter Stockwell (words)
sm15.gif Don't Say That You've Seen Me (1915) Harry Castling(w&m)
sm15.gif Don't Sing a Song About the War (1901) Harry Castling(w&m) Tom Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't We Like to Hear of Victory! (1900) Harry Castling Fred W Leigh (words)
Marie Kendall (perf.)
sm15.gif Drummer Boy Came Marching Home (1905), The Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
sm15.gif Early in the Morning (1896) Harry Castling(w&m) Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif Eggs and Bacon For My Breakfast (1920) Harry Castling(w&m) Ernie Mayne (perf.)
sm15.gif Eh! What a Fool I Was to Go to the Isle of Man (1911) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Morny Cash (perf.)
sm15.gif England's Good Enough For Me (1903) Harry Castling Harry Leighton (words)
Marie Kendall (perf.)
sm15.gif Ev'rything's Gonna Be All Right (1928) Harry Castling(w&m)
sm15.gif Father, Father Do Come Home (1894) Harry Castling Mark Milton (perf.)
sm15.gif Fish With the Golden Scales (1903), The Harry Castling Fred W Leigh (words)
sm15.gif Flop 'em Out (1898) Harry Castling Harry Wincott (words)
Harry Bedford (perf.)
sm15.gif Fond Words My Dear Mother Said (1898), The Harry Castling Jack Camp (words)
Jack Camp (perf.)
sm15.gif For My Corn Began to Shoot! (1907) Harry Castling A J Mills (words)
Fred Earle (perf.)
sm15.gif  Girl in the Clogs and Shawl (1909), The Harry Castling(w&m) C.W. Murphy (co-author)
sm15.gif Give My Love to Mother and Dad (1906) Harry Castling A J Mills (words)
sm15.gif Going Home to Baby (1897) Harry Castling(w&m) Marie Kendall (perf.)
sm15.gif Half a Loaf Is Better Than None (1907) Harry Castling(w&m) Tom Yorke (perf.)
sm15.gif Have a Banana! (1911) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Morny Cash (perf.)
sm15.gif Hello! Silvery Sea! (1911) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Gus Harris (perf.)
sm15.gif Hello, There, Europe! (1921) Harry Castling Fred W Leigh (words)
Chas R. Whittle (perf.)
sm15.gif Honey in the Hive (1904), The Harry Castling R Woods Gyle (words)
sm15.gif How Are They Going to Get in London? (1909) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Morny Cash (perf.)
sm15.gif How Does a Fly Keep His Weight Down? (1933) Harry Castling(w&m) Lily Morris (perf.)
sm15.gif How I Mesmerise 'em (1893) Harry Castling John S. Baker (words)
Charles Gardener (perf.)
sm15.gif I Am Thinking of You, Just You! (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif I Can't Now (1898) Harry Castling(w&m) Gus Garrick (perf.)
sm15.gif I Didn't Want Asking Twice (1902) Harry Castling A J Mills (words)
Frank Seeley (perf.)
sm15.gif I Do Like to Be Where the Money Is! (1906) Harry Castling Bennett Scott (words)
sm15.gif I Do Like to Look Into Your Eyes, Little Girl! (1912) Harry Castling Charles Collins (words)
sm15.gif I Forgot to Take the Missis (1903) Harry Castling(w&m) Will Musgrave (perf.)
sm15.gif I Like an 'ot-Water-Bottle in Bed (1921) Harry Castling Charles Collins (words)
Ernie Mayne (perf.)
sm15.gif  I Lost Georgie in Trafalgar Square (1907) Harry Castling Charles Collins (words)
Nellie Wallace (perf.)
sm15.gif I Lost My Train Again (1906) Harry Castling Dave O'Toole (words)
Frank Cass (words)
sm15.gif I Loved You in the Sunshine (1905) Harry Castling(w&m) Tom Yorke (perf.)
sm15.gif I Met Her by the Rippling River (1901) Harry Castling Henry E. Pether (words)
Will Musgrave (perf.)
sm15.gif I See You've Come Back With the Wood (1905) Harry Castling(w&m) Harry Weldon (perf.)
sm15.gif I Want to See the Fairies (1912) Harry Castling(w&m)
sm15.gif I Wish I Was (1905) Harry Castling Charles Collins (words)
George Collins (words)
George Leybourne (perf.)
sm15.gif I Wish I Was You! (1902) Harry Castling Fred J Barnes (words)
sm15.gif I'll Be Waitin' Aroun' (1929) Harry Castling Jimmy Goding (words)
sm15.gif I'll Pay You When My Ship Comes Home (1898) Harry Castling(w&m) Mark Milton (perf.)
sm15.gif I'll Tell Tilly on the Telephone (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
Dora Lyric (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Nobody (1902) Harry Castling A.J. Mills (words)
Tom Collins (words)
Ryder Slone (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Taking the Open-Air Treatment (1911) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Morny Cash (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Been Laying on the Field! (1895) Harry Castling(w&m) Fred Earle (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Been Out With the Man in the Moon (1911) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Arthur Woodville (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Got Her Wooden Leg (1898) Harry Castling Steve McCarthy (words)
sm15.gif I've Got to Take the Children Off to School (1912) Harry Castling(w&m) Chas R. Whittle (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Got You, Bill (1914) Harry Castling(w&m)
sm15.gif  I've Only Been There a Week (1900) Harry Castling(w&m) Little Ganty (perf.)
sm15.gif If I Hadn't Been a Sunday School Teacher (1899) Harry Castling A J Mills (words)
Bennett Scott (words)
Johnny Worman (perf.)
sm15.gif If You Should See a Little Soldier (1909) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
sm15.gif If You'll Cling Like the Vine (1908) Harry Castling A E Sidney Davis (words)
sm15.gif In Demerara (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif In My Home at Bantry Bay (1910) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif Insurance Man (1894), The Harry Castling(w&m) Mark Milton (perf.)
sm15.gif Is Old Man's 'at Won't Fit 'im (1899) Harry Castling Fred W Leigh (words)
Alec Hurley (perf.)
sm15.gif It's a Good Job I Had My Mother With Me (1902) Harry Castling(w&m) A J Mills (co-author)
Will Musgrave (perf.)
sm15.gif It's the Only Bit of English That We've Got (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif Jenny, I'm Saving Ev'ry Penny (1909) Harry Castling Herbert Rule (words)
sm15.gif Jimmy Brown's Essays (1903) Harry Castling(w&m) George Bastow (perf.)
sm15.gif Julia (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif Just Like the Ivy (1902) Harry Castling A.J. Mills (words)
Marie Kendall (perf.)
sm15.gif Kiss Baby Before You Go (1901) Harry Castling(w&m) Milner Verren (perf.)
sm15.gif Knock Your Heads Together! (1907) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Michael Nolan (perf.)
sm15.gif Labour Leader (1920), The Harry Castling Fred Curran (words)
sm15.gif Leaving Home (1892) Harry Castling Arthur Pearl (words)
F W Venton (words)
sm15.gif  Let's All Go Down the Strand (1908) Harry Castling(w&m) C.W. Murphy (co-author)
Chas R. Whittle (perf.)
sm15.gif Let's Call All the Money In (1909) Harry Castling Dave O'Toole (words)
sm15.gif Let's Have the Lights Up in London! (1916) Harry Castling(w&m) Chas R. Whittle (perf.)
sm15.gif Like the Flowing Tide (1906) Harry Castling A J Mills (words)
sm15.gif Little Grey Old Lady in a Faded Cotton Gown (1920), A Harry Castling Henry E. Pether (words)
sm15.gif Look What Percy's Picked Up in the Park (1912) Harry Castling Joe Burley (words)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif Mammy Is the Captain (1896) Harry Castling(w&m) Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif Marching! (1891) Harry Castling John S. Baker (words)
Charles Gardener (perf.)
sm15.gif Meet Me Down by the -Den Gate (1920) Harry Castling Charles Collins (words)
sm15.gif Money and Misery (1914) Harry Castling Dan Lipton (words)
Fred Curran (perf.)
sm15.gif More Trouble in Our Native Land (1899) Harry Castling(w&m) Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif Mother's Found Another Father (1902) Harry Castling Charles Collins (words)
Lottie Lennox (perf.)
sm15.gif Mother's Made It Up With Father (1902) Harry Castling(w&m) Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif My ''Are You There?'' Girl (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif My House Is Liberty Hall (1912) Harry Castling Ida Re'vell (words)
sm15.gif My Housetop on the Trees (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif My Lady's Shoe (1909) Harry Castling Charles Collins (words)
Harry Clifford (perf.)
sm15.gif Night I Fought Jack Johnson (1911), The Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Ted Waite (perf.)
sm15.gif  Obadiah Walked Behind the Drum (1897) Harry Castling Rosie D'Alberg (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! Father, When You Married Mother (1911) Harry Castling Charles Collins (words)
Florrie Forde (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! Let Me Have Another, Georgie (1899) Harry Castling(w&m) Tom E. Leamore (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! Ria (1893) Harry Castling Arthur Pearl (words)
A E Perrini (words)
Arthur Pearl (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! the Decorations (1901) Harry Castling(w&m) Marie Kendall (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! the Girls of Gottenberg (1908) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! What a Surprise I Got (1891) Harry Castling John S. Baker (words)
Charles Gardener (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, the Sandals (1901) Harry Castling(w&m) Lily Marney (perf.)
sm15.gif Old Man's Story (1894), The Harry Castling(w&m)
sm15.gif On the Old Garden Wall (1912) Harry Castling(w&m) Morny Cash (perf.)
sm15.gif On the Road to Ruin (1912) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Harry Weldon (perf.)
sm15.gif One Bob a Day (1919) Harry Castling(w&m) Tom Yorke (perf.)
sm15.gif One of the Proudest Moments of His Life (1898) Harry Castling(w&m) May Evans (perf.)
sm15.gif One of the Shabby Genteel (1902) Harry Castling(w&m) Harry Bedford (perf.)
sm15.gif One She'll Love the Best (1907), The Harry Castling(w&m) Ryder Slone (perf.)
sm15.gif Onward, Onward to the Top of the Hill (1921) Harry Castling(w&m) Chas R. Whittle (perf.)
sm15.gif Our Fire Is a Nice Fire (1925) Harry Castling(w&m) Chas R. Whittle (perf.)
sm15.gif Our New Slavey (1900) Harry Castling A J Mills (words)
Harry Bedford (perf.)
sm15.gif  Our Threepenny Hop (1901) Harry Castling(w&m) Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif Out of Work (1901) Harry Castling Fred W Leigh (words)
W. P. Dempsey (perf.)
sm15.gif Over the Hills, and Far Away (1908) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif Pedigrees (1905) Harry Castling(w&m) Harry Weldon (perf.)
sm15.gif Picnic (1904), The Harry Castling(w&m)
sm15.gif Place Where We Said ''Good-Bye'' (1906), The Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Charles Collins (words)
sm15.gif Playing the Game of Soldiers (1900) Harry Castling Harry Leighton (words)
Gus Hindell (perf.)
sm15.gif Publican's Lament (1919), The Harry Castling(w&m) Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Ring-A-Ding! Puff-Puff! (1910) Harry Castling(w&m) Millie Payne (perf.)
sm15.gif Roll Your Little Rosie Round! (1909) Harry Castling(w&m) C W Murphy (co-author)
sm15.gif Rose and the Buttercup (1903), The Harry Castling(w&m) Florrie Forde (perf.)
sm15.gif Rosebud (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif Sage and the Onion (1903), The Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
George Brooks (words)
sm15.gif Save a Little One For Me (1909) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
Harry Bluff as Fred Mayne (perf.)
Billy Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif See What Percy's Picked Up in the Park (1912) Harry Castling Joe Burley (words)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif Send Us a Few More Girls! (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
Arthur Reece (perf.)
sm15.gif She Makes Me Walk in Ragtime (1912) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Jack Pleasants (perf.)
sm15.gif She Was One of the Forty Thieves (1894) Harry Castling A J Mills (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif  She's an Old Sweetheart of Mine (1912) Harry Castling(w&m) Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif She's Only Been With Us a Week (1925) Harry Castling(w&m) Albert Whelan (perf.)
sm15.gif Sheeny Coon (1898), The Harry Castling(w&m) Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Somebody Else's Eyes (1903) Harry Castling(w&m) Milner Verren (perf.)
sm15.gif Starve Her, Joe (1905) Harry Castling A.J. Mills (words)
sm15.gif Sunbeam (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif Take Me Down Piccadilly (1911) Harry Castling(w&m) Gus Harris (perf.)
sm15.gif Take Your Greedy Eyes Off My Little Girl! (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
Daisy Dormer (perf.)
sm15.gif Tell the Missis You've Been Out With Me (1910) Harry Castling(w&m)
sm15.gif Telling the Old, Old Story (1915) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Gus Harris (perf.)
sm15.gif That Pudding (1901) Harry Castling(w&m) Frank Coyne (perf.)
sm15.gif That Was Before We Were Married (1895) Harry Castling(w&m) Charles Gardener (perf.)
sm15.gif That'll Doodle Doodle Doodle Doodle Do (1896) Harry Castling Harry Wincott (words)
T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif That's the Girl For Me (1899) Harry Castling(w&m) Will Dalton (perf.)
sm15.gif That's the Kind of Man James Is (1901) Harry Castling(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif That's What He Bought With His Wages (1897) Harry Castling A J Mills (words)
Frank Lynne (perf.)
sm15.gif That's What I Shall Do With Mine (1899) Harry Castling(w&m) Marie Kendall (perf.)
sm15.gif There's No Wife Like Your Own Little Wife (1921) Harry Castling(w&m) Chas R. Whittle (perf.)
sm15.gif  They All Went Out (1928) Harry Castling Thomas McGhee (words)
sm15.gif They Can't Do More Than That (1901) Harry Castling(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif They're All Like Life (1898) Harry Castling Fred W Leigh (words)
W. P. Dempsey (perf.)
sm15.gif Though All Your Pals May Leave You (1903) Harry Castling(w&m) Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif Tis Better to Have Loved and Lost (1901) Harry Castling(w&m)
sm15.gif To Sin Is But Human (1903) Harry Castling(w&m)
sm15.gif To the Right and Left of Yer (1897) Harry Castling(w&m) Charles Bignell (perf.)
sm15.gif To-Night's the Night! (1911) Harry Castling(w&m) Gus Harris (perf.)
sm15.gif Tom Costello's Appreciation of ''There's Air'' (1900) Harry Castling Edgar Bateman (words)
Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Treasures of Home (1891) Harry Castling John S. Baker (words)
Charles Gardener (perf.)
sm15.gif Two Girls Are Not Too Many For a Fellow Like Me (1905) Harry Castling Charles Collins (words)
Florrie Gallimore (perf.)
sm15.gif Two Little Wooden Shoes (1907) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif Ups and Downs (1909) Harry Castling Charles Collins (words)
Tom Yorke (perf.)
sm15.gif Wait Till Bill Gets Hold of 'em (1900) Harry Castling(w&m) Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif Waiting Till the Moon Went in (1913) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif Waiting to Welcome Him Home (1893) Harry Castling Walter Stockwell (words)
F W Venton (words)
sm15.gif War Bread (1918) Harry Castling(w&m) Morny Cash (perf.)
sm15.gif We All Said ''No'' (1927) Harry Castling(w&m) Lily Morris (perf.)
sm15.gif  We Didn't Get Home For a Week (1893) Harry Castling J. P. Harrington (words)
Walter Stockwell (perf.)
sm15.gif We'll All Go Home in Ragtime (1913) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Chas R. Whittle (perf.)
sm15.gif We'll Have a Night Out Together To-Night! (1912) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif We're All Going to the Seaside (1911) Harry Castling(w&m) Harry Bluff as Bobbie Naish (perf.)
sm15.gif We've All Got Honey on the Brain (1902) Harry Castling Edgar Bateman (words)
Harry Bedford (perf.)
sm15.gif We've Got Quite Enough of Our Own (1897) Harry Castling George Le Brunn (words)
Steve McCarthy (words)
Marie Kendall (perf.)
sm15.gif What a Pity There Are Not More Girls Like You (1904) Harry Castling R Woods Gyle (words)
sm15.gif What Are the Wild Waves Saying?- Hitchy-Koo (1913) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
sm15.gif What Do You Want For Your Flag, John Bull? (1902) Harry Castling(w&m) Charles Russell (perf.)
sm15.gif What Ho! She Bumps! (1899) Harry Castling(w&m) A J Mills (co-author)
Charles Bignell (perf.)
sm15.gif When Are You Ging to War? (1898) Harry Castling Steve McCarthy (words)
sm15.gif When Father's Done With 'em He's Going to Give 'em to Me (1903) Harry Castling George Brooks (words)
sm15.gif When I Get Beside the Seaside (1923) Harry Castling(w&m)
sm15.gif When I Look Into Your Eyes of Blue (1904) Harry Castling(w&m) Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif When I See You Fishing (1911) Harry Castling C W Murphy (words)
Daisy Dormer (perf.)
sm15.gif When the Wintry Winds Begin to Blow (1893) Harry Castling J. P. Harrington (words)
John S. Baker (words)
Jenny Valmore (perf.)
sm15.gif When They Ask You What Your Name Is (1908) Harry Castling(w&m) Fred Godfrey (co-author)
Dave Carter (perf.)
sm15.gif When You Wake Up in the Morning (1897) Harry Castling(w&m) Charles Deane (perf.)
sm15.gif  Where Have the Girls All Gone To? (1891) Harry Castling Walter Stockwell (words)
John S. Baker (words)
sm15.gif Who Killed Bill Bailey? (1904) Harry Castling Sandford & Lyons (words)
George Sandford (perf.)
sm15.gif Who Wants a Girl? (1916) Harry Castling(w&m)
sm15.gif Whoa! the Gee-Gees (1898) Harry Castling(w&m) Charles Deane (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Don't Flies Get Fat? (1929) Harry Castling Elvin Hedges (words)
sm15.gif You Never Know (1911) Harry Castling(w&m) Dave Carter (perf.)
sm15.gif All the Dogs Went Bow-Wow-Wow (1895) Harry Champion Fred W Leigh (words)
sm15.gif While I Was Licking My Stamp (1913) Harry Champion Willie Wye (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
sm15.gif It's Never Too Late to Love (1903) Aubrey Chaplin Robert Donnelly (words)
Marie Blythe (perf.)
sm15.gif Comin' Thro' the Rye (1891) G.H. Chirgwin Boy Jones (words)
John S Baker (words)
G.H. Chirgwin (perf.)
sm15.gif Comparisons Melodious (1889) G.H. Chirgwin Harry Hunter (words)
sm15.gif It Never Could Happen Here (1884) G.H. Chirgwin W. Burnot (words)
sm15.gif My Fiddle Is My Sweetheart (1896) G.H. Chirgwin Harry Hunter (words)
G.H. Chirgwin (perf.)
sm15.gif It Makes a Good Impression (1896) Cuthbert Edward Clarke Malcolm Arnold (words)
Jenny Valmore (perf.)
sm15.gif After To-Night Say Good-Bye (1900) Herbert Clark(w&m) J. H. Hurst (perf.)
sm15.gif Chinee and the Coon and The Tramp's Cake Walk (1901), The Herbert Clark(w&m)
sm15.gif I Could Do With a Penny For a Shave (1901) Herbert Clark George Thorn (words)
sm15.gif I Do Love You, and You Do Love Me (1910) Herbert Clark E.W. Rogers (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif  Maid in the Lowther Arcade (1900), The Herbert Clark(w&m) Paul Mill (perf.)
sm15.gif New York, London or Paris (190-) Herbert Clark A J Forrester (words)
sm15.gif Shall I Save You an Almanac? (1903) Herbert Clark(w&m)
sm15.gif She Ain't a Bit Like the Other Gals, (1901) Herbert Clark(w&m)
sm15.gif Back Once Again (1915) Fred E. Cliffe James Whidden (co-author)
sm15.gif Change That Rag Into a March Refrain (1915) Fred E. Cliffe James Whidden (co-author)
sm15.gif In Lonesome Land (1915) Fred E. Cliffe James Whidden (co-author)
sm15.gif Somewhere in Dear Old England (1915) Fred E. Cliffe James Whidden (co-author)
sm15.gif Britannia's Menagerie (1900) Nat Clifford(w&m) Lillie English (perf.)
sm15.gif Let's Have a Game at Soldiers (1901) Nat Clifford Alma Obrey (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! Jack, You Are a Handy Man (1901) Nat Clifford(w&m) Katie Lawrence (perf.)
sm15.gif E Was a Perfect Gentleman (1897) Charles Coborn(w&m) Charles Coborn (perf.)
sm15.gif He's All Right When You Know Him (1887) Charles Coborn(w&m) Charles Coborn (perf.)
sm15.gif I Shan't Try It on Any More (1886) Charles Coborn(w&m) Charles Coborn (perf.)
sm15.gif Life-Boat Crew (1894), The Charles Coborn(w&m) Charles Coborn (perf.)
sm15.gif Onions (1907) Charles Coborn G A Warriner (words)
Charles Coborn (perf.)
sm15.gif She Used to Push a Basinette (1907) Charles Coborn(w&m) Charles Coborn (perf.)
sm15.gif Should Husbands Work? (1898) Charles Coborn George Thorn (words)
Charles Coborn (perf.)
sm15.gif  So They All Came (1900) Charles Coborn George Thorn (words)
Charles Coborn (perf.)
sm15.gif Two Lovely Black Eyes (1886) Charles Coborn(w&m) Charles Coborn (perf.)
sm15.gif What Is It Master Likes So Much? (1911) Charles Coborn Ben Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif What's the Matter With -? He's All Right (1889) Charles Coborn(w&m) Charles Coborn (perf.)
sm15.gif Hannah's a Hummer (1900) George. M. Cohan(w&m) Carlotta Levey (perf.)
sm15.gif Abbey Ruin (1918), The Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Harry Bedford (perf.)
sm15.gif Artful Little Spider and the Fly (1902), The Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
sm15.gif As Long As You Know the Girl You Love Loves You (1908) Charles Collins George A. Stevens (words)
sm15.gif Ball Went Rolling Down the Hill (1901), The Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Michael Nolan (perf.)
sm15.gif Bella Brown (1906) Charles Collins(w&m) Joe O'Gorman (perf.)
sm15.gif Best Love of All (1910), The Charles Collins Leonard Cooke (words)
sm15.gif Better Than All the Toys (1902) Charles Collins Fred W. Leigh (words)
sm15.gif Braw Scotch Laddie, and His Sweetheart's Daddy (1907), The Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif Buster Simpson, Esquire (1906) Charles Collins(w&m) Minnie Mace (perf.)
sm15.gif Charley, Take Hold of My Arm! (1911) Charles Collins J. P. Harrington (words)
Charlie Rich (perf.)
Harry Rich (perf.)
sm15.gif Come and Have a Drink With Me! (1908) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif Come and Take Tea With Me (1910) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Rose Gower (perf.)
sm15.gif Come Down, Mrs. Brown! Come Down! (1911) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif  Daddy, Buy Me a Big Balloon (1908) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif Daddy, I'm Going to Bye-Bye! (1902) Charles Collins Maurice Crosby (words)
Henry E. Pether (words)
sm15.gif Dear Little Lady I Took For a Walk (1907), The Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
J W Ellison (words)
sm15.gif Dick, Dick, With Your Walking Stick (1912) Charles Collins Joe Burley (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
sm15.gif Do Yer Don't? (1909) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Tom Yorke (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't Cry, Daddy! (1907) Charles Collins Nat Clifford (words)
Tom E. Leamore (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't Cry, Sister Jane! (1905) Charles Collins(w&m)
sm15.gif Don't Speak of the Past! (1905) Charles Collins J. P. Harrington (words)
sm15.gif Don't Take Me Away From the Girls (1910) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Joe Archer (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't You Love Your Little Charlie Now? (1907) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
Florrie Gallimore (perf.)
sm15.gif Drop Me a Line, (1909) Charles Collins John A. Glover-Kind (words)
C W Murphy (words)
sm15.gif Ev'rybody Knows Me in My Old Brown Hat (1920) Charles Collins Fred W. Leigh (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
sm15.gif Father's Got the Sack From the Water Works (1915) Charles Collins Terry Sullivan (words)
Madie Scott (perf.)
sm15.gif Fifty Long Years Ago (1907) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
Harry Bancroft (perf.)
Sidney Kent (perf.)
sm15.gif Fifty Years Ago (1903) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
sm15.gif Fly Away, Pretty Bird (1903) Charles Collins Maurice Crosby (words)
Henry E. Pether (words)
Lily Morris (perf.)
sm15.gif Follow the Girls! (1907) Charles Collins Fred E Terry (words)
Charles Deane (perf.)
sm15.gif Give Me Your Blessing, Dear Mother (1908) Charles Collins Edgar Bateman (words)
sm15.gif  Good-Night Mr. Brown! I'm Out! (1905) Charles Collins(w&m) Amber Austa (perf.)
sm15.gif Have It Over Your Side, Lucy (1900) Charles Collins Fred Barnes (words)
Frank Coyne (perf.)
sm15.gif He's Just As Much to His Mother (1904) Charles Collins Harry Castling (words)
sm15.gif Hello, Mister Right! (1909) Charles Collins Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif I Ain't A-Going to Book You Any More! (1906) Charles Collins(w&m)
sm15.gif I Ask No Vow (1902) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
sm15.gif I Don't Only Want You For My Sunday Girl (1906) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif I Have a Flower in My Heart, Dear (1910) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
sm15.gif I Love a Dear Little Lady (1900) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Walter Munroe (perf.)
Ryder Slone (perf.)
sm15.gif I Mustn't Treat the Missus (1915) Charles Collins Phil Bransby (words)
sm15.gif I Pay For All (1908) Charles Collins Edgar Bateman (words)
Frank Boyce (perf.)
sm15.gif I Put My Um-Ber-El-Ler Up (1900) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Joe Archer (perf.)
sm15.gif I Shall Blow My Whistle! (1910) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Harry Knox (perf.)
sm15.gif I Shan't Speak to You Any More! (1907) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif I Want a Wife Who'll Take Care of Me (1906) Charles Collins Fred W. Leigh (words)
sm15.gif I Was Holding My Cocoanut (1913) Charles Collins Joe Burley (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
sm15.gif I Will Have a Night To-Night! (1915) Charles Collins(w&m) Morny Cash (perf.)
sm15.gif I Wouldn't Leave My Little Wooden Hut For You! (1905) Charles Collins Albert Whelan (perf.)
Daisy Dormer (perf.)
sm15.gif  I'll Be Glad When the Daisies Are Growing (1909) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif I'm Better Off in My Little Dug-Out (1917) Charles Collins(w&m)
sm15.gif I'm Coming in With You (1905) Charles Collins(w&m) Joe Archer (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Goin'- I'm Goin'- I'm Gone! (1906) Charles Collins Harry Castling (words)
Daisy Dormer (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Going to Buy You the R.I.N.G (1919) Charles Collins(w&m) Jen Latona (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Not Going to Marry You! (1905) Charles Collins(w&m)
sm15.gif I'm Proud of My Old Bald Head! (1911) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Been Dreaming (1907) Charles Collins(w&m) Daisy Dormer (perf.)
sm15.gif If Everybody Were As Kind As You (1907) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif If I Can't Come Around to Your House (1907) Charles Collins(w&m) George D'Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif If I Could Paint Her Picture in the Sky (1918) Charles Collins Edgar Bateman (words)
sm15.gif If We Had No Money in the World (1911) Charles Collins Fred E Terry (words)
Joe Archer (perf.)
sm15.gif If We Hadn't Any Women in the World (1905) Charles Collins(w&m) Joe Archer (perf.)
sm15.gif If You Can't Buy a Motor-Car, Buy a Motor-Cap (1904) Charles Collins(w&m) Nellie Wilson (perf.)
sm15.gif In the Evening When I Leave You, Eva Dear (1911) Charles Collins(w&m)
sm15.gif It Belongs to Somebody Else (1899) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Joe Archer (perf.)
sm15.gif It's Impossible to Find a Better Girl Than You (1906) Charles Collins(w&m) Florence Schuberth (perf.)
sm15.gif It's Nice to See a Father Nurse the Baby (1909) Charles Collins Fred E. Terry (words)
sm15.gif  It's No Use You Calling ''Hannah''! (1907) Charles Collins(w&m) Frederick Johnson Barnes (words)
George Collins (perf.)
Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif Ivy That Is Clinging to the Wall (1904), The Charles Collins(w&m) Harry Anderson (perf.)
sm15.gif Just Another Month or So (1900) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Marie Collins (perf.)
sm15.gif Just Because You've Got a Brand-New Suit On (1906) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif Keep on Jogging Along (1909) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Fred E Terry (words)
Joe Archer (perf.)
sm15.gif Keep That Flag A-Flying (1900) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Lizzie Collins (perf.)
sm15.gif Kind Mr. Santa Claus (1904) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
sm15.gif Ladder of Life (1910), The Charles Collins Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif Last of the Dandies (1901), The Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
George Gray (perf.)
sm15.gif Laughable Times (1904) Charles Collins(w&m) George Collins (perf.)
sm15.gif Let Me Have a Little Chat With You, Pretty Pol (1908) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif Let's Go the Longest Way (1911) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
sm15.gif Little Johnnie Johnson's First Smoke (1920) Charles Collins Harry Castling (words)
sm15.gif Little Johnnie's ''Firework Club'' (1904) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
sm15.gif Little Things, and What They Lead To (1902) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Joe Archer (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Willie Brown (1901) Charles Collins James Blakeley (words)
Charles Frohman (words)
Ivan Caryll (words)
sm15.gif Love Me For a Little While (1906) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
Rosie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Me Just a Little Bit (1919) Charles Collins(w&m)
sm15.gif  Lucy's Black Coon (1903) Charles Collins Henry E. Pether (words)
Fanny St. Claire (perf.)
sm15.gif Ma Paid Pa (1898) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
George D'Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif Maggie Mclaren (1910) Charles Collins Fred E Terry (words)
sm15.gif Mammy's an Angel (1904) Charles Collins Frederick Johnson Barnes (words)
Maude Forde (perf.)
sm15.gif Man Is Different to a Woman (1903), A Charles Collins(w&m) George D'Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif Martha, Martha, Why Don't You Name the Day? (1899) Charles Collins(w&m) Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif Maude (1909) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Lottie Lennox (perf.)
sm15.gif Mister Johnson (1907) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
Daisy Dormer (perf.)
sm15.gif Money in the Bank (1908) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
sm15.gif Mooney (1911) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Joe Archer (perf.)
sm15.gif Mother's Old Arm Chair (1899) Charles Collins(w&m) Alice Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif My Artificial Rose (1903) Charles Collins Frank W. Carter (words)
R P Weston (words)
Harry Bedford (perf.)
sm15.gif My Daddy's a Gentleman (1900) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
George D'Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif My Father's Jokes (1907) Charles Collins Harry Castling (words)
George Brooks (perf.)
sm15.gif My Friend Is My Pocket (1901) Charles Collins Frederick Johnson Barnes (words)
Harry Anderson (perf.)
sm15.gif My Hindoo Queen (1904) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Kit Keen (perf.)
sm15.gif My House Full of Treaures (1912) Charles Collins J Lawrence (words)
Harry Anderson (perf.)
sm15.gif My Little Yiddisher Boy (1908) Charles Collins Herbert Rule (words)
George Jackley (perf.)
Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif  My Lovely Susie-Sue (1905) Charles Collins(w&m) Tom E. Leamore (perf.)
sm15.gif My Only Friend (1907) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif My Sleeping Beauty! (1904) Charles Collins Harry Castling (words)
sm15.gif My Sue-Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo (1902) Charles Collins Frederick Johnson Barnes (words)
Poppy Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif My Wife's Upset Me! (1908) Charles Collins Fred Godfrey (words)
Fred E Terry (words)
sm15.gif My Wigwam Just Holds Two (1907) Charles Collins Dave Hall (words)
sm15.gif New Cut Coon (1899), The Charles Collins(w&m) Edgar Bateman (words)
Gus Elen (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! Adam and Eve (1908) Charles Collins George Collins (words)
Ada Fawn (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! Kate Carney (1896) Charles Collins(w&m) Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! There Isn't a Girl to Spare (1910) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Harry Anderson (perf.)
Winnie Derson (perf.)
sm15.gif Old High Hat That I Got Married In (1913), The Charles Collins E A Sheppard (words)
sm15.gif On the Same Place Every Time (1909) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif One Fine Day (1909) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif Only a Dear Old Bugle (1908) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif Only a Factory Girl (1903) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Lottie Lennox (perf.)
sm15.gif Only a Man (1907) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Tom Woottwell (perf.)
sm15.gif Only a Silver Locket (1905) Charles Collins J. P. Harrington (words)
sm15.gif Only a Tiny Band of Gold (1899) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif  Only Good-Night, Not Good-Bye (1899) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
John S. Baker (words)
Winnie Derson (perf.)
sm15.gif Only the Stars to Peep (1903) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Milner Verren (perf.)
sm15.gif Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo, What Am I to Do? (1901) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Winnie Derson (perf.)
sm15.gif Oui! Oui! Oui! (1900) Charles Collins(w&m) Tom E. Leamore (perf.)
sm15.gif Patsy Brannigan (1910) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif Patsy Hennessey (1911) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Joe Archer (perf.)
sm15.gif Peace (1902) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
George D'Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif Picture From Nature (1901), A Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Florrie Gallimore (perf.)
sm15.gif Play That Melody Again (1900) Charles Collins Fred Barnes (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Prettiest Girl in Town (1909), The Charles Collins E W Rogers (words)
sm15.gif Rachel Lewis, the Sweet Lttle Jewess (1911) Charles Collins Joe Burley (words)
Lowenwirth (perf.)
Charles Cohan (perf.)
sm15.gif Ragtime Rag Shop (1912), The Charles Collins Joe Burley (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
sm15.gif Rip Van Winkle (1900) Charles Collins Harry Castling (words)
Tom E. Leamore (perf.)
sm15.gif Roaming Romeo (1901), A Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Harry Anderson (perf.)
sm15.gif S.W. EE. T.H.E.A. RT (1914) Charles Collins Terry Sullivan (words)
sm15.gif Scoot (1907) Charles Collins Tom Mellor (words)
Amber Austa (perf.)
Daisy Dormer (perf.)
sm15.gif Seagull! (1905) Charles Collins E W Rogers (words)
Albert Pearce (perf.)
J.W. Ellison (perf.)
Harry Bancroft (perf.)
sm15.gif Send For Carter Paterson (1908) Charles Collins W.H. Wallis (words)
sm15.gif  Shall I Be an Angel, Daddy? (1897) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
George D'Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif She May Be Wealthy, She May Be Poor (1911) Charles Collins(w&m) Fred Murray (co-author)
Will Letters (co-author)
Florrie Gallimore (perf.)
sm15.gif She May Not Be a Lady (1900) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Harry Anderson (perf.)
Winnie Derson (perf.)
sm15.gif She'll Be Seventeen on Sunday (1910) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif Shore Beyond the Skies (1904), The Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Milner Verren (perf.)
sm15.gif Start Out With Nothing in Your Pocket (1911) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Charlie Rich (perf.)
Harry Rich (perf.)
sm15.gif Sun Is Shining Brightly - Not For Me (1915), The Charles Collins Terry Sullivan (words)
Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Susie Anna (1899) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Frank Coyne (perf.)
sm15.gif Sweet Little Maid of Genoa (1913) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
sm15.gif Sweet Little Rose of Persia (1900) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Tom E. Leamore (perf.)
sm15.gif Sweet Seventy-Two (1909) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Sweetest Kiss of All (1911), The Charles Collins Fred Godfrey (co-author)
Jessie Preston (perf.)
Queenie Leighton (perf.)
sm15.gif Sweetest Singer of All (1904), The Charles Collins Edgar Bateman (words)
J W Ellison (words)
sm15.gif That Pretty Little Wife of Mine (1900) Charles Collins Walter Hastings (words)
Edgar Bateman (words)
Harry Bawn (perf.)
sm15.gif That's All That She Lets Me Do (1909) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif That's How He Saves His Money (1900) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
George D'Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif That's How They Say Good-Bye! (1896) Charles Collins(w&m) Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif That's When I'm Thinking of You (1901) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Lizzie Collins (perf.)
sm15.gif  There Ain't No Bones in Beer (1918) Charles Collins Fred W. Leigh (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
sm15.gif There You Are Again, With the Same Old Smile! (1907) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
Harry Anderson (perf.)
sm15.gif There's a Nice Little Home A-Waiting (1898) Charles Collins(w&m) Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif This Is the Harem Skirt (1911) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Millie Payne (perf.)
sm15.gif Those Bonny Brown Eyes at My Billet (1916) Charles Collins Percy Edgar (words)
Frederick Johnson Barnes (words)
sm15.gif Though Her Head Is Bent With Age (1901) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif Three Makes Jolly Fine Company (1903) Charles Collins E W Rogers (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif To-Morrow Is Mother's Birthday (1904) Charles Collins Harry Castling (words)
sm15.gif Too Many Eyes About (1908) Charles Collins Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif Tramp (1908), The Charles Collins Harry Castling (words)
Ida Barr (perf.)
sm15.gif Turn Back, Whittington (1899) Charles Collins Nat Clifford (words)
Tom E. Leamore (perf.)
sm15.gif Two Little Boys and the Apples (1902) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
sm15.gif Very Old Friend of the Family (1907), A Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
George Collins (perf.)
sm15.gif Waiting For a Girl (1908) Charles Collins A J Mills (words)
Daisy Dormer (perf.)
sm15.gif We Go to Sleep Again (1904) Charles Collins Harry Castling (words)
Will Musgrave (perf.)
sm15.gif We'd a Nice Little Parlour When We Started (1904) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Harry Anderson (perf.)
sm15.gif We'd Better Strip the Bed and Have Another Little Look (1911) Charles Collins Joe Burley (words)
Harry Bull (words)
George D'Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif When a Girl Says No (1908) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
sm15.gif  When a Woman Says No (1912) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Mark Sheridan (perf.)
sm15.gif When I See Your Face (1910) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif When Is My Birthday, Daddy? (1909) Charles Collins Fred E Terry (words)
sm15.gif When the Baby Starts to Talk (1907) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif When the Stars Are Peeping (1898) Charles Collins(w&m) Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif When the Wedding Bells Go Ding-Dong (1915) Charles Collins Fred W. Leigh (words)
Jen Latona (perf.)
sm15.gif Who Does the Lady Belong To? (1915) Charles Collins(w&m) Lily Morris (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Am I Always the Bridesmaid? (1917) Charles Collins Fred W. Leigh (words)
Lily Morris (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Be Ashamed of Him Now? (1909) Charles Collins Fred Godfrey (words)
Billie Burford (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Did You Come Knocking at the Door? (1913) Charles Collins Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Why Did You Teach Me to Love You? (1908) Charles Collins Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif Why Does the World Seem Brighter? (1907) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
sm15.gif Wipe Your Feet Before You Go In (1904) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
Lily Morris (perf.)
sm15.gif Wouldn't You Like to Know? (1898) Charles Collins(w&m) Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif You Be My Gee-Gee, Daddy (1902) Charles Collins(w&m)
sm15.gif You Can't Punch My Ticket Again (1897) Charles Collins(w&m) Cissie Kent (perf.)
sm15.gif You Do Look Pretty in Your Tea-Gown, Kitty! (1911) Charles Collins Harry Staunton (words)
sm15.gif You Don't Want Me (1907) Charles Collins(w&m) Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif  You Must Call the Lady ''Mother'' (1903) Charles Collins(w&m) George D'Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif You Shan't Come in My Pretty Cage (1903) Charles Collins Fred W. Leigh (words)
Daisy Dormer (perf.)
sm15.gif You Stick to the Ship, My Lads! (1905) Charles Collins(w&m) Tom E. Leamore (perf.)
sm15.gif You'd Better Go, Mister Snow! (1910) Charles Collins Huntley Trevor (words)
J. P. Harrington (words)
sm15.gif You're Not Going Like That! (1904) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
sm15.gif You're Wearing the Hat Your Father Wore (1909) Charles Collins Fred Murray (words)
Joe Archer (perf.)
sm15.gif Your Mother Once Was All to Me (1907) Charles Collins Fred J Barnes (words)
sm15.gif After All the Shouting (1902) T.W. Connor George Lashwood (perf.)
sm15.gif All For Father's Sake (1912) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif All of a Sudden He Stopped (1902) T.W. Connor Alf Gibson (perf.)
sm15.gif All on the Nod (1895) T.W. Connor George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif All Over the Shop (1895) T.W. Connor Little Tich (perf.)
sm15.gif And His Days Work Was Done (1903) T.W. Connor George Brooks (perf.)
sm15.gif Angel's Eyes (1903) T.W. Connor
sm15.gif Another Little ''Bird'' (1906) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif Anywhere Does For Me! (1906) T.W. Connor(w&m) Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif As on Their Wedding Day (1895) T.W. Connor Daisy May (perf.)
sm15.gif At My Time O' Life (1896) T.W. Connor(w&m) Herbert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif  Bally Bull-Dog (1900), The T.W. Connor G.W. Hunter (perf.)
sm15.gif Beautiful Home - ''On Hire'' (1901) T.W. Connor(w&m) Charles Deane (perf.)
sm15.gif Bertie (1905) T.W. Connor George Lashwood (perf.)
sm15.gif Boys That Do the Fighting (1897), The T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Bunch of Shamrock (1904), A T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Come Round and Hear the Gramophone! (1912) T.W. Connor
sm15.gif Come With Me in My Caravan (1908) T.W. Connor(w&m)
sm15.gif Convict and the Bird (1910), The T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Couldn't Help It, Had To (1897) T.W. Connor(w&m) T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't Forget To-Night (1902) T.W. Connor George Lashwood (perf.)
sm15.gif E'd Come a Long Way to Oblige (1894) T.W. Connor Frederick Eplett (words)
George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif E's Allus Got a Cert (1895) T.W. Connor Marie Kendall (perf.)
sm15.gif Father Keeps on Doing It! (1905) T.W. Connor Harry Bluff (perf.)
Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif Father Went Down to Southend! (1911) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
Jack Charman (perf.)
sm15.gif Fly and the Treacle-Pot (1903), The T.W. Connor Herbert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif Frozen Meat (1904) T.W. Connor Alf Gibson (perf.)
sm15.gif George Beauchamp's All on the Nod (1895) T.W. Connor George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif George Brooks' ''Good-Night, Nurse!'' (1909) T.W. Connor George Brooks (perf.)
sm15.gif  Girl With the ''Rooster'' in Her Hat! (1910), The T.W. Connor George Lashwood (perf.)
sm15.gif Good-Bye Polly (1897) T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Goose and the Golden Eggs (1896), The T.W. Connor George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif Happy Land (1906) T.W. Connor George Brooks (perf.)
sm15.gif Having a ''Liker'' (1897) T.W. Connor George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif He Had a Little Drop (1898) T.W. Connor Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif He Was ''One of the Boys'' (1907) T.W. Connor Carlotta Levey (perf.)
sm15.gif He's a Pal! (1910) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif He's Got to Keep A-Movin' (1894) T.W. Connor John S Baker (words)
George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif He's Not Dead Yet! (1895) T.W. Connor(w&m) J. W. Rowley (perf.)
sm15.gif Hennessey (1910) T.W. Connor
sm15.gif His Own Mother Wouldn't Know Him Now (1893) T.W. Connor John S Baker (words)
J. W. Rowley (perf.)
sm15.gif I Can't Change It (1894) T.W. Connor John S Baker (words)
George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif I Do It For Him Now! (1894) T.W. Connor John S Baker (words)
Daisy May (perf.)
sm15.gif I Finish 'em Off! (1907) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif I Love Two Little Girls! (1907) T.W. Connor
sm15.gif I Must Have a Day Off For That (1900) T.W. Connor J. W. Rowley (perf.)
sm15.gif I Thought It Was My Birthday Come (1905) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif  I Wish It Was 12 O'Clock (1919) T.W. Connor Jack Smiles (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Going to Ride a Bicycle (1897) T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm the Airy Fairy (1896) T.W. Connor Maggie Duggan (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Been Sleeping on the Floor All Night (1902) T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif If I Hadn't Ha' Been So Shy (1897) T.W. Connor George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif In Ballyhooly (1910) T.W. Connor
sm15.gif It's a Nice Little Cosy Kitchen (1902) T.W. Connor Charles Deane (perf.)
sm15.gif It's a Poor Heart That Never Rejoices (1907) T.W. Connor Maud Mortimer (perf.)
sm15.gif It's Only a Way I've Got (1912) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif It's Only Once a Year (1898) T.W. Connor J. W. Rowley (perf.)
sm15.gif It's That Little Touch of ''Home'' (1919) T.W. Connor Jen Latona (perf.)
sm15.gif Knocked Him- in Once (1895) T.W. Connor(w&m) T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Left- Right! (1901) T.W. Connor Charles Deane (perf.)
sm15.gif Let 'em All Come (1898) T.W. Connor Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Let To-Day Be the Day! (1922) T.W. Connor Sydney Moorhouse (perf.)
sm15.gif Let's Be Jubilant! (1897) T.W. Connor George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Bit of Cucumber (1915), A T.W. Connor Harry Champion (perf.)
sm15.gif Love's Golden Dream Up to Date (1894) T.W. Connor Millie Hylton (perf.)
sm15.gif  Mermaids (1900) T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Mice Have Been at It Again (1912), The T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif Money Don't Make Happiness (1909) T.W. Connor Carlotta Levey (perf.)
sm15.gif My Irish Honey, O! (1900) T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif My Old Comrade (1903) T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif New ''Perjarma'' Hat (1903), The T.W. Connor(w&m) Gus Elen (perf.)
sm15.gif Night In (1896), A T.W. Connor Harry Freeman (perf.)
sm15.gif Now We Sha'n't Be Long (1896) T.W. Connor Herbert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh the Business! (1902) T.W. Connor Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! What a Change in the Weather (1899) T.W. Connor Ada Reeve (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, ''Tit Bits''! (1903) T.W. Connor Harry Anderson (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, Nancy Lee! (1904) T.W. Connor Millie Hylton (perf.)
sm15.gif Old Cracked Basin (1907), The T.W. Connor(w&m) Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Old Dicky Bird (1901) T.W. Connor George Lashwood (perf.)
sm15.gif On the Esplanade (1911) T.W. Connor Mark Sheridan (perf.)
sm15.gif One's Enough (1901) T.W. Connor Charles Deane (perf.)
sm15.gif One, Two, Three (1899) T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Only Think of It! (1910) T.W. Connor Fred Earle (perf.)
sm15.gif  Pea Nuts [Sic] (1923) T.W. Connor Ernie Mayne (perf.)
sm15.gif Place They Call the ''Lump'' (1895), The T.W. Connor Tom E. Leamore (perf.)
sm15.gif Popping 'em Into Me (1902) T.W. Connor Alf Gibson (perf.)
sm15.gif Postponed (1898) T.W. Connor(w&m) T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Put a Bit of Salt on His Tail (1909) T.W. Connor Florrie Forde (perf.)
sm15.gif Riley Did It! (1896) T.W. Connor J. W. Rowley (perf.)
sm15.gif Sailing Merrily On! (1908) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif Sally O'Malley (1917) T.W. Connor
sm15.gif Same Old Clock in the Corner (1917), The T.W. Connor
sm15.gif Scapegrace Brother Jack (1892) T.W. Connor Bessie Bonehill (perf.)
sm15.gif She Don't Want a Maid to Dress Her Hair (1902) T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif She Was One of the Early Birds, and I Was One of the Worms (1895) T.W. Connor George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif She's Just As Much My Sweetheart Now (1902) T.W. Connor J. W. Rowley (perf.)
sm15.gif Sisters and Brothers (1905) T.W. Connor
sm15.gif So Does Father! (1907) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif Soap! (1897) T.W. Connor George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif Soldier's Farewell (1913), The T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Strolling in the Garden (1896) T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif  Study Those Who Study You (1908) T.W. Connor Carlotta Levey (perf.)
sm15.gif Sunday at Home (1893) T.W. Connor John S Baker (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Sweet Little Womanly Woman (1896), A T.W. Connor
sm15.gif Sweet Norah Grady (1906) T.W. Connor
sm15.gif Te Um Te Iddley Ay! (1907) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif Thank You, For Those Few Nuts! (1907) T.W. Connor(w&m) Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif That's As Far As I Want to Go! (1911) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif That's the Cutting Part (1893) T.W. Connor Bessie Bonehill (perf.)
sm15.gif That's the Time to Go (1897) T.W. Connor Herbert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif That's Where I Come In! (1905) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif Then We Parted (1895) T.W. Connor George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif There's a Nice How D'ye Do! (1909) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif There's a Pair of Bright Blue Eyes (1908) T.W. Connor
sm15.gif There's Another Insurance Claim (1914) T.W. Connor
sm15.gif There's Another One Out O' Work (1904) T.W. Connor
sm15.gif They Can't Diddle Me! (1905) T.W. Connor(w&m) Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif They Made Such a Fuss of Me! (1904) T.W. Connor Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif They Soon Made an Angel of Him There (1902) T.W. Connor Alf Gibson (perf.)
sm15.gif  They'll Want Me Later On (1894) T.W. Connor George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif Think of the Wives and Children (1899) T.W. Connor Fannie Leslie (perf.)
sm15.gif Tickle the Keys of Your Silvery Saxophone (1923) T.W. Connor
sm15.gif Tickle-Ickle-Um (1896) T.W. Connor Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif Till Pay-Day Comes Again (1901) T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Treasure Ship (1907), The T.W. Connor Harry Anderson (perf.)
sm15.gif Turn on the Water! (1905) T.W. Connor George Brooks (perf.)
sm15.gif Under the Mistletoe-Bough (1911) T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif We All Went Home Again (1909) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif We All Went Round (189-) T.W. Connor
sm15.gif We Never Have an Angry Word (1901) T.W. Connor Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif We've All Been Doing a Bit (1908) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif What a Diff'rence When Your Ship Comes Home! (1910) T.W. Connor
sm15.gif What Do You Do With Your Money? (1902) T.W. Connor Charles Deane (perf.)
sm15.gif What Paddy Gave the Drum (1900) T.W. Connor Michael Nolan (perf.)
sm15.gif When I Dreamed I Was Santa Claus (1901) T.W. Connor Ethel Haydon (perf.)
sm15.gif When I Got Up This Morning (1909) T.W. Connor Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif Who's Going to Mash Me To-Night (1898) T.W. Connor Tom Costello (words)
Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif  Why Should I Leave Old England? (1903) T.W. Connor J. W. Rowley (perf.)
sm15.gif Will You Go? (1899) T.W. Connor Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Won't They Be Glad to See Me! (1906) T.W. Connor Gladys Mavius (perf.)
sm15.gif You Do See and You Don't See! (1896) T.W. Connor Little Tich (perf.)
sm15.gif You Look After Me Old Boy (1893) T.W. Connor John S Baker (words)
Harry Freeman (perf.)
sm15.gif You May Want a Friend Some Day (1907) T.W. Connor(w&m) Florrie Gallimore (perf.)
sm15.gif You're a Bad, Bad Man to Gamble (1911) T.W. Connor Carlotta Levey (perf.)
sm15.gif Below! Below!! Below!!! (1888) John Cooke George Horncastle (words)
John S. Baker (words)
Nellie L'Estrange (perf.)
sm15.gif Called to the Bar (1889) John Cooke Frederick Bowyer (words)
John S. Baker (words)
Arthur Combes (perf.)
sm15.gif Economical Man (1897), The John Cooke(w&m) Walter Banks (perf.)
sm15.gif Good Old London Bill (1893) John Cooke Frederick Bowyer (words)
John S. Baker (words)
Jenny Hill (perf.)
sm15.gif Harem Scarem, or, When I Was Just the Same (1889) John Cooke George Horncastle (words)
Arthur Combes (perf.)
sm15.gif Here Floats the Flag (1887) John Cooke Hugh Moss (words)
Nellie L'Estrange (perf.)
sm15.gif I Am So Cold (1887) John Cooke Ambrose Manning (words)
J.J. Dallas (perf.)
sm15.gif Johnnie Is an Angel Now (1891) John Cooke Charles Wilmott (words)
Nellie L'Estrange (perf.)
sm15.gif Johnny Doolan's Cat (1890) John Cooke George Horncastle (words)
Rhodes & Conley (perf.)
sm15.gif So It Was! (1887) John Cooke George Horncastle (words)
G.H. MacDermott (perf.)
sm15.gif So Much the Better For You (1886) John Cooke(w&m) Bessie Bonehill (perf.)
sm15.gif  Very Quietly (1892) John Cooke Charles Wilmott (words)
Nellie L'Estrange (perf.)
sm15.gif What a Blessing! (1886) John Cooke(w&m) Herbert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif What to Sing Nowadays (1885) John Cooke(w&m) Herbert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif You Can't (1888) John Cooke T Maclean (words)
Nellie L'Estrange (perf.)
sm15.gif Land of Promise (1908;), The Florry Cooper Billie Bint (words)
Fanny Robina (perf.)
sm15.gif Visions of Long Ago (1907) Florry Cooper J.H. Brownson (words)
Florry Cooper (perf.)
Fanny Robina (perf.)
sm15.gif Blow Winds Gently (1898) Tom Costello(w&m)
sm15.gif I'm Giving Up My Job to the Kaiser (1915) Tom Costello Fred W. Leigh (words)
sm15.gif If You Love Me Just As I Love You (1903) Tom Costello A J Mills (words)
Bennett Scott (words)
sm15.gif Mary Devine (1915) Tom Costello Fred W. Leigh (words)
sm15.gif Nellie Brown (1919) Tom Costello Fred W. Leigh (words)
sm15.gif On Monday I Met Him (1909) Tom Costello Fred W. Leigh (words)
Henry E. Pether (words)
sm15.gif Pitmates (1913) Tom Costello(w&m)
sm15.gif Supersitious Wife (1896), The Tom Costello E W Rogers (words)
Charles Bignell (perf.)
sm15.gif When You Hear Your Country Calling (1915) Tom Costello Fred W. Leigh (words)
sm15.gif Phosphorescent Crew (1889), The John Crook Frederick Bowyer (words)
J.J. Dallas (perf.)
sm15.gif Pirate Bus (1886), The John Crook Frederick Bowyer (words)
Herbert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif Quakeress Ruth (1897) John Crook T A McWeeney (words)
Lottie Collins (perf.)
sm15.gif  Exercise (1908) Whit Cunliffe Penton Hook (words)
Whit Cunliffe (perf.)
sm15.gif Bridget and Mike (1899) Minnie Cunningham Richard Morton (words)
sm15.gif Did You Ever See a Feather in a Tom-Cat's Tail? (1894) Minnie Cunningham Harry Linn (words)
sm15.gif Bring Your Trunk and Nail It to the Floor (1894) Harry Dacre(w&m)
sm15.gif Daisy Bell (1892) Harry Dacre Vocoder (perf.)
Katie Lawrence (perf.)
Florrie Forde (perf.)
sm15.gif Did 'em Did 'em Do It? (1885) Harry Dacre(w&m) Kate Harvey (perf.)
sm15.gif Ghost of Benjamin Binns (1885), The Harry Dacre Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Katie Connor (1890) Harry Dacre John S Baker (words)
Pat Rafferty (perf.)
Lizzie Valrose (perf.)
sm15.gif Sligo (1892) Harry Dacre Kate Harvey (perf.)
sm15.gif Daughters (1888) George Dance Peter Conroy (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif English As She Is Spoke (1890) George Dance(w&m) Charles Coborn (perf.)
sm15.gif Influenza (1890), The George Dance(w&m) G.H. MacDermott (perf.)
sm15.gif Not Wanted (1889) George Dance(w&m) James Fawn (perf.)
sm15.gif Yearning (1919) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Can't You Think of Any Other Name But Baby (1906) Hermann E. Darewski A. E. Sidney Davis (words)
Winifred Hare (perf.)
sm15.gif Hello, Susie Green (1911) Hermann E. Darewski Lester Barrett (words)
G. H. Elliott (perf.)
sm15.gif I Only Want to Whisper in Your Ear (1911) Hermann E. Darewski Ballard Mc Donalald (words)
Claire Romaine (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Had My Fortune Told (1912.) Hermann E. Darewski Lester Barrett (words)
G. H. Elliott (perf.)
sm15.gif  In the Twi-Twi-Twilight (1907) Hermann E. Darewski Charles Wilmot (words)
George Lashwood (perf.)
sm15.gif In the Valleys of Switzerland (1907) Hermann E. Darewski Charles Wilmott (words)
Annie Purcell (perf.)
sm15.gif Leetle Mr. Baggy Breeches (1915) Hermann E. Darewski R.P. Weston (words)
May Moore Duprez (perf.)
sm15.gif Lulu Mine (1906) Hermann E. Darewski Hannen Swaffer (words)
Queenie Leighton (perf.)
sm15.gif My Hawaiian Queen (1916) Hermann E. Darewski Percy Edgar (words)
Nellie Taylor (perf.)
Nora Moore (perf.)
Ivy St Helier (perf.)
Florence Smithson (perf.)
sm15.gif My Silent Sweetheart (1905) Hermann E. Darewski S. Fortescue-Harrison (words)
Phyllis Dare (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, the Daylight Bill! (1908) Hermann E. Darewski R G Knowles (words)
Edgar Bateman (words)
T M Down (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif Shirley Kellog (1915) Hermann E. Darewski Shirley Kellogg (perf.)
sm15.gif Sue, Sue, Sue (1908) Hermann E. Darewski Leslie Stuart (words)
Ada Reeve (perf.)
Leslie Stuart (perf.)
sm15.gif Where Are the Lads of Australia To-Night (1914) Hermann E. Darewski
sm15.gif Death or Liberty (1916) Max Darewski Willy Redstone (co-author)
Charles H. Bovill (words)
George Baker (perf.)
sm15.gif Everybody's Charlie Chaplin Mad! (1916) Max Darewski(w&m) Charles H. Bovill (words)
Lee White (perf.)
Jack Morrison (perf.)
sm15.gif Margot Magee (1916) Max Darewski Charles H. Bovill (words)
Lee White (perf.)
sm15.gif Monkey Blues (1918) Max Darewski
sm15.gif Mr. Conductor (1916) Max Darewski(w&m) Charles H. Bovill (words)
Lee White (perf.)
sm15.gif Now's the Time! (1916) Max Darewski Charles H. Bovill (words)
Beatrice Lillie (perf.)
sm15.gif Raleigh Rag (1916), The Max Darewski Charles H. Bovill (words)
Jack Morrison (perf.)
sm15.gif River Girl (1916), The Max Darewski(w&m) Charles H. Bovill (words)
Jack Morrison (perf.)
Lee White (perf.)
sm15.gif  As I Love You (1901) Herbert Darnley(w&m) Milner Verren (perf.)
sm15.gif Beefeater (1900), The Herbert Darnley(w&m) Dan Leno (perf.)
sm15.gif Blowed if Father Ain't Commenced to Work (1897) Herbert Darnley(w&m) Louie Freear (perf.)
sm15.gif Dream of Glory (1894), A Herbert Darnley(w&m) Norton Atkins (co-author)
Nellie Richards (perf.)
sm15.gif Mary Ought to Know, You Know (1891) Herbert Darnley Norton Atkins (words)
Marie Le Blanc (perf.)
sm15.gif On De Injine (1894) Herbert Darnley(w&m) Nellie Richards (perf.)
sm15.gif Sailing Home (1894) Herbert Darnley(w&m) Nellie Richards (perf.)
Sisters Mirah (perf.)
sm15.gif All Change For Llanfairfechan (1911) Worton David George Arthurs (words)
Wilkie Bard (perf.)
sm15.gif Bo-Peep (1913) Worton David Bert Lee (co-author)
Will Terry (perf.)
sm15.gif Brave Women Who Wait (1914) Worton David Arthur Stroud (words)
sm15.gif Come With Me Down Regent Street! (1910) Worton David C W Murphy (words)
Daisy James (perf.)
Winifred Ward (perf.)
sm15.gif Dinna Forget! (1915) Worton David Bert Lee (words)
Gertie Gitana (perf.)
sm15.gif I Parted My Hair in the Middle (1913) Worton David C.W. Murphy (words)
Harry Bluff as Will O. Patten (perf.)
George Formby Sr. (perf.)
sm15.gif I Want to Sing in Opera (1910) Worton David George Arthurs (words)
Robert S. Roberts (perf.)
Wilkie Bard (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Waiting Here For Kate (1909) Worton David George Arthurs (co-author)
Wilkie Bard (perf.)
sm15.gif If We Had No Silvery Moonlight (1913) Worton David George Arthurs (co-author)
sm15.gif In Your X Ray Gown (1913) Worton David B. Lee (co-author)
sm15.gif It Isn't the Isle of Man Any Longer (1910) Worton David C W Murphy (words)
sm15.gif  Let's Have a Chorus We Can All Sing (1913) Worton David Worton David (words)
Jack Charman (perf.)
sm15.gif Meet Me in Kelly Land (1911) Worton David C.W. Murphy (words)
Florrie Forde (perf.)
sm15.gif Nursie, Nursie (1911) Worton David Bert Lee (words)
Clarice Mayne (perf.)
sm15.gif Short Stories, or, La-Diddley-Diddley-Um (1904) Worton David Maurice Scott (words)
Ernest Shand (words)
sm15.gif Take a Little Bit Off, if You Want to Get On (1912) Worton David George Arthurs (words)
Beth Tate (perf.)
sm15.gif That Was the End of My Dream (1913) Worton David Arthur Stroud (co-author)
Hardy Williamson (perf.)
sm15.gif Then the Night Began to Fall (1914) Worton David R P Weston (words)
Sam Mayo (perf.)
sm15.gif What Happened to Mary (1914) Worton David Bert Lee (words)
sm15.gif When You See Me Dance the Minuet (1911) Worton David arthurgs1 (co-author)
Wilkie Bard (perf.)
sm15.gif Which Switch Is the Switch, Miss, For Ipswich? (1915) Worton David J. Barnett (co-author)
Herman Darewski (co-author)
Al Jolson (perf.)
sm15.gif Willie, Will You Leave Off Winking? (1914) Worton David Bert Lee (words)
Betty Barclay (perf.)
sm15.gif Would You Like to Come and Make a Fuss of Me? (1914) Worton David Bert Lee (words)
Daisy James (perf.)
sm15.gif You Are My Girl- Ski (1910) Worton David George Arthurs (words)
Wilkie Bard (perf.)
George Arthurs (perf.)
sm15.gif You Don't Take a Sandwich to a Picnic (1915) Worton David J.P. Long (words)
Fred Walmsley (perf.)
sm15.gif Absent-Minded Man (1879), The T. Vincent Davies E V Page (words)
Howard Paul (perf.)
sm15.gif All in His Sunday Clothes (1881) T. Vincent Davies Eldred Powel (words)
G.H. Chirgwin (perf.)
sm15.gif Creep-Mouse (1894) T. Vincent Davies G C Anewick (words)
sm15.gif Mister Man (1894) T. Vincent Davies Hilda Hunter (words)
Rose Sylvester (perf.)
sm15.gif  Mother-In-Law's Lament (1899), The T. Vincent Davies Joseph Thomas (words)
Mohawk Minstrels. (words)
Harry Hunter (perf.)
sm15.gif Now We're Busy (1881) T. Vincent Davies Walter Greenaway (words)
Herbert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif Romeo and Juliet (1881) T. Vincent Davies Edwin V Page (words)
sm15.gif Timothy Tott (1890) T. Vincent Davies Edwin V Page (words)
Herbert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif Bridegroom That Never Came (1897), The Gussie Lord Davis(w&m)
sm15.gif Last Fight I Was In (1896), The Gussie Lord Davis(w&m)
sm15.gif Amateur's Show (1889), The David G. Day George Forbes (words)
G.W. Hunter (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't Go Like That Darling (1886) David G. Day Ben Fielding (words)
Fenton Gray (words)
sm15.gif Far, Far Away (1884) David G. Day George Anthony (words)
Slade Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif I Kissed Her Under the Parlour Stairs (1884) David G. Day Harry Hunter (words)
Herbert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif Lord Mayor's Coachman (1881), The David G. Day Harry Hunter (words)
Harry Freeman (perf.)
sm15.gif See-Saw Sue (1895) David G. Day Hilda Hunter (words)
George D'Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif She Was! She Was!! She Was!!! (1885) David G. Day(w&m) Slade Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Someone to Say Good Bye to (1882) David G. Day(w&m) Hilda Hunter (words)
J. Fuller (perf.)
sm15.gif Taking Out the Baby (1884) David G. Day Walter Greenaway (words)
William Parker (perf.)
sm15.gif Con Mahoney (1908) Frederick E. M. Day Frank Fogerty (words)
sm15.gif I Don't Care How Many Girls You've Loved (1909) Frederick E. M. Day F Clifford Harris (words)
sm15.gif I Love Somebody (1909) Frederick E. M. Day(w&m) George Arthurs (perf.)
sm15.gif  I Want You All the While (1912) Frederick E. M. Day(w&m)
sm15.gif I'm Longing- Just to Meet You (1918) Frederick E. M. Day(w&m)
sm15.gif Love Hoarding (1918) Frederick E. M. Day(w&m)
sm15.gif My Filipino Baby (1911) Frederick E. M. Day(w&m)
sm15.gif My Queen of Pygmy Land (1911) Frederick E. M. Day(w&m)
sm15.gif Oh! Queen of My Heart, You Can Do No Wrong (1920) Frederick E. M. Day(w&m)
sm15.gif Over Home (1918) Frederick E. M. Day(w&m)
sm15.gif Soothe Me With a Hushabye Tune (1919) Frederick E. M. Day(w&m)
sm15.gif Take Your Girlie Where the Band Is Playing (1910) Frederick E. M. Day Florrie Forde (perf.)
Maie Ash (perf.)
sm15.gif That's the Kind of a Girl For Me (1909) Frederick E. M. Day F Clifford Harris (words)
sm15.gif Think of Me (1910) Frederick E. M. Day(w&m)
sm15.gif Will You Love Me Just the Same? (1911) Frederick E. M. Day Fred W. Leigh (words)
sm15.gif All Through a Little Game at Billiards (1909) Charles Deane Charles Ridgwell (words)
sm15.gif Father of the Boys (1895) Charles Deane(w&m) Leo Dryden (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm One of the Girls! (1894) Charles Deane John S. Baker (words)
Marie Kendall (perf.)
sm15.gif If a Girl Say's ''She Won't'', She Won't! (1902) Charles Deane Harry Castling (words)
Madge Daley (perf.)
Charles Deane (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Gay Parisienne (1898), The Charles Deane(w&m) Clara Wieland (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, the Teapot! (1903) Charles Deane(w&m)
sm15.gif  Oh, What Mugs the Poor Men Are (1897) Charles Deane Norton Atkins (words)
sm15.gif One of the Boys (1893) Charles Deane George Maurice (words)
Charles Deane (perf.)
sm15.gif One or Two Half-O'-Pints (1901) Charles Deane R P Weston (words)
sm15.gif Persian Girls (1898), The Charles Deane Harry Boden (words)
Adéle Levey (perf.)
May-Lilian Levey (perf.)
sm15.gif Sporting Girls (1895) Charles Deane(w&m) Adéle Levey (perf.)
May-Lilian Levey (perf.)
Carlotta Levey (perf.)
sm15.gif Up and Down (1895) Charles Deane A J Mills (words)
sm15.gif I Can't Make It Out, Can You? (1907) Bert H. Delmar Fred Erick (words)
Frank Lynne (perf.)
sm15.gif Toddling Home (1912) Harry Dent Chas R. Whittle (perf.)
sm15.gif Ghost of the Stilton Cheese (1916), The Francis John Dickson Harry Stafford (co-author)
sm15.gif Do You Take Me For a Pillar? (1884) T. Dodsworth(w&m) Nellie L'Estrange (perf.)
sm15.gif Bachelor Boys, Farewell! (1905) Leo Dryden(w&m)
sm15.gif Bravo, Dublin Fusiliers (1899) Leo Dryden Marie Tyler (perf.)
sm15.gif Call Us and We'll Soon Be There (1914) Leo Dryden R P Weston (words)
sm15.gif Good-Bye, Mary! (1911) Leo Dryden(w&m) Will Godwin (perf.)
sm15.gif Great White Mother (1896), The Leo Dryden Gordon Noble (words)
sm15.gif Jack Crawford (1893) Leo Dryden S W Richards (words)
sm15.gif Lifeboat Crew (1895), The Leo Dryden(w&m)
sm15.gif On the Way to Blighty (1917) Leo Dryden Ed E Ford (words)
sm15.gif  Butterfly Kisses (1921) Kenneth Duffield Dion Titheradge (words)
sm15.gif Calypso (1922) Kenneth Duffield
sm15.gif Caravan Days (1921) Kenneth Duffield Dion Titheradge (words)
Lee White (perf.)
sm15.gif Good Night, Little Laddie (1921) Kenneth Duffield Dion Titheradge (words)
sm15.gif My Alco-Holiday (1922) Kenneth Duffield
sm15.gif Silky Way (1921), The Kenneth Duffield
sm15.gif Molly, the Rose of Mayo (1893) H.A. Duffy J. M. Harrison (words)
Katie Lawrence (perf.)
sm15.gif Ask a Policeman (1889) Augustus E. Durandeau E.W. Rogers (words)
James Fawn (perf.)
sm15.gif Beautiful Rose (1894) Augustus E. Durandeau A J Mills (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Good Old Times (1889), The Augustus E. Durandeau E.W. Rogers (words)
Charles Godfrey (perf.)
sm15.gif Irish Punter (1893), The Augustus E. Durandeau Harry Boden (words)
Fred W. Stephens (perf.)
sm15.gif Mystery of a Hansom Cab (1888), The Augustus E. Durandeau E.W. Rogers (words)
Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! Take Me There (1894) Augustus E. Durandeau Albert E. Ellis (words)
W. P. Dempsey (perf.)
Charles E. Stevens (perf.)
sm15.gif Old Potts & Young Potts (And Middle-Aged Potts As Well) (1888) Augustus E. Durandeau E.W. Rogers (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Pass By! (1891) Augustus E. Durandeau rogersew.1 (words)
John S. Baker (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Balmy (1894) Johnny Dwyer(w&m)
sm15.gif Up to My Eyes in Mud (1894) Johnny Dwyer Joseph Tabrar (words)