Florence Smithson (1884-1936)
Last updated: 26.04.24
url15.gif Florence Smithson Biography by wikipedia.org.  

     Title Remarks Supplier
cd15.gif  Singing Actresses   flag15uk.gif flag15fr.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
This list is derived from information provided by Monologues.co.uk which went down sometime in 2023.
The loss of this valuable resource is very sad and a mystery.
     Title Attribution Remarks
  Fun of the Fair, The Unknown (words & music)
Florence Smithson (perf.)
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Pipes of Pan Are Calling (1909), The L. Monckton (music)
A. Wimperis (words)
Florence Smithson (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg A.S. Brown You're a Great Big Blue Eyed Baby (3:10) Florence Smithson
youtube15.jpg H. Talbot Light Is My Heart (3:00) Florence Smithson
youtube15.jpg H. Talbot The Temple Bell (3:40) Florence Smithson
The peformer is featured on 17 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m) ER
     Title Composer Attribution Items
perf15.jpg You're a Great Big Blue Eyed Baby (1913) A. Seymour Brown
perf15.jpg Dear Dreamy Memory Land (1916) Hermann E. Darewski Huntley Trevor (words)
perf15.jpg My Hawaiian Queen (1916) Hermann E. Darewski Percy Edgar (words)
perf15.jpg When I Was a Dear Little Baby Girl (1917) Hermann E. Darewski Huntley Trevor (words)
perf15.jpg You Can Always Come Back to Me (1917) Howard Flynn(w&m)
perf15.jpg For Tonight (1907) Edward German
perf15.jpg Girl in the Uniform (1917), The Melville J. Gideon Leslie Stiles (words)
perf15.jpg Honeymoon Hotel (1917) Melville J. Gideon Leslie Stiles (words)
perf15.jpg In My Kitchen Garden (1917) Melville J. Gideon James Heard (words)
perf15.jpg You Made Me Love You (1913) James V. Monaco Joseph McCarthy (co-author)
perf15.jpg  Pipes of Pan Are Calling (1909), The Lionel Monckton Arthur Wimperis (words)
perf15.jpg I Know Nothing of Life (1911) Lionel Monckton Howard Talbot (words)
perf15.jpg In the Spell of a Waltz Refrain (1917) Henry E. Pether Leonard Cooke (words)
perf15.jpg Love Will Come One Day (1913) George M. Saker Kenneth Morrison (words)
perf15.jpg Light Is My Heart (1909) Howard Talbot Arthur Wimperis (words)
Lionel Monckton (words)
perf15.jpg Temple Bell (1911), The Howard Talbot
perf15.jpg Fun of the Fair (?), The Unknown