Leo Feist
List of Works: H - Q
Last updated: 10.01.25
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Algie (1904) Rose de Haven Morris S. Silvers (words)
sm15.gif Night Time's the Right Time to Love (1904) Rose de Haven Morris S. Silvers (words)
sm15.gif Contentment (1907) J. Fred Helf Leonard G. Vance (words)
sm15.gif Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue (1925) Ray Henderson Sam M. Lewis (words)
Joe Young (words)
Peggy English as Jane Gray (perf.)
Lenny Herman (perf.)
Lawrence Welk (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Sitting on Top of the World (1925) Ray Henderson Sam M. Lewis (words)
Joe Young (words)
Elsie White (perf.)
Joe Darcy (perf.)
Al Herman (perf.)
G. Underhill Macy (perf.)
J. William Scott (perf.)
Jack Naldi (perf.)
Helen Moretti (perf.)
Dorothy Francisco (perf.)
Mary Ford (perf.)
W. Irving Oppenheim (perf.)
Deere Girls (perf.)
Walter James (perf.)
Mollie Klinger (perf.)
Joe Darcey (perf.)
Nick Lucas (perf.)
Les Paul (perf.)
sm15.gif So Does Your Old Mandarin (1926) Ray Henderson Lewis (words)
Young (words)
Weil & Herman Adler (perf.)
sm15.gif Too Many Parties and Too Many Pals (1925) Ray Henderson Billy Rose (words)
Mort Dixon (words)
Helen Moretti (perf.)
Johnny Marvin (perf.)
Blue Dandies (perf.)
Just Bernadine (perf.)
sm15.gif Bound in Morocco (1920) Louis Herscher(w&m)
sm15.gif My Pal (1923) Louis Herscher Joe Burke (co-author)
Lou Herscher (words)
Joe Burke (words)
sm15.gif Nestle in Your Daddy's Arms (1921) Louis Herscher(w&m) Joe Burke (co-author)
Jean Nelis (words)
Lillian Price (perf.)
sm15.gif Wake Up Little Girl (1921) Louis Herscher(w&m) Joe Burke (co-author)
sm15.gif Boll Weevil Blues (1921) Cliff Hess(w&m) Courtney Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Freckles (1919) Cliff Hess(w&m) Howard E. Johnson (co-author)
Milton Ager (co-author)
Nora Bayes (perf.)
sm15.gif Heart-Breaking Baby Doll (1919) Cliff Hess(w&m) Sidney D Mitchell (co-author)
Courtney Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif I Used to Call Her Baby (1919) Cliff Hess(w&m) Howard E. Johnson (co-author)
Murray Roth (co-author)
sm15.gif On the Trail to Santa Fe (1919) Cliff Hess
sm15.gif Taxation Blues (1919) Cliff Hess(w&m) Joe Rosey (co-author)
Jos. H. Santly (co-author)
Nora Bayes (perf.)
sm15.gif  Wedding of Shimmie and Jazz (1919), The Cliff Hess(w&m) Howard E. Johnson (co-author)
Gene Greene (perf.)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Fit As a Fiddle (1932) Al Hoffman Al Goodhart (co-author)
Arthur Freed (words)
Eddie Cantor (perf.)
Jack Denny (perf.)
Clare Hanlon (perf.)
George Jessel (perf.)
Isham Jones (perf.)
Nelson Keller (perf.)
Jeanie Lang (perf.)
George Olsen (perf.)
Harry Richman (perf.)
Fred Waring (perf.)
Frank Zullo (perf.)
sm15.gif It's Winter Again (1932) Al Hoffman Al Goodhart (co-author)
Arthur Freed (words)
Mike Child (perf.)
sm15.gif Hong Kong (1916) Hans Von Holstein Alma M. Sanders (co-author)
Richard W. Pascoe (words)
Henry Burr (perf.)
John H. Meyer (perf.)
Albert Campbell (perf.)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
sm15.gif Alagazam - Song (1903) Abe Holzmann(w&m) Mabel McKinley (perf.)
sm15.gif Alagazam! (1902) Abe Holzmann Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Blaze Away! (1901) Abe Holzmann Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Blaze of Glory (1910) Abe Holzmann
sm15.gif Cowperthwait Centennial March (1907) Abe Holzmann Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Flying Arrow (1906) Abe Holzmann Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Get on the Raft With Taft (1908) Abe Holzmann Harry D. Kerr (words)
sm15.gif Hunky-Dory (1900) Abe Holzmann Ruby Brooks (perf.)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Sparks (1909) Abe Holzmann
sm15.gif Love-Land (1905) Abe Holzmann Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Mandy (1906) Abe Holzmann(w&m)
sm15.gif Nyomo (1906) Abe Holzmann Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Nyomo - Song (1904) Abe Holzmann
sm15.gif Old Faithful (1907) Abe Holzmann Edison Military Band (perf.)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif  Uncle Sammy (1904) Abe Holzmann Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Uncle Sammy - Song (1904) Abe Holzmann(w&m)
sm15.gif Winning Fight (1911), The Abe Holzmann Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Yankee Grit (1905) Abe Holzmann Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif You'll Have to Transfer (1899) Abe Holzmann Bonnie Thornton (perf.)
sm15.gif All That She Is Is an Old Fashioned Girl (1925) Richard Howard(w&m)
sm15.gif When the Leaves Come Tumbling Down (1922) Richard Howard(w&m) Bob Causer (perf.)
Aileen Stanley (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Love's Rosary (1918) Jennie Innella Geo. Buxton (words)
sm15.gif Carolina Mammy (1922) Billy James(w&m) Al Jolson (perf.)
Marshall Montgomery (perf.)
Henry Murtagh (perf.)
sm15.gif Cut Yourself a Piece of Cake and Make Yourself at Home (1923) Billy James(w&m)
sm15.gif Goblin Man (1900), The Benjamin H. Janssen Will M. Elliott (words)
Morrell & Evans (perf.)
sm15.gif When the Day Is Done (1916) Benjamin H. Janssen Leo Wood (words)
sm15.gif Coo-Ee-Doo (1922) Werner Janssen Leo Wood (words)
Irving Bibo (words)
sm15.gif I'm Just Looking For a Lonesome Girl (1921) Werner Janssen Oliver Morosco (words)
sm15.gif Ray of Sunshine (1922) Werner Janssen Leo Wood (words)
Irving Bibo (words)
sm15.gif At the Yankee Military Ball (1917) Harry Jentes Howard E Johnson (words)
Alain Coogan (perf.)
James Mullen (perf.)
sm15.gif How Can Any Girlie Be a Good Little Girl (1917) Harry Jentes Howard E. Johnson (words)
Alfred Jentes (words)
sm15.gif I Don't Want to Get Well (1917) Harry Jentes Harry Pease (words)
Howard E. Johnson (words)
Arthur Fields (perf.)
Grace Woods (perf.)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif  I'll Be Welcome in My Home Town (1912) Harry Jentes William Tracey (words)
sm15.gif Knit Girls Knit! (1918) Harry Jentes Howard E Johnson (words)
Harry Pease (words)
sm15.gif Pussy Willow (1917) Harry Jentes Monaco (co-author)
sm15.gif Since Sarah Saw Theda Bara (1916) Harry Jentes Alex Gerber (words)
Theda Bara (perf.)
Dorothy Meuther (perf.)
sm15.gif Some Girls Do and Some Girls Don't (1916) Harry Jentes Howard E. Johnson (co-author)
Alex Gerber (co-author)
sm15.gif Take Me Back to That Rose Covered Shack (1918) Harry Jentes agerm1 (co-author)
William Jerome (words)
sm15.gif We Couldn't Have Heroes ''Over There'', if It Wasn't For Those Heroes ''Over Here'' (1919) Harry Jentes Howard E Johnson (words)
Grant Clarke (words)
sm15.gif If They'd Only Give Old Ireland to the Irish (1919) Ben M. Jerome Queenie Hewlett (words)
Fiske O'Hara (perf.)
sm15.gif Ev'ry Day'll Be Sunday When the Town Goes Dry (1918) William Jerome Jack Mahoney (co-author)
sm15.gif Sweetheart (1921) Arnold Johnson Benny Davis (words)
Beulah Clark (perf.)
sm15.gif Ching a Ling Jazz Bazaar (1920) Howard E. Johnson Ethel Bridges (co-author)
sm15.gif Darkies' Serenade (1915) Howard E. Johnson Jack Glogau (co-author)
Al Piantadosi (co-author)
sm15.gif Drifting Apart (1921) Howard E. Johnson(w&m) Milton Ager (co-author)
Ira Schuster (co-author)
sm15.gif Ev'ry Night I Cry Myself to Sleep Over You (1923) Howard E. Johnson(w&m) Irving M. Bibo (co-author)
Leo Wood (co-author)
Stuart Barrie (perf.)
Bobbie Carbone (perf.)
Horace Wright &. Rene Dietrich (perf.)
Mary Howard (perf.)
Blossom Seeley (perf.)
Harold Stern (perf.)
sm15.gif Friends (1919) Howard E. Johnson Joseph H. Santly (co-author)
Geo. W. Meyer (co-author)
sm15.gif He May Be Old, But He's Got Young Ideas (1916) Howard E. Johnson(w&m) Alex Gerber (co-author)
Harry Jentes (co-author)
Dorothy Meuther (perf.)
sm15.gif I Used to Call Her Baby (1919) Howard E. Johnson(w&m) Murray Roth (co-author)
Cliff Hess (co-author)
sm15.gif It's Not Your Nationality (1916) Howard E. Johnson(w&m) Joe McCarthy (words)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Claire Rochester (perf.)
Ruby Norton (perf.)
Eleanor Sherman (perf.)
sm15.gif  Mother, Dixie, and You! (1917) Howard E. Johnson Joe Santly (co-author)
sm15.gif Oh! Mother I'm Wild! (1920) Howard E. Johnson(w&m) Harry Pease (co-author)
Ed G. Nelson (co-author)
sm15.gif Some Girls Do and Some Girls Don't (1916) Howard E. Johnson Alex Gerber (co-author)
Harry Jentes (co-author)
Helene Vincent (perf.)
Edward Miller (perf.)
Wilson Bros (perf.)
sm15.gif Where Do We Go From Here? (1917) Howard E. Johnson(w&m) Percy Wenrich (co-author)
Neil McKinley (perf.)
Arthur Fields (perf.)
Indestructible Band (perf.)
Royal Dadmun (perf.)
Beatrice Lambert (perf.)
Frank Bessinger (perf.)
Harry Ellis (perf.)
Avon Comedy Four (perf.)
Jack Wise (perf.)
Harry Cooper (perf.)
Elizabeth Brice (perf.)
Charles King (perf.)
Marie Concerto (perf.)
Blossom Seeley (perf.)
Frank Mullane (perf.)
sm15.gif You Stingy Baby (1917) Howard E. Johnson(w&m) William Tracey (co-author)
Ernest Breuer (co-author)
Florence Moore (perf.)
Frank Moore (perf.)
sm15.gif Arcady (1923) Al Jolson(w&m) B. G. De Sylva (co-author)
Al Jolson (perf.)
sm15.gif Sweetie Mine (1919) Al Jolson Sidney D. Mitchell (words)
Cliff Hess (words)
Al Jolson (perf.)
sm15.gif Cat (1927), The Isham Jones Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Down Where the Sun Goes Down (1928) Isham Jones(w&m) Verne Buck (co-author)
Paul Ash (perf.)
sm15.gif Give a Broken Heart a Break (1935) Isham Jones Dave Franklin (words)
sm15.gif I Can't Believe It's True (1932) Isham Jones(w&m) Charles Newman (co-author)
Ben Bernie (co-author)
Bill Scotti (perf.)
Morton Downey (perf.)
sm15.gif I Keep Remembering (1930) Isham Jones Charles Newman (words)
sm15.gif I'll Never Have to Dream Again (1932) Isham Jones Charles Newman (words)
Isham Jones (perf.)
Mark Fisher (perf.)
Carl Grayson (perf.)
sm15.gif I'll See You in My Dreams (1924) Isham Jones Gus Kahn (words)
Dorothy Francisco (perf.)
Danny Thomas (perf.)
Doris Day (perf.)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
Art Henry (perf.)
Paul Whiteman (perf.)
Florence Gast (perf.)
Lana Turner (perf.)
Laraine Day (perf.)
Susan Peters (perf.)
Nelson Maple (perf.)
Isabella Patricola (perf.)
Harry Richman (perf.)
Fred Waring (perf.)
Earl & Bell (perf.)
Don Clark (perf.)
Yvette Rugel (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Tired of Everything But You (1925) Isham Jones(w&m)
sm15.gif Kaintucky (1923) Isham Jones Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Let's Try Again (1932) Isham Jones Charles Newman (words)
Gene & Glenn (perf.)
Isham Jones (perf.)
Enric Madriguera (perf.)
sm15.gif My Castle in Spain (1925) Isham Jones(w&m)
sm15.gif  Swingin' Down the Lane (1923) Isham Jones Gus Kahn (words)
Isham Jones (perf.)
Barney Rupp (perf.)
Danny Thomas (perf.)
Doris Day (perf.)
Paul Victorin's Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif What'll You Do? (1921) Isham Jones Chester Cohn (words)
Ernie Erdman (words)
sm15.gif What's the Use? (1930) Isham Jones Charles Newman (words)
sm15.gif Wooden Soldier and the China Doll (1932), The Isham Jones Charles Newman (words)
Isham Jones (perf.)
sm15.gif You're Just a Dream Come True (1931) Isham Jones Charles Newman (words)
Art Landry (perf.)
sm15.gif Aloma (1919) Archibald Joyce
sm15.gif Aloma - Song (1919) Archibald Joyce Sidney D. Mitchell (words)
sm15.gif Charming (1914) Archibald Joyce
sm15.gif Dreaming (1911) Archibald Joyce
sm15.gif Guilty (1931) Gus Kahn(w&m) Harry Akst (co-author)
Richard A. Whiting (co-author)
Ruth Etting (perf.)
Jack Fina (perf.)
George Towne (perf.)
Frank Gallagher (perf.)
Dinah Shore (perf.)
Patti Clayton (perf.)
Ray McKinley (perf.)
Jack Smith (perf.)
sm15.gif I Can't Forget (1932) Gus Kahn Ben Bernie (words)
Chester Cohn (words)
sm15.gif Indian Cradle Song (1927) Gus Kahn Mabel Wayne (words)
sm15.gif Josephine (1936) Gus Kahn Burke Bivens (words)
sm15.gif My Dear (1929) Gus Kahn(w&m) sanderjs1 (co-author)
Vaughn de Leath (perf.)
sm15.gif My Love For You (1930) Gus Kahn Grace Leboy Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Sleepy Baby (1928) Gus Kahn(w&m) Ward Perry (co-author)
Abe Lyman (co-author)
sm15.gif Toot, Toot, Tootsie! Goo' Bye (1922) Gus Kahn(w&m) Ernie Erdman (co-author)
Dan Russo (co-author)
Larry Parks (perf.)
Al Jolson (perf.)
Oriole Terrace Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Waltz You Saved For Me (1958) Gus Kahn Wayne King (words)
Emil Flindt (words)
sm15.gif  When Lights Are Low (1923) Gus Kahn(w&m) Ted Koehler (co-author)
Ted Fiorito (co-author)
Morton Downey (perf.)
sm15.gif Mon Amour (1911) Armand Kalisz(w&m)
sm15.gif Blue Lovebird (1940) Bronislaw Kaper Gus Kahn (words)
Don Ameche (perf.)
Alice Faye (perf.)
Mary Ann Mercer (perf.)
sm15.gif Melody Farm (1937) Bronislaw Kaper Walter Jurmann (co-author)
Gus Kahn (words)
Judy Garland (perf.)
Rudy Vallée (perf.)
sm15.gif One I Love (1937), The Bronislaw Kaper Walter Jutmann (words)
Gus Kahn (words)
Alan Jones (perf.)
Rudy Vallée (perf.)
sm15.gif Take My Love (1954) Bronislaw Kaper Helen Deutsch (words)
sm15.gif Around the Corner (1930) Arthur Kassel Gus Kahn (words)
Art Kassel (perf.)
sm15.gif Dolores (1928) Arthur Kassel(w&m) Marty Bloom (co-author)
Benny Meroff (perf.)
sm15.gif Doodle Doo Doo (1924) Arthur Kassel(w&m) Mel Stitzel (co-author)
Sylvia Froos (perf.)
Irene Berry (perf.)
Morton Downey (perf.)
Harry Jolson (perf.)
Mr & Mrs Jessie Crawford (perf.)
Healy & Cross (perf.)
White Sisters (perf.)
Charles Crafts (perf.)
Jack Sheehan (perf.)
L. Carlos Meier (perf.)
Lester O'Keefe (perf.)
Isabella Patricola (perf.)
sm15.gif Hell's Bells (1932) Arthur Kassel(w&m) Art Kassel (perf.)
sm15.gif Persian Moon (1919) Mel B. Kaufman Cliff Hess (words)
sm15.gif Black Eyed Blues (1922) Don Kendall Frank Jackson (words)
sm15.gif Indiana Lullaby (1922) Don Kendall Dorothy Terriss (words)
Mr. Basil Durant (perf.)
Miss Mary McCord (perf.)
sm15.gif Feather Your Nest (1920) James Kendis(w&m) James Brockman (co-author)
Howard E. Johnson (co-author)
Elsie White (perf.)
Bowers & Saunders (perf.)
Anna Chandler (perf.)
Kenneth Wolfe (perf.)
Harry Blair (perf.)
Etti Hager (perf.)
Mary Farrell (perf.)
Duncan Sisters (perf.)
Florence Timponi (perf.)
Lenzberg's Riverside Orchestra (perf.)
Charlotte Meyers (perf.)
Bowers & Sanders (perf.)
sm15.gif I Know What It Means to Be Lonesome (1919) James Kendis(w&m) James Brockman (co-author)
Nat Vincent (co-author)
Margaret A. Freer (perf.)
sm15.gif When the Tide Comes In (1921) James Kendis James Brockman (co-author)
Lucien Boyer (words)
sm15.gif Drifting Leaves (1905) Amanda Kennedy
sm15.gif Rest Thee (1910) Amanda Kennedy
sm15.gif  Star of the Sea (1883) Amanda Kennedy Prince's Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Baby Rag (1917), The Tom Kennedy Edward Morton (words)
sm15.gif Dream Valley (1940) Nick Kenny Charles Kenny (words)
Joe Burke (words)
Russ Morgan (perf.)
Louis Bonick (perf.)
Fred Waring (perf.)
Gene Krupa (perf.)
sm15.gif Gone Fishin' (1950) Nick Kenny(w&m) Charles Kenny (co-author)
sm15.gif Leanin' on the Ole Top Rail (1939) Nick Kenny Charles Kenny (words)
Shep Fields (perf.)
Ozzie Nelson (perf.)
Lou Breese (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Skipper (1939) Nick Kenny(w&m) Charles Kenny (co-author)
Dick Todd (perf.)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
sm15.gif You're Here and I'm Here (1914) Jerome Kern H.Bache Smith (words)
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Castle (perf.)
Donald Brian (perf.)
Kathleen Kingston (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Agnes Kimball (perf.)
Charles W. Harrison (perf.)
Daisy Taylor (perf.)
sm15.gif Caught in the Net (1907) R.A. King Belle Gold (perf.)
sm15.gif Aristocratic Annie (1905) Robert A. King Geo. Totten Smith (words)
sm15.gif Autumn Breezes (1908) Robert A. King
sm15.gif Beyond the Gates of Paradise (1900) Robert A. King Henry V. Neal (words)
Addison Dashiell Madeira (perf.)
sm15.gif Dewdrop and the Rose (1903), The Robert A. King George Totten Smith (words)
sm15.gif Has Your Mother Any More Like You? (1902) Robert A. King Grace Nelson (perf.)
Frank C. Stanley (perf.)
sm15.gif I Have Something to Say to You (1903) Robert A. King
sm15.gif In Starlight (1906) Robert A. King
sm15.gif Just Plain Jane (1903) Robert A. King Geo. Totten Smith (words)
sm15.gif Musket or the Sword (1903), The Robert A. King Carroll Fleming (words)
sm15.gif My Lady's Eyes (1905) Robert A. King(w&m)
sm15.gif  Old Master's Fox Trot (1916) Robert A. King Eugene Platzmann (co-author)
sm15.gif Spring Dreams (1908) Robert A. King
sm15.gif Squaw Man (1905), The Robert A. King Mabel Morrison (perf.)
Evelyn Wright (perf.)
sm15.gif Summer Zephyrs (1908) Robert A. King
sm15.gif Sunshine (1905) Robert A. King Samuel Honest (words)
sm15.gif When the Woodbine Leaves Turned Red (1903) Robert A. King La Touche Hancock (words)
sm15.gif Wintry Winds (1908) Robert A. King
sm15.gif Zenobie (1904) Robert A. King
sm15.gif Zenobie - Song (1904) Robert A. King Carroll Fleming (words)
sm15.gif Zingaloo (1905) Robert A. King
sm15.gif My Sweetie's Sweeter Than That (1923) Ted Koehler(w&m) Leo Murphy (co-author)
Ted Fiorito (co-author)
sm15.gif Why Live a Lie? (1924) Ted Koehler L. Wolfe Gilbert (words)
sm15.gif I'm a Good Gal But I'm a Thousand Miles From Home (1924) Max Kortlander Spencer Williams (words)
sm15.gif B-Hap-E (1919) Anton Lada Carl Burger (co-author)
Al Nunez (co-author)
sm15.gif Big Fat Ma (1919) Anton Lada Spencer Williams (co-author)
sm15.gif Church Street Sobbin' Blues (1919) Anton Lada Al Nunez (co-author)
Joe Crawley (co-author)
sm15.gif Dixie Blues (1919) Anton Lada Al Nunez (co-author)
Joe Cawley (co-author)
sm15.gif Foot Warmer (1919) Anton Lada Al Nunez (co-author)
Joe Cawley (co-author)
sm15.gif  Klondyke Blues (1919) Anton Lada Al Nunez (co-author)
Joe Cawley (co-author)
sm15.gif Orange Blossom Rag (1919) Anton Lada Alcide Nunez (words)
Jow Cawley (words)
sm15.gif White Way Blues (1919) Anton Lada Al Nunez (co-author)
joe Cawley1 (co-author)
sm15.gif Yelping Hound Blues (1919) Anton Lada Al Nunez (co-author)
Joe Cawley (co-author)
sm15.gif How About You (1941) Burton Lane Ralph Freed (words)
Judy Garland (perf.)
Mickey Rooney (perf.)
sm15.gif How Could You Believe Me When I Said I Love You (1950) Burton Lane Alan Jay Lerner (words)
Jane Powell (perf.)
Fred Astaire (perf.)
sm15.gif I Dug a Ditch (1943) Burton Lane Pedro Berrios (words)
Lew Brown (words)
Ralph Freed (words)
Judy Garland (perf.)
Ann Sothern (perf.)
Ben Blue (perf.)
Ben Lessy (perf.)
Bob Crosby (perf.)
Dick Simmons (perf.)
Don Loper (perf.)
Donna Reed (perf.)
Eleanor Powell (perf.)
Frances Rafferty (perf.)
Frank Jenks (perf.)
Frank Morgan (perf.)
sm15.gif Too Late Now (1950) Burton Lane Alan Jay Lerner (words)
Jane Powell (perf.)
sm15.gif At the Jazz Band Ball (1918) ''Nick'' D.J. La Rocca Larry Shields (co-author)
Johnny Mercer (words)
Eddie Condon (perf.)
sm15.gif Lasses Candy (1919) ''Nick'' D.J. La Rocca Larry Shields (co-author)
sm15.gif Reisenweber Rag (1917) ''Nick'' D.J. La Rocca Larry Shields (co-author)
sm15.gif Skeleton Jangle (1918) ''Nick'' D.J. La Rocca Original Dixieland Jazz Band (perf.)
sm15.gif Tiger Rag (1917) ''Nick'' D.J. La Rocca King Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif War Cloud (1917) ''Nick'' D.J. La Rocca Larry Shields (co-author)
sm15.gif Siboney (1929) Ernesto Lecuona Dolly Morse (words)
Grace Moore (perf.)
sm15.gif All-American Girl (1932) Al Lewis Richar Arlen (perf.)
Gloria Stuart (perf.)
Dott Massey (perf.)
George Olsen (perf.)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
sm15.gif Isn't It a Shame? (1934) Al Lewis Al Sherman (co-author)
Abner Silver (co-author)
sm15.gif I'd Like to See the Kaiser With a Lily in His Hand (1918) Henry Lewis(w&m) Howard E. Johnson (co-author)
Billy Frisch (co-author)
Henry Lewis (perf.)
sm15.gif  Buxton Slow Drag (1907) Leonard Lewis
sm15.gif For All We Know (1934) Sam Lewis J. Fred Coots (words)
Gene Burchell (perf.)
Abe Lyman (perf.)
sm15.gif Bees Knees (1922) Ted Lewis Ray Lopez (co-author)
Leo Wood (words)
Ted Lewis (perf.)
sm15.gif Foxy Quiller (1915) T.J. Lindorff
sm15.gif My Flower Garden Girl (1917) George A. Little(w&m) Billy Baskette (co-author)
Charlie Pierce (co-author)
sm15.gif Pretty Little Thing (1929) Little Jack Little(w&m) Tommie Malie (co-author)
Evelyn Wilson (perf.)
sm15.gif Yankiana (1905) E.E. Loftis Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Killarney, My Home O'Er the Sea (1911) Frederic Knight Logan(w&m) Albert Hole (perf.)
Theo Bendix (perf.)
sm15.gif Red-Man (1909) Henry Longboat
sm15.gif Take Me on the Rollers (1906) Will H. Long Barney Gilmore (words)
sm15.gif Weary Weazel (1923) Ray Lopez James Lester (words)
sm15.gif Knock, Knock - Who's There? (1936) Vincent de Lopez Johnny Morris (co-author)
Jimmy Tyson (words)
Bill Davies (words)
Dolly Dawn (perf.)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
Vincent de Lopez (perf.)
sm15.gif Sleepy Time Gal (1925) Ange Lorenzo Richard A. Whiting (co-author)
Jos. R. Alden (words)
Raymond B. Egan (words)
Jack Naldi (perf.)
Dora Hilton (perf.)
Dorothy Francisco (perf.)
Elsie White (perf.)
Doris Relyea (perf.)
Ruth Wales (perf.)
Florence Blum (perf.)
Frank Sylvano (perf.)
David Rubinoff (perf.)
sm15.gif Apple Sauce (1922) Abe Lyman(w&m) Gus Arnheim (co-author)
Arthur Freed (co-author)
Elsie Janis (perf.)
Abe Lyman (perf.)
sm15.gif Pal of My Lonesome Hours (1926) Abe Lyman Walter Hirsch (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
sm15.gif Peggy Dear (1922) Abe Lyman Gus Arnheim (co-author)
Arthur Freem (co-author)
sm15.gif What Can I Say After I Say I'm Sorry? (1926) Abe Lyman(w&m) Walter Donaldson (co-author)
Ruth Etting (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, How I Miss You (1930) Frank Magine Walter Hirsch (words)
sm15.gif  Save the Last Dance For Me (1931) Frank Magine Walter Hirsch (words)
Phil Spitalny (words)
Ruth Etting (perf.)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
sm15.gif Venetian Love Boat (1922) Frank Magine(w&m) Ted Koehler (co-author)
sm15.gif Gypsy (1928) Matt Malneck Frank Signorelli (co-author)
L. Wolfe Gilbert (words)
Paul Whiteman (perf.)
sm15.gif Syria (1919) Alexander Maloof
sm15.gif Nobody Worries 'bout Me (1926) Gerald Marks Richard Whiting (co-author)
Sammy Lerner (words)
Buddy Fields (words)
sm15.gif Beauté Supréme (1907) Louis Maurice
sm15.gif Fighting Hope (1909), The Louis Maurice Blanche Bates (perf.)
sm15.gif Great Divide March (1907), The Louis Maurice Margaret Anglin (perf.)
sm15.gif Great Lover (1916), The Louis Maurice Leo Ditrichstein (perf.)
sm15.gif On the Mesa Grande (1907) Louis Maurice Lew Brown (words)
sm15.gif Southern Rose (1924) Billy Mayerl Dorothy Terriss (words)
sm15.gif I Know Where the Flies Go (1921) Sam Mayo(w&m) J. P. Harrington (words)
Albert Plunkett (perf.)
Walter Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif When the Lusitania Went Down (1915) Charles R. McCarron Nat. Vincent (co-author)
Herbert Stuart (perf.)
sm15.gif At the Yiddish Wedding Jubilee (1914) Joe McCarthy(w&m) Jack Glogau (co-author)
Al. Piantadosi (co-author)
Sophie Tucker (perf.)
sm15.gif At the Yiddisher Ball (1912) Joe McCarthy(w&m) Harry Piani (co-author)
Al Abbott (perf.)
sm15.gif Dancing the Blues Away (1914) Joe McCarthy(w&m) Howard E. Johnson (co-author)
Fred Fisher (co-author)
Al Jolson (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Sending a Message to Mama (1911) Joe McCarthy(w&m) Piantadosi (co-author)
sm15.gif I've Only One Idea About the Girls (1914) Joe McCarthy(w&m) Earl Carroll (co-author)
Al Piantadosi (co-author)
Wilbur Mack (perf.)
Elizabeth Brice (perf.)
sm15.gif  Ireland Must Be Heaven, For My Mother Came From There (1916) Joe McCarthy(w&m) Fred Fisher (co-author)
Howard E. Johnson (co-author)
Monte Austin (perf.)
Elizabeth Brice (perf.)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Emma Carus (perf.)
Cooper & Hartman (perf.)
Avon Comedy Four (perf.)
Mae Francis (perf.)
William Gaxton (perf.)
Bella Hil (perf.)
Charles King (perf.)
Carrie Lillie (perf.)
Neil McKinley (perf.)
Dorothy Meuther (perf.)
Harry Pease (perf.)
Marie Russell (perf.)
Santly & Norton (perf.)
Eleanor Sherman (perf.)
Babe Starr (perf.)
Ward & Wilson (perf.)
Al Wohlman (perf.)
sm15.gif Michael on His Motocycle. the Cute Little Seat Behind (1916) Joe McCarthy(w&m)
sm15.gif What Do You Want to Make Those Eyes at Me For (1916) Joe McCarthy(w&m) Howard Johnson (co-author)
Jimmy V. Monaco (co-author)
Henry Lewis (perf.)
Emma Carus (perf.)
Arthur McWatters (perf.)
Grace Tyson (perf.)
Larry Comer (perf.)
Anna Held (perf.)
Gladys Rice (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Don't You? (1920) Joe McCarthy Tierney (co-author)
sm15.gif You're Always in My Arms (1929) Joe McCarthy Harry Tierney (words)
sm15.gif If I Had a Girl Like You (1930) Louis W. McDermott(w&m) Annette Hanshaw (perf.)
Rudy Vallée (perf.)
sm15.gif Dream, Dream, Dream, (1952) James Francis McHugh Mitchell Parish (words)
Sunny Gale (perf.)
sm15.gif Hey! What Did the Blue Jay Say (1936) James Francis McHugh Ted Koehler (words)
Shirley Temple (perf.)
sm15.gif It's Great to Be in Love Again (1936) James Francis McHugh Ted Koehler (words)
sm15.gif Let's Sing Again (1936) James Francis McHugh Gus Kahn (words)
Bobby Breen (perf.)
sm15.gif Where Are You? (1936) James Francis McHugh Harold Adamson (words)
Gertrude Niesen (perf.)
sm15.gif With All My Heart (1935) James Francis McHugh Gus Kahn (words)
Edward Everett Horton (perf.)
Peggy Conklin (perf.)
sm15.gif Anona (1903) Mabel McKinley
sm15.gif Anona - Song (1903) Mabel McKinley(w&m) Florrie Forde (perf.)
sm15.gif Arcadia (1905) Mabel McKinley
sm15.gif Arcadia - Song (1905) Mabel McKinley
sm15.gif Feather Queen (1905) Mabel McKinley
sm15.gif Feather Queen - Song (1905) Mabel McKinley(w&m)
sm15.gif  Golden Rod (1907) Mabel McKinley(w&m)
sm15.gif Karama (1904) Mabel McKinley(w&m)
sm15.gif Karama - Song (1904) Mabel McKinley
sm15.gif Little Dolly Driftwood (1903) Mabel McKinley(w&m)
sm15.gif Corn Cracker (1906), The Frank W. Meacham
sm15.gif Ev'rybody Slips a Little (1923) Donovan Meher R. B. Saxe (words)
Albert Plunkett (perf.)
sm15.gif Virginia Blues (1922) Fred. Meinken Ernie Erdman (words)
Columbians Dance Orchestra De Luxe (perf.)
sm15.gif Wabash Blues (1921) Fred. Meinken Dave Ringle (words)
Roy Bargy (perf.)
Paul Whiteman (perf.)
Isham Jones (perf.)
Jack Pierce (perf.)
Slim Mays (perf.)
Dolly Kay (perf.)
Courtney Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Alice in Wonderland (1933) Murray Mencher Murray Mencher (co-author)
Jack Scholl (co-author)
Charles Tobias (co-author)
Rose Marie (perf.)
Jeanie Lang (perf.)
sm15.gif On the Bumpy Road to Love (1938) Murray Mencher(w&m) Al Hoffman (co-author)
Al Lewis (co-author)
Benny Goodman (perf.)
sm15.gif Sing a Little Low-Down Tune (1933) Murray Mencher(w&m) Jack Scholl (co-author)
Charles Tobias (co-author)
Connie Boswell (perf.)
sm15.gif Thief of Bagdad (1934) Murray Mencher Ralph Freed (co-author)
Murray Mencher (co-author)
Charles Tobias (co-author)
Pickens Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Throw Another Log on the Fire (1933) Murray Mencher(w&m) Jack Scholl (co-author)
Charles Tobias (co-author)
George Olsen (perf.)
Joe Morrison (perf.)
Irene Beesley (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm an Old Cowhand (1936) Johnny Mercer(w&m) Bing Crosby (perf.)
sm15.gif We Take Out Hats Off to You, Mr. Wilson! (1914) Blanche Merrill(w&m) Nora Bayes (perf.)
sm15.gif Photo of the Girl I Left Behind (1924), The Billy Merson(w&m) Stan Bennett (perf.)
Red Newman (perf.)
Ross Hamilton (perf.)
Al Plunkett (perf.)
Billy Merson (perf.)
sm15.gif When You Look in the Heart of a Rose (1918) Florence Methven Marian Gillespie (words)
Mr. & Mrs. Coburn (perf.)
Arthur Middleton (perf.)
sm15.gif Lady Elizabeth (1901) Bertha Metzler
sm15.gif  Over the Waters Blue (1906) Bertha Metzler
sm15.gif Brass Band Ephraham Jones (1911) George W. Meyer Joe Goodwin (words)
sm15.gif Bring Back My Daddy to Me (1917) George W. Meyer William Tracey (words)
Howard E. Johnson (words)
Madge Evans (perf.)
sm15.gif Down the Lane With Linda Jane (1908) George W. Meyer Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Excuse Us, Mister Moon (1908) George W. Meyer Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Friends (1919) George W. Meyer Joseph H. Santly (words)
Howard Johnson (words)
sm15.gif General Pershing Will Cross the Rhine (1918) George W. Meyer Howard E. Johnson (words)
sm15.gif Girl You See in the Looking Glass (1908), The George W. Meyer Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Good-Bye, Wild Women, Good-Bye! (1919) George W. Meyer Howard Johnson (words)
Milton Ager (words)
sm15.gif Hello, Aloha, Hello! (1917) George W. Meyer Howard E. Johnson (words)
Dorothy Meuther (perf.)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Helen Clark (perf.)
Elizabeth Brice (perf.)
Charles King (perf.)
sm15.gif Here Comes the Bride (?) George W. Meyer Mollie King (perf.)
sm15.gif High Cost of Loving (1914), The George W. Meyer Alfred Bryan (words)
Emma Carus (perf.)
Eddie Cassady (perf.)
Eleanor Irving (perf.)
Little Jerry (perf.)
James McCormack (perf.)
Elida Morris (perf.)
Bobbie Russell (perf.)
Frankie Siegel (perf.)
Lee White (perf.)
sm15.gif Homeward Bound (1917) George W. Meyer Howard E. Johnson (words)
Coleman Goetz (words)
Ruth Roland (perf.)
Frank Mullane (perf.)
Eddie Mortan (perf.)
Dorothy Jardon (perf.)
Dooley & Nelson (perf.)
Bradley & Ardine (perf.)
Belle Brooks (perf.)
Artie Mellinger (perf.)
Claire Rochester (perf.)
Lewis & Dody (perf.)
Emma Carus (perf.)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Miss Pielert (perf.)
sm15.gif I Believe in Miracles (1935) George W. Meyer Pete Wendling (co-author)
Sam M Lewis (words)
George Hall (perf.)
Heat Waves (perf.)
sm15.gif I Wish I Was in the Land of Cotton Now (1918) George W. Meyer Howard Johnson (words)
Chas. McCarron (words)
Dolly Connolly (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Crazy 'bout You Daisy (1908) George W. Meyer Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif I'm Sorry For Satan (1908) George W. Meyer Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif If He Can Fight Like He Can Love, Good Night Germany! (1918) George W. Meyer Howard Emmett Rogers (words)
Grant Clarke (words)
Ray Samuels (perf.)
Larry Comer (perf.)
Flora Starr (perf.)
Eleanor Sherman (perf.)
Artie Mehlinger (perf.)
Al Herman (perf.)
Jack Rose (perf.)
Primrose Semon (perf.)
Santly & Norton (perf.)
Emma Carus (perf.)
Rae Samuels (perf.)
Farber Sisters (perf.)
Tom Ward (perf.)
Dolly Ward (perf.)
Elaine Gordon (perf.)
sm15.gif  If I Told You That I Loved You (1908) George W. Meyer Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif In the Land of Beginning Again (1918) George W. Meyer Grant Clarke (words)
Bing Crosby (perf.)
Ingrid Bergman (perf.)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
sm15.gif In the Land of Wedding Bells (1917) George W. Meyer Howard E. Johnson (words)
Dooley & Nelson (perf.)
Santly & Norton (perf.)
sm15.gif It's My Business to Know Them All (1912) George W. Meyer Jack Drislane (words)
sm15.gif Johnny's in Town (1919) George W. Meyer Abe Olman (co-author)
Jack Yellen (words)
sm15.gif Just Bring Two Lips Along (1914) George W. Meyer Charles A. Bayha (words)
Paul Frawley (perf.)
sm15.gif Just Like Washington Crossed the Delaware, General Pershing Will Cross the Rhine (1918) George W. Meyer Howard E. Johnson (words)
Kate Elinore (perf.)
Sam Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif Some Lonesome Night (1918) George W. Meyer Grant Clarke (words)
George Whiting (words)
sm15.gif Sweetie Sweet (1912) George W. Meyer Joe Goodwin (words)
sm15.gif Tale of an Old Rag Doll (1908), The George W. Meyer Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif There'll Be a Hot Time For the Old Men (1918) George W. Meyer Grant Clarke (words)
Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
Emma Carus (perf.)
sm15.gif There's a Lot of Blue-Eyed Marys Down in Maryland (1919) George W. Meyer Jack Yellen (words)
Milton Ager (words)
sm15.gif When They're Beautiful They're Bound to Get By (1919) George W. Meyer Grant Clarke (words)
Milton Ager (words)
Edith Clifford (perf.)
sm15.gif You Bet I'm Glad to Be Just Where I Am (1908) George W. Meyer Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif You'll Find Old Dixieland in France (1918) George W. Meyer Grant Clarke (words)
Bert A. Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif Down in Chinatown (1920) Joseph Meyer Geo. P. Hulten (co-author)
sm15.gif Goodye-Bye Shanghai (1921) Joseph Meyer Howard Johnson (words)
sm15.gif Crying For You (1923) Ned Miller(w&m) Chester Cohn (co-author)
Harry J. Conley (perf.)
Belle Baker (perf.)
Nick &. Gladys Verga (perf.)
sm15.gif  Don't Mind the Rain (1924) Ned Miller Chester Cohn (co-author)
Pedro Puche (words)
Henry Halstead (perf.)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
White Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Sunday (1926) Ned Miller(w&m) Chester Cohn (co-author)
Jules Stein (co-author)
Bennie Krueger (co-author)
sm15.gif Why Should I Cry Over You (1922) Ned Miller(w&m) Chester Cohn (co-author)
Driscoll, Long & Hughes (perf.)
Jack Benny (perf.)
Helen Moretti (perf.)
Nat Mortan (perf.)
Nonette (perf.)
sm15.gif You Don't Like It - Not Much (1927) Ned Miller(w&m) Art Kahn (co-author)
Chester Cohn (co-author)
Ruth Etting (perf.)
sm15.gif I'll Come Back to You When It's All Over (1917) Kerry Mills Lew Brown (words)
Arthur Middleton (perf.)
Santly & Norton (perf.)
Eddie Mortan (perf.)
sm15.gif In Miami (1919) Sidney D. Mitchell(w&m) Arthur Fields (co-author)
Archie Gottler (co-author)
sm15.gif Mother, Here's Your Boy! (1918) Sidney D. Mitchell Archie Gottler (co-author)
Theodore Morse (co-author)
sm15.gif Swanee Shore (1919) Sidney D. Mitchell Arthur Fields (co-author)
Irving Kaufman (co-author)
sm15.gif All I Can Do Is Just Love You (1915) James V. Monaco Joseph McCarthy (words)
Grant Clarke (words)
Mae Francis (perf.)
sm15.gif As Long As You're There (1931) James V. Monaco Edgar Leslie (words)
sm15.gif Beatrice Fairfax, Tell Me What to Do (1915) James V. Monaco Grant Clarke (words)
Dorothy Meuther (perf.)
Emma Carus (perf.)
sm15.gif Calling Me Home (1926) James V. Monaco L. Wolfe Gilbert (words)
Ford Rush (perf.)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
sm15.gif Crazy People (1932) James V. Monaco Edgar Leslie (words)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
Boswell Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Fatima Brown (1915) James V. Monaco Joe McCarthy (words)
Elizabeth M. Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Have You Forgotten Me? (1916) James V. Monaco Joseph McCarthy (words)
Avon Comedy Four (perf.)
sm15.gif Honolulu Blues (1916), The James V. Monaco Grant Clarke (words)
Helene Vincent (perf.)
Edward Miller (perf.)
Weber, Dolan & Frazer (perf.)
Marie Russell (perf.)
sm15.gif Honolulu, America Loves You (1916) James V. Monaco Eddie Cox (co-author)
Grant Clarke (co-author)
Santly & Norton (perf.)
Eleanor Sherman (perf.)
Elizabeth Brice (perf.)
Charles King (perf.)
Avon Comedy Four (perf.)
Dorothy Meuther (perf.)
Carrie Lillie (perf.)
Arthur Fields (perf.)
sm15.gif I Called You My Sweetheart (1917) James V. Monaco Howard E. Johnson (words)
Grant Clarke (words)
Frances Kennedy (perf.)
Willie Weston (perf.)
Elizabeth Brice (perf.)
Charles King (perf.)
W. J. Reilly (perf.)
Jan Rubini (perf.)
Jimmy Flynn (perf.)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
sm15.gif  I Want to Be There (1915) James V. Monaco Grant Clarke (words)
Bessie Wynn (perf.)
sm15.gif If We Can't Be the Same Old Sweethearts, We'll Just Be the Same Old Friends (1915) James V. Monaco Joseph McCarthy (words)
Rose Bryant (perf.)
Henry Burr (perf.)
sm15.gif Lonesome Lover (1930) James V. Monaco Alfred Bryan (words)
Lew Conrad (perf.)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
sm15.gif There's Just a Little Bit of Monkey (1916) James V. Monaco Grant Clarke (words)
sm15.gif There's Nothing Sweeter Than a Girl From Dixieland (1917) James V. Monaco Grant Clarke (words)
Emma Carus (perf.)
Bobbie Smith (perf.)
Belle Baker (perf.)
sm15.gif Those Good Old Days Back Home (1916) James V. Monaco Joe McCarthy (words)
Meyako Sisters (perf.)
Edward Miller (perf.)
Helene Vincent (perf.)
Neil McKinley (perf.)
Emma Stevens (perf.)
sm15.gif What's the Use of Going Home (1915) James V. Monaco Grant Clark (words)
Joe McCarthy (words)
Mae Francis (perf.)
Neil McKinley (perf.)
Arthur Fields (perf.)
sm15.gif Won't You Give Me a Chance to Love You? (1917) James V. Monaco Joe Goodwin (words)
sm15.gif You're a Dangerous Girl - Song (1916) James V. Monaco Grant Clarke (words)
Helen Clark (perf.)
Joseph A. Phillips (perf.)
Al Jolson (perf.)
Bresnen (perf.)
sm15.gif I Want You (1925) Carey Morgan Arthur Swanstrom (words)
sm15.gif Snow Flake (1921) Carey Morgan John Murray Anderson (words)
Arthur Swanstrom (words)
sm15.gif When Dreams Come True (1921) Carey Morgan Arthur Swanstrom (words)
sm15.gif Don't Bite the Hand That's Feeding You (1915) Jimmy Morgan(w&m) Thomas Hoier (words)
Gene Autry (perf.)
Ed Morton (perf.)
Judy Garland (perf.)
sm15.gif Down Around the River at the Dixie Jubilee (1919) Melville Morris Jack Yellen (words)
Elizabeth M. Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Step on It (1919) Melville Morris
sm15.gif Alice I'm in Wonderland (1918) Theodore F. Morse Arthur Fields (words)
Albert Campbell (perf.)
John H. Meyer (perf.)
Henry Burr (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't Blame It All on Me (1924) Theodore F. Morse Dorothy Terriss (words)
Leo Wood (words)
Lewis James (perf.)
sm15.gif Hail! Hail! the Gang's All Here! (1917) Theodore F. Morse Arthur Sullivan (co-author)
D. A. Esrom (words)
Irving Kaufman (perf.)
sm15.gif  How Nice You Look! (1919) Theodore F. Morse
sm15.gif Jazzola (1919) Theodore F. Morse(w&m) J. Russel Robinson (co-author)
Al. M. Kendall (words)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Donald Alexander Chalmers (perf.)
Steve Porter (perf.)
John Young (perf.)
sm15.gif M-O-T-H-E-R (1915) Theodore F. Morse Howard E. Johnson (words)
Wilson Bros (perf.)
Dick & Morrison Peterson (perf.)
Monte Austin (perf.)
Marie Russell (perf.)
George MacFarlane (perf.)
Gene Greene (perf.)
Eva Tanguay (perf.)
Emma Carus (perf.)
Ed Morton (perf.)
Dorothy Meuther (perf.)
Al Wohlman (perf.)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Ethel Arnold (perf.)
Ed. Morton (perf.)
William Gaxton (perf.)
Maye Hunt (perf.)
Eva Meuther (perf.)
sm15.gif Mammy Blossom's 'possum Party (1917) Theodore F. Morse Arthur Fields (words)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
Nella Allen (perf.)
Moe Thompson (perf.)
sm15.gif My Old Rose (1916) Theodore F. Morse Leo Wood (words)
George MacFarlane (words)
George MacFarlane (perf.)
sm15.gif My Red Cross Girlie (1917) Theodore F. Morse Harry Bewley (words)
sm15.gif Ole Virginny Days (1916) Theodore F. Morse William Henry Gardner (words)
Betsy Lane Shepherd (perf.)
Gladys Rice (perf.)
Amy Ellerman (perf.)
Reed Miller as James Reed (perf.)
Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
sm15.gif People Who Live in Glass Houses Never Should Throw Any Stones (1903) Theodore F. Morse Carroll Fleming (words)
sm15.gif Since Reuben's Gone Away (1902) Theodore F. Morse Vincent P. Bryan (words)
sm15.gif Sing Me Love's Lullaby (1917) Theodore F. Morse Dorothy Terriss (words)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Wheeler Wadsworth (perf.)
Sylvanus Ward as Tom Lamere (perf.)
Marie Rappold (perf.)
sm15.gif Soldier Boy (1915) Theodore F. Morse D. A. Esrom (words)
Billy Burton (perf.)
Herbert Stuart (perf.)
Charles Harrison (perf.)
sm15.gif Somebody's Boy - Away Out There! (1917) Theodore F. Morse Theodore F. Morse (co-author)
D. A. Esrom (words)
sm15.gif Throw No Stones in the Well That Gives You Water (1917) Theodore F. Morse Arthur Fields (words)
Arthur Fields (perf.)
Al Herman (perf.)
sm15.gif We'll Knock the Heligo-Into Heligo Out of Heligoland! (1917) Theodore F. Morse John O'Brien (words)
Arthur Fields (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Dooley & Nelson (perf.)
Florence Timponi (perf.)
Emma Carus (perf.)
Frank Mullane (perf.)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
sm15.gif When a Blue Service Star Turns to Gold (1918) Theodore F. Morse Casper Nathan (words)
sm15.gif When the Gold Was Turning Gray (1901) Theodore F. Morse Harry S. Marion (words)
Bohannon & Corey (perf.)
sm15.gif Wang Wang Blues (1921), The Gus Mueller Buster Johnson (co-author)
Henry Busse (co-author)
Leo Wood (words)
Paul Whiteman (perf.)
Van & Schenck (perf.)
Courtney Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Baby, Won't You Say You Love Me (1950) Josef Myrow Mack Gordon (words)
Betty Grable (perf.)
Phil Harris (perf.)
Victor Mature (perf.)
sm15.gif  Every Time I Meet You (1947) Josef Myrow Mack Gordon (words)
Betty Grable (perf.)
Cesar Romero (perf.)
Rudy Vallée (perf.)
sm15.gif Bull Frog and the Coon (1906), The Joseph S. Nathan Felix F. Feist (words)
Trainor & Dale (perf.)
Eleanor Falk (perf.)
Dorsch & Russel (perf.)
sm15.gif Man Who Fights the Fire (1908), The Joseph S. Nathan Felix F. Feist (words)
sm15.gif My Cavalier (1910) Joseph S. Nathan Felix F. Feist (words)
sm15.gif Pal of Mine (1905) Joseph S. Nathan Bartley C. Costello (words)
Harry MacDonough (perf.)
John H. Bieling (perf.)
sm15.gif Señora (1908) Joseph S. Nathan
sm15.gif Señora - Song (1907) Joseph S. Nathan Felix Feist (words)
Guido Gialdini (perf.)
sm15.gif Mickey O'Neil (1921) Ed G. Nelson J. Fred Coots (co-author)
Harry Pease (words)
Howard Johnson (words)
sm15.gif O'Reilly, I'm Ashamed of You (1921) Ed G. Nelson Elsie White (co-author)
Harry Pease (words)
sm15.gif Anastasia (1956) Alfred Newman Paul Francis Webster (words)
Helen Hayes (perf.)
Ingrid Bergman (perf.)
Yul Brynner (perf.)
sm15.gif Round Her Neck She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1917) George A. Norton(w&m)
sm15.gif Laughing Blues (1919) Alcide Nunez Anton Lada (co-author)
Joe Cawley (co-author)
sm15.gif You're Not So Easy to Forget (1947) Ben Oakland Herb Magidson (words)
Gloria Grahame (perf.)
sm15.gif Kissing Rag (1910), The Charles O'Donnell
sm15.gif Pleading (1911) Charles O'Donnell Bobby Heath (words)
sm15.gif Aw Sammie! (1918) Geoffrey de Vere O'Hara H. Sanborn (words)
sm15.gif K-K-K-Katy (1918) Geoffrey de Vere O'Hara(w&m) Billy Murray (perf.)
Walter Williams (perf.)
Toby Claude (perf.)
sm15.gif Over Yonder Where the Lilies Grow (1918) Geoffrey de Vere O'Hara Henry Burr (perf.)
sm15.gif  Each Time You Say 'Good Bye' (1939) Fillmore Wellington Ohman Foster Carling (words)
sm15.gif Cootie Tickle (1919), The Abe Olman Jack Yellen (words)
sm15.gif Down Among the Sheltering Palms (1914) Abe Olman James Brockman (words)
Al Jolson (perf.)
Pied Pipers (perf.)
Monica Lewis (perf.)
Clipper Trio (perf.)
Frederic V. Bowers (perf.)
Elizabeth Brice (perf.)
Charles King (perf.)
Tommy Dorsey (perf.)
Boswell Sisters (perf.)
Emma Carus (perf.)
sm15.gif Not So Very Far From Zanzibar (1916) Abe Olman Ed Rose (words)
Joseph McCarthy (words)
Bert Wheeler (perf.)
Betty Wheeler (perf.)
sm15.gif Poppy Blossom (1919) Abe Olman Jack Yellen (words)
sm15.gif At the Jazz Band Ball (1918) Original Dixieland Jazz Band
sm15.gif Sensation (1917) Original Dixieland Jazz Band
sm15.gif All For the Love of Mike (1922) Harry Pease(w&m) Harry Tobias (co-author)
Ed. G Nelson (co-author)
sm15.gif Deeze, Doze and Dem (1923) Harry Pease(w&m) Ed G. Nelson (co-author)
Johnny White (co-author)
sm15.gif I'll Hop, Skip and Jump (1923) Harry Pease Irving Bibo (co-author)
Ed G. Nelson (co-author)
Alyce & Lucille Sheldon (perf.)
sm15.gif In the Old Town Hall (1921) Harry Pease Billy Jones (perf.)
Van & Schenck (perf.)
sm15.gif Me No Speak'a Good English (1923) Harry Pease(w&m) Ed. G. Nelson (co-author)
Moe Schenck (co-author)
sm15.gif Pal That I Loved Stole the Gal That I Loved (1924), The Harry Pease Ed G. Nelson (co-author)
Jim Doherty (perf.)
Earl & Bell (perf.)
Edgar Eben (perf.)
Ted Meyn (perf.)
Henry Murtagh (perf.)
Isabella Patricola (perf.)
Frank Richardson (perf.)
Macy Scott (perf.)
Smith & Duane (perf.)
Florence Tennyson (perf.)
Paul Whiteman (perf.)
sm15.gif Peggy O'Neil (1921) Harry Pease Ed G. Nelson (co-author)
Gilbert Dodge (co-author)
Frances Kennedy (perf.)
Clara Morton (perf.)
Sadie Burt (perf.)
George Whiting (perf.)
Gene Granese (perf.)
Jerry Murad (perf.)
Billy Jones (perf.)
Hamilton King (perf.)
sm15.gif What Does the Pussy Cat Mean When She Says ''Me-Ow'' (1924) Harry Pease(w&m) N.T. Granlund (co-author)
Ed G. Nelson (co-author)
sm15.gif Paid in Full (1908) William Frederick Peters
sm15.gif Slumbertown (1911) William Frederick Peters Mark E. Swan (words)
sm15.gif At the Yiddisher Ball (1912) Harry Piani Joe McCarthy (words)
sm15.gif  At the Yiddish Wedding Jubilee (1914) Al Piantadosi Jack Glogau (co-author)
Joseph McCarthy (words)
Sophie Tucker (perf.)
Bush & Shapiro (perf.)
Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
sm15.gif Curse of an Aching Heart (1913), The Al Piantadosi Henry Fink (words)
Tilford (perf.)
Gertrude Cocut (perf.)
Emma Carus (perf.)
Manne & Bell (perf.)
Joe Burns (perf.)
Will Oakland (perf.)
sm15.gif Cute and Cunning Wonderful Baby Doll (1913) Al Piantadosi Joe Goodwin (words)
Joseph McCarthy (words)
Florence Tempest (perf.)
sm15.gif Dreamy Italian Waltz (1911) Al Piantadosi
sm15.gif Dreamy Italian Waltz - Song (1911) Al Piantadosi
sm15.gif Funny Moon (1910) Al Piantadosi Jos. McCarthy (words)
Charles F. Orr:veveyz (perf.)
sm15.gif Give Me a Small-Town Sweetheart (1911) Al Piantadosi Joe McCarthy (words)
sm15.gif Honey Man (1911) Al Piantadosi Joe McCarthy (words)
Abbott & White (perf.)
Bailey, Hall & Burnett (perf.)
Rhoda Bernard (perf.)
George F. Britt (perf.)
Anna Chandler (perf.)
Bison City Four (perf.)
Green, McHendry & Deane (perf.)
Luba Meroff (perf.)
sm15.gif I Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier (1915) Al Piantadosi Alfred Bryan (words)
Will J. Ward (perf.)
Mae Francis (perf.)
Ed Morton (perf.)
Chief Tendehoa (perf.)
American Comedy Four (perf.)
Parillo & Frabito (perf.)
McCormack & Irving (perf.)
Chee Toy (perf.)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Helen Clark (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Awf'ly Glad I'm Irish (1910) Al Piantadosi Edgar Leslie (words)
Blanche Mehaffey (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Lost All My Love For You (1926) Al Piantadosi Harry Akst (co-author)
Sam M. Lewis (words)
Joe Young (words)
sm15.gif I've Only One Idea About the Girls and That's to Love 'em (1914) Al Piantadosi Earl Carroll (words)
Joseph McCarthy (words)
Wilbur Mack (perf.)
Helene Vincent (perf.)
sm15.gif In All My Dreams, I Dream of You (1910) Al Piantadosi Joe McCarthy (words)
sm15.gif Melinda's Wedding Day (1913) Al Piantadosi Joe McCarthy (words)
Joe Goodwin (words)
Emma Carus (perf.)
Archie Lloyd (perf.)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
Barnes & Robinson (perf.)
sm15.gif My Own Venetian Rose (1915) Al Piantadosi(w&m) Jack Glogau (co-author)
Joe McCarthy (co-author)
Billy Beard (perf.)
sm15.gif Pal of My Cradle Days (1925) Al Piantadosi Marshall Montgomery (words)
Franklyn Baur (perf.)
Clark & O'Neill (perf.)
Julia Clifford (perf.)
Correll & Gosden (perf.)
Joe Darcy (perf.)
Dorothy Francisco (perf.)
Norinne Gibbons (perf.)
Charles Granese (perf.)
Helen Harrigan (perf.)
Heller & Riley (perf.)
Adelyn Jason (perf.)
Mabel McKinley (perf.)
Helen Moretti (perf.)
Alice Morley (perf.)
Henry Murtagh (perf.)
Ruby Norton (perf.)
Pam & Peggy (perf.)
Milton Slosser (perf.)
Eddie Swartz (perf.)
sm15.gif Rusty-Can-O-Rag (1910) Al Piantadosi Thomas J. Gray (words)
Dan Maley (perf.)
Ben Welch (perf.)
sm15.gif Somehow I Can't Forget You (1911) Al Piantadosi Joe McCarthy (words)
sm15.gif  Summer Days (1911) Al Piantadosi Joe McCarthy (words)
Billy Montgomery (perf.)
Florence Moore (perf.)
Kathleen Kay (perf.)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Belle Adair (perf.)
sm15.gif Take Me With You Cutey, and Forget to Bring Me Back (1910) Al Piantadosi Thomas J. Gray (words)
sm15.gif That Dreamy Italian Waltz - Song (1910) Al Piantadosi Joe McCarthy (words)
Lyons & Yosco (perf.)
L.C. Piotti (perf.)
Isabelle Darmond (perf.)
Claude & Marion Cleveland (perf.)
Sam Dody (perf.)
sm15.gif That Italian Rag (1910) Al Piantadosi
sm15.gif That Italian Rag - Song (1910) Al Piantadosi Edgar Leslie (words)
Tom M. Lyons (perf.)
Sam Dody (perf.)
sm15.gif That Italian Serenade (1911) Al Piantadosi Jack Glogau (co-author)
Joe McCarthy (words)
Florence Bowes (perf.)
Ethel Tucker (perf.)
sm15.gif That's How I Need You (1912) Al Piantadosi Joe McCarthy (words)
Joe Goodwin (words)
Emma Carus (perf.)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Miss Burney (perf.)
sm15.gif Then I'll Stop Loving You (1913) Al Piantadosi Joe McCarthy (words)
Joe Goodwin (words)
Emma Carus (perf.)
sm15.gif Think It Over, Mary (1911) Al Piantadosi Thomas J. Gray (words)
Frankie Siegel (perf.)
Will Oakland (perf.)
sm15.gif When Broadway Was a Pasture (1911) Al Piantadosi Joe McCarthy (words)
Valeska Suratt (perf.)
sm15.gif When You Play in the Game of Love (1913) Al Piantadosi Joe Goodwin (words)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Willie Weston (perf.)
Manuel Romain (perf.)
Little Jerry (perf.)
sm15.gif When You're in Love With Someone Who Is Not in Love With You (1915) Al Piantadosi Grant Clarke (words)
Dorothy Meuther (perf.)
sm15.gif Your Daddy Did the Same Thing Fifty Years Ago (1912) Al Piantadosi Joe McCarthy (words)
Joe Goodwin (words)
Jen Latona (perf.)
sm15.gif Blacksmith Rag - Song (1920) Harold Pinder Will R. Garton (words)
Leo Wood (words)
sm15.gif Stock Yard Blues (1917) Maceo Pinkard
sm15.gif Sweet Man (1925) Maceo Pinkard Roy Turk (words)
Ethel Waters (perf.)
sm15.gif I Never Knew I Could Love Anybody (1920) Thomas Pitts Ray Egan (co-author)
Roy K. Marsh (co-author)
Paul Whiteman (perf.)
Jane Green (perf.)
sm15.gif Betty and Billy (1909) William C. Polla
sm15.gif  Curly (1909) William C. Polla
sm15.gif Curly - Song (1909) William C. Polla George Totten Smith (words)
sm15.gif Little Red Fox (1939), The Lew Porter James V. Kern (words)
Hy Heath (words)
Johnny Lange (words)
Kay Kyser (perf.)
sm15.gif Travel, Travel Little Star (1910) Arthur Willard Pryor Vincent B Bryan (words)
David Craig Montgomery (perf.)
Fred Stone (perf.)