Abner Silver 
Last updated: 10.01.25
url15.gif Abner Silver Biography by wikipedia.org.  
url15.gif  DAHR: Abner Silver List of 396 historic recordings from 1918 to 1949.
Abner Silver  has at least 22 item(s) at the Amazons which you can order on-line by clicking the item's order icon.
Am I a Passing Fancy Or Am I in One of Your Dreams?
Words and Music by: Abner Silver.
Co-Author: Al Lewis Al Sherman
Performed by: Rudy Vallée
Publisher: Arthur Behim Music Corp.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1929. Sheet Music.
b002tj0imk_m.jpgAnd So Little Time
Music by: Abner Silver.
Words by: Nick Kenny
Performed by: Joan Brooks
Publisher: Lincoln Music Corp.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif flag15es.gif
Printed: 1943. Sheet Music.
Elsie Shultz-En-Heim
Music by: Abner Silver.
Words by: Cliff Friend
Publisher: Irving Berlin Inc.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1926. Sheet Music.
b0055363gm_m.jpgEvery Now and Then
Words and Music by: Abner Silver.
Co-Author: Al Sherman, Al Lewis
Performed by: Charles Boulanger
Publisher: T.B. Harms & Co.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
  Printed: 1935. Sheet Music.
Everything I Do-I Do for You
Music by: Abner Silver.
Performed by: Eddie Cantor
Publisher: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1929. Sheet Music.
Farewell to Arms
Music by: Abner Silver.
Words by: Allie Wrubel
Publisher: Keit-Engel Inc.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
Printed: 1933. Sheet Music 3 pages.
b001bzpck6_m.jpgFor Sentimental Reasons
Music by: Abner Silver.
Words by: Al Sherman, Edward Heyman
Publisher: Marlo Music Corporation
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1936. Sheet Music.
Good-Morning, Good-Evening, Good-Night
Words and Music by: Abner Silver.
Co-Author: Al Sherman, Al Lewis
Publisher: Irving Berlin Inc.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
  Printed: 1928. Sheet Music.
b0014wvkts_m.jpgHave You Forgotten So Soon?
Music by: Abner Silver.
Words by: Edward Heyman, Sam Coslow
Performed by: Jan Sevitt
Publisher: Irving Berlin Inc.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif flag15es.gif
Printed: 1938. Sheet Music.
b000x6443a_m.jpgHe's So Unusual
Words and Music by: Abner Silver.
Co-Author: Al Sherman, Al Lewis
Performed by: Helen Kane
Publisher: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1929. Sheet Music.
Isn't It a Shame?
Music by: Abner Silver.
Words by: Al Lewis Al Sherman
Publisher: Leo Feist
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1934. Sheet Music.
b01io1uyc0_m.jpgLet's Swing It
Words and Music by: Abner Silver.
Co-Author: Al Sherman, Al Lewis
Publisher: Harms Inc.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
  Printed: 1935. Sheet Music.
b002syzjd4_m.jpgLittle Did I Know
Music by: Abner Silver.
Words by: Nick Kenny, Chas. Kenny
Performed by: Frank Sinatra
Publisher: Lincoln Music Corp.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1943. Sheet Music.
b000itwyy8_m.jpgOld Fashioned Lady
Words and Music by: Abner Silver.
Co-Author: Al Sherman, Al Lewis
Publisher: De Sylva, Brown & Henderson Inc.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1929. Sheet Music.
On the Beach at Bali Bali
Music by: Abner Silver.
Words by: Al Sherman Jack Meskill
Publisher: Edwin H. Morris & Co.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1936. Sheet Music.
b0011zy4uu_m.jpgSanta Claus Express, The
Words and Music by: Abner Silver.
Co-Author: Al Lewis Al Sherman
Publisher: Crawford Music Corporation
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
  Printed: 1935. Sheet Music 7 pages.
Say It While Dancing Fox Trot Song
Music by: Abner Silver.
Words by: Benny Davis
Publisher: M. Witmark and Sons
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1922. Sheet Music.
Ten Little Soldiers On A Ten Day Leave
Music by: Abner Silver.
Words by: Sue Werner, Kay Werner
Publisher: Lincoln Music Corp.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1942. Sheet Music.
b07577shxl_m.jpgUp in Mabel's Room Novelty Song
Music by: Abner Silver.
Words by: Alex Gerber
Performed by: Hazel Dawn
Publisher: M. Witmark and Sons
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1919. Sheet Music 4 pages.
When Will the Sun Shine for Me?
Music by: Abner Silver.
Words by: Benny Davis
Performed by: Daisy Dormer
Publisher: M. Witmark and Sons
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
  Printed: 1923. Sheet Music.
Where the River Meets the Sea
Music by: Abner Silver.
Words by: Ira Schuster, Milton Drake
Publisher: Mort Beck Music Co
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1933. Sheet Music 3 pages.
b00251t6wu_m.jpgWith These Hands
Music by: Abner Silver.
Words by: Benny Davis
Performed by: Ken Mackintosh
Publisher: Ben Bloom Music Corp.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif
Printed: 1950. Sheet Music.
  Title (Release Year) Co-Author(s) Performers Issue
cylinder15.gif My Home Town Is a One-Horse Town (1921) Jim Doherty Edison Blue Amberol: 4183
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
audiomidi15.gif Carry Me Back to My Carolina Home (1922) Unknown
audiomidi15.gif Early to Bed and Early to Rise (1920) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Give Me the Sultan's Harem (1919) James Pitt-Payne
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
recordmp3.gif Darling, Not Without You (1936) A. Silver Dolly Dawn Victor: BS-0602
recordmp3.gif Have You Forgotten So Soon? (1938) A. Silver Miriam Shaw Victor: BS-027430
recordmp3.gif How Did He Look (1940) A. Silver Joan Merrill Victor: BS-058225
recordmp3.gif I Ain't Got Nobody to Love (1925) A. Silver Aileen Stanley Victor: B-31738
recordmp3.gif Mood That I'm In, The (1937) A. Silver Dolly Dawn Victor: BS-06126
recordmp3.gif Morning (1924) A. Silver George Wilton Ballard Edison: 9667
recordmp3.gif Say It Again (1926) A. Silver Peggy English as Jane Gray Columbia: 141700
recordmp3.gif Thank Your Stars (1940) A. Silver Mary Ann McCall Victor: BS-046056
recordmp3.gif When Will the Sun Shine for Me? (1923) A. Silver George Wilton Ballard Edison: 8866
recordmp3.gif Who Could Be More Wonderful Than You? (1926) A. Silver Kitty O'Connor Columbia: W142676
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Bebe (1923) A. Silver (music)
S. Coslow (words)
Bebe Daniels (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif

Becky From Babylon (1920) A. Silver (music)
A. Gerber (words)
Willie Howard (perf.)
Eugene Howard (perf.)
Eugene Howard (perf.)
Willie Howard (perf.)
Piano, Voice

Carry Me Back to My Carolina Home (1922) A. Silver (music)
B. Davis (words)

Piano, Voice IMSLP
Sheet Music Singer
pdf15.gif Early to Bed and Early to Rise (1920) A. Silver (music)
A. Gerber (words)
E. Cantor (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Follow Me to Dixieland (1918) A. Silver (music)
Henry Fink (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif

Give Me the Sultan's Harem (1919) A. Silver (music)
A. Gerber (words)
Al Herman (perf.)
N.V. Nichols (perf.)
Piano, Voice

Sheet Music Singer
pdf15.gif I Want to Be Loved by a Soldier (1918) A. Silver (music)
Henry Fink (words)
Mollie King (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif  Murmuring (1922) A. Silver (music)
B. Davis (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif My Home Town Is a One-Horse Town (1920) A. Silver (music)
A. Gerber (words)
Van & Schenck (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
Say It While Dancing (1922) A. Silver (music)
B. Davis (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP

There's a Typical Tipperary Over Here You'd Think That You Were Home in Ireland (1920) A. Silver (music)
A. Gerber (words)
Blanche Ring (perf.)
Piano, Voice

pdf15.gif Who Discovered Dixie? (1919) A. Silver (music)
A. Gerber (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif You Are Just a Little Pansy (1918) A. Silver (music)
Henry Fink (words)
Kranz & La Sale (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif You Can't Blame the Girlies at All (1919) A. Silver (music)
A. Gerber (words)
Clara Morton (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 93 works by Abner Silver. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Follow Me to Dixieland 1918 Henry Fink (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
I Want to Be Loved by a Soldier 1918 Henry Fink (words)
Mollie King (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Since My Gal Is Gone I've Got the Blues 1918 Al. H. Herman (words)
Al Herman (perf.)
You Are Just a Little Pansy 1918 Henry Fink (words)
Kranz & La Sale (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
At the Prohibition Ball 1919 Alex Gerber (words)
Give Me the Sultan's Harem 1919 Alex Gerber (words)
Al Herman (perf.)
Nellie V. Nichols (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif 
Up in Mabel's Room 1919 Alex Gerber (words)
Hazel Dawn (perf.)
 amazon15.gif Pub.
Who Discovered Dixie? 1919 Alex Gerber (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
You Can't Blame the Girlies at All 1919 Alex Gerber (words)
Clara Morton (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Becky From Babylon 1920 Alex Gerber (words)
Eugene Howard (perf.)
Willie Howard (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Early to Bed and Early to Rise 1920 Alex Gerber (words)
Eddie Cantor (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
My Home Town Is a One-Horse Town 1920 Alex Gerber (words)
Jim Doherty (perf.)
Van & Schenck (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
There's a Typical Tipperary Over Here You'd Think That You Were Home in Ireland 1920 Alex Gerber (words)
Blanche Ring (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Carry Me Back to My Carolina Home 1922 Benny Davis (words)  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gifpdf15.gif 
I Go So Far With Sophie and Sophie Goes So Far With Me 1922  Pub.
Murmuring 1922 Benny Davis (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Say It While Dancing 1922 Benny Davis (words)  amazon15.gif Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Sophie (w&m) 1922 Eddie Cantor (perf.)  Pub.
Bebe 1923 Sam Coslow (words)
Eddie Cantor (perf.)
Bebe Daniels (perf.)
Moss &. Frye (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Hugo 1923 Glay Williamson (words)
Sam Goold (words)
Billy Gleason (perf.)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
I'm Goin' South 1923 Harry Woods (co-author)
Eddie Cantor (perf.)
Al Jolson (perf.)
When Will the Sun Shine For Me? 1923 Benny Davis (words)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Daisy Dormer (perf.)
 Pub.  recordmp3.gif
Dumb Dora 1924
I'm Up in Heaven (w&m) 1924 Roy Turk (co-author)  wvicon.gif
Morning 1924 George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Eddie Cantor (perf.)
Rock-A-Bye Baby Days 1924 Saul Bernie (co-author)
Harold Christy (words)
Joe Darcey (perf.)
I Ain't Got Nobody to Love 1925 Sam Coslow (words)
Aileen Stanley (perf.)
Say It Again 1925 Harry Richman (words)
Peggy English as Jane Gray (perf.)
 Pub.  recordmp3.gif
Elsie Shultz-En-Heim 1926 Cliff Friend (words)  amazon15.gif Pub.
I Don't Believe It, But Say It Again 1926 Harry Richman (words)
Arr.: May Singhi Breen
I Found a Round-A-Bout Way to Heaven 1926 Harry Richman (words)
Leon DeCosta (words)
Rags 1926 Kahal Fain (co-author)
Harry Richman (co-author)
Harry Richman (words)
Who Could Be More Wonderful Than You? 1926 Benny Davis (words)
Kitty O'Connor (perf.)
Barbara 1927 Billy Rose (words)  wvicon.gif
C'est Vous [It's You] 1927 Harry Richman (words)
Abner Greenberg (words)
Charlie Melson (perf.)
Dawning (w&m) 1927 Maceo Pinkard (co-author)  Pub.
Leonora 1927 Abner Silver (words)  wvicon.gif
Mary Ann 1927 Benny Davis (words)
Rosa Rosalie (perf.)
Mary Ann Van (perf.)
Normandy 1927 Georgie Price (words)
Good-Morning, Good-Evening, Good-Night (w&m) 1928 Al Sherman (co-author)
Al Lewis (co-author)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
I Wonder (w&m) 1928 Maceo Pinkard (co-author)
Benny Davis (co-author)
Poor Lizzie (w&m) 1928 Jack Meskill (co-author)  Pub.
Am I a Passing Fancy (w&m) 1929 Al Sherman (co-author)
Al Lewis (co-author)
Rudy Vallée (perf.)
 amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
And Especially You (w&m) 1929 Al Sherman (co-author)
Al Lewis (co-author)
Bashful Baby 1929 Cliff Friend (words)
Mildred M. Hunt (perf.)
Everything I Do-I Do for You 1929 Eddie Cantor (perf.)  amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
He's So Unusual (w&m) 1929 Al Sherman (co-author)
Al Lewis (co-author)
Helen Kane (perf.)
 amazon15.gif Pub.
I'm Just Wild About Everything and Especially You (w&m) 1929 Al Sherman (co-author)
Al Lewis (co-author)
I'm Marching Home to You (w&m) 1929 Al Sherman (co-author)
Al Lewis (co-author)
Eugene Howard (perf.)
Willie Howard (perf.)
Old Fashioned Lady (w&m) 1929 Al Sherman (co-author)
Al Lewis (co-author)
 amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
Down in Shenandoah Valley 1930 Mack Gordon (words)
Eugene Ormandy (perf.)
I'm Up on a Mountain (w&m) 1930 Dave Oppenheim (co-author)
Rudy Vallée (perf.)
It Must Be Love 1930 Mack Gordon (words)
I Hate Myself 1931 Cornell Dave Oppenheim (words)
I'm Mad About You (w&m) 1931 Husk O'Hare (perf.)  Pub.
Pu-Leeze, Mr. Hemingway! 1932 Walter Kent (words)
Milton Drake (words)
Farewell to Arms 1933 Allie Wrubel (words)  amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
I Loved You Wednesday (w&m) 1933 Walter Kent (co-author)
Milton Drake (co-author)
When Autumn Comes Around (w&m) 1933 Kendall Burgess (co-author)
Harold Raymond (co-author)
Where the River Meets the Sea 1933 Ira Schuster (words)
Milton Drake (words)
 amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Grandfather's Clock (w&m) 1934 Nick Kenny (co-author)
Mack David (co-author)
Isn't It a Shame? 1934 Al Sherman (words)
Al Lewis (words)
 amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
There Goes My Heart 1934 Benny Davis (words)  Pub.
Chasing Shadows 1935 Benny Davis (words)
Sid Gary (perf.)
Larry Taylor (perf.)
Every Now and Then (w&m) 1935 Al Sherman (co-author)
Al Lewis (co-author)
Charles Boulanger (perf.)
Reichman (perf.)
 amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
Hypnotized 1935 Al Lewis (words)
Al Sherman (words)
Let's Swing It (w&m) 1935 Al Sherman (co-author)
Al Lewis (co-author)
 amazon15.gif Pub.
One Night in Monte Carlo 1935 Al Sherman (words)
Al Lewis (words)
Santa Claus Express, The (w&m) 1935 Al Sherman (co-author)
Al Lewis (co-author)
 amazon15.gif Pub.
Darling, Not Without You 1936 Al Sherman (co-author)
Edward Heyman (co-author)
Dolly Dawn (perf.)
 Pub.  recordmp3.gif
For Sentimental Reasons 1936 Al Sherman (words)
Edward Heyman (words)
 amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
On the Beach at Bali Bali 1936 Jack Meskill (words)
Al Sherman (words)
 amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
Mood That I'm In, The 1937 Al Sherman (co-author)
Dolly Dawn (perf.)
Gale Page (perf.)
 wvicon.gif  recordmp3.gif
Have You Forgotten So Soon? 1938 Edward Heyman (words)
Sam Coslow (words)
Jan Sevitt (perf.)
Miriam Shaw (perf.)
 amazon15.gif wvicon.gif  recordmp3.gif
New Moon and an Old Serenade, A 1939 Sam Coslow (co-author)
Martin Block (co-author)
Lawrence Welk (perf.)
Old Curiosity Shop, An 1939 Sam Coslow (words)
Wood (words)
How Did He Look 1940 Gladys Shelley (words)
Joan Merrill (perf.)
Thank Your Stars 1940 Abner Silver (co-author)
Walter Kent (co-author)
Mary Ann McCall (perf.)
There Shall Be No Night 1940 Gladys Shelley (words)
Ten Little Soldiers 1942 Sue Werner (words)
Kay Werner (words)
Landt Trio & Curley (perf.)
 amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
And So Little Time (w&m) 1943 Charles Kenny (co-author)
Nick Kenny (co-author)
Joan Brooks (perf.)
 amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
Little Did I Know 1943 Nick Kenny (words)
Chas. Kenny (words)
Frank Sinatra (perf.)
Kate Smith (perf.)
 amazon15.gif Pub.
There's a Ray of Sunshine Just a Cloud Away 1943 Nick Kenny (words)
Charlie Kenny (words)
Kiss to Remember, A 1944 Charles Kenny (words)
Nick Kenny (words)
Lawrence Welk (perf.)
After a While 1945 Nick Kenny (words)
Charles Kenny (words)
Marion Loveridge (perf.)
Blue 1945 Charles J Kenny (words)
Nick Kenny (words)
Adventure 1946 Charles J Kenny (words)
Nick Kenny (words)
Sipping Cider by the Zuyder Zee (w&m) 1947 Fred Wise (co-author)
Al Frisch (co-author)
Lawrence Welk (perf.)
One Raindrop Doesn't Make a Shower 1948 Gene Doyle (words)
Mack Kay (words)
With These Hands 1950 Benny Davis (words)
Eddie Fisher (perf.)
Ken Mackintosh (perf.)
 amazon15.gif Pub.
Make Believe Land 1951 Benny Davis (words)  wvicon.gif
When 1951 Benny Davis (words)  wvicon.gif
I'm Somebody's Somebody Now ? Al Sherman (words)
Howard Johnson (words)