Greatest Hits of Kenny Ball
Last updated: 22.11.22
CD(s) [Amazon: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif ]
Label: Sanctuary Records
Release Date: 3 Mar. 2008
  1. Samantha
  2. I Still Love You All
  3. Someday You'll Be Sorry
  4. Midnight In Moscow
  5. My Mother's Eyes, Abel Baer
  6. March of the Siamese Children
  7. The Green Leaves of Summer
  8. So Do I, Richard A. Whiting/Herb Nacio Brown/Vincent Youmans
  9. The Pay-Off
  10. Sukiyaki
  11. Casablanca
  12. Rondo
  13. Acapulco 1922
  14. Hello Dolly
  15. When I'm sixty-four
  16. Heartaches
  17. Margie
  18. Caterina
  19. Nina Never Knew
  20. I Wanna Be Like You