Henry I. Marshall 
Last updated: 10.01.25
All that can presently (September 2019) be gleaned from sheet music covers and by internet searching is that Henry I. Marshall is the one-off composer of I Want to Linger (1914) published by Jerome H. Remick & Co., New York & Detroit, USA.
Surfers are welcome to contribute information about this composer.
  Title (Release Year) Co-Author(s) Performers Issue
cylinder15.gif Rocky Mountain Moon (1923) R.A. Whiting McNalpak's Dance Orchestra Edison Blue Amberol: 4815
cylinder15.gif Cross the Mason-Dixon Line (1913) American Quartet Edison Blue Amberol: 2082
cylinder15.gif Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee (1914) W.V. Brunt
Elizabeth Spencer
Edison Blue Amberol: 2140
cylinder15.gif Dinah (1914) Peerless Quartet Edison Blue Amberol: 2167
cylinder15.gif In Honeysuckle Time (1916) Arthur Collins
Byron George Harlan
Edison Blue Amberol: 3025
cylinder15.gif Loading Up the Mandy Lee (1916) Donald Alexander Chalmers
Billy Murray
S. Porter
William Redmond
Edison Blue Amberol: 2827
cylinder15.gif Mary You're a Little Bit Old Fashioned (1914) W.V. Brunt Edison Blue Amberol: 2386
cylinder15.gif My Little Lovin' Sugar Babe (1912) American Quartet Edison Blue Amberol: 1590
cylinder15.gif On the 5.15 (1915) Harry Cove
William H. Thompson
Clarion Record: 925
cylinder15.gif On the 5.15 (1915) Pete Murray Edison Blue Amberol: 2561
cylinder15.gif Teasing Moon - Song (1912) W.V. Brunt Edison Blue Amberol: 1526
cylinder15.gif  That Funny Jas Band From Dixieland (1917) Arthur Collins
Byron George Harlan
Edison Blue Amberol: 3140
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
audiomidi15.gif Baby Sister Blues (1922) Unknown
audiomidi15.gif Be My Little Baby Bumblebee Unknown
audiomidi15.gif Buzzin' Along (1917) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Cross the Mason-Dixon Line (1913) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Dress My Mother Wore, The Denese Coulbeck
audiomidi15.gif Mary You're a Little Bit Old Fashioned (1914) James Pitt-Payne
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
record15.gif On the 5:15 (1915) H.I. Marshall Jack Morrison
Lee White
Columbia: 6470
     Performer CD Title Supplier
Folk Music CDs:
cd15.gif Daisy Taylor Popsy Wopsy
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif And That's How We Love in Old Ireland (1915) H.I. Marshall (music)
Amy Clark (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif

Baby Sister Blues (1922) H.I. Marshall (w&m)
Marion Sunshine (words)
Duncan Sisters (perf.)
Duncan Sisters (perf.)
Duncan Sisters (perf.)
Piano, Voice

Sheet Music Singer

Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee (1912) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
E. Brice (perf.)
Charles King (perf.)
Piano, Voice

pdf15.gif Be My Little Baby Bumblebee H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.

Bless Your Ever Loving Little Heart (1911) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
E. Janis (perf.)
E. Janis (perf.)
Piano, Voice

Buzzin' Along (1917) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana
Sheet Music Singer
Cross the Mason-Dixon Line (1913) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)

Piano, Voice IMSLP
Sheet Music Singer

 Dinah (1913) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Marion Sunshine (perf.)
Piano, Voice

pdf15.gif Dress My Mother Wore, The H.I. Marshall (music)
Marion Sunshine (words)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
pdf15.gif Go Lad and May God Bless You (1917) H.I. Marshall (music)
H. Gillespie (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif Good Morning Dixieland (1916) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Piano, Voice YorkSpace Pub.
pdf15.gif Hello, Hello, New York Town (1912) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Freeman & Dunham (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif Honey, Make That Fellow Play That Cello Again! (1912) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Willie Weston (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
How Sweet Is Love (1912) H.I. Marshall (w&m)
Piano, Voice Indiana
pdf15.gif I Want a Boy to Love Me (1912) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Florence Tempest (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif  I Want to Linger (1914) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Parillo & Frabito (perf.)
Piano, Voice Greer Pub.

I've Got Everything I Want But You (1913) H.I. Marshall (music)
Marion Sunshine (words)
Marion Sunshine (perf.)
Marion Sunshine (perf.)
Piano, Voice

If You Ever Get Lonely (1916) H.I. Marshall (music)
G. Kahn (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP
pdf15.gif Kitty Mackay (1914) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Molly McIntyre (perf.)
Piano, Voice YorkSpace Pub.
pdf15.gif Let's Go Up to Molly's (1912) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Piano, Voice YorkSpace Pub.
pdf15.gif Loading Up the Mandy Lee (1915) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif Malinda (1912) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Piano, Voice YorkSpace Pub.
pdf15.gif Mandy, Ain't You Coming Out To-Night (1914) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.

 Mary You're a Little Bit Old Fashioned (1914) H.I. Marshall (music)
Marion Sunshine (words)
Cross & Josephine (perf.)
Cross & Josephine (perf.)
Piano, Voice

Sheet Music Singer
pdf15.gif Matin De Septembre (1913) H.I. Marshall (music) Piano IMSLP Pub.
Maybe Sometime (1917) H.I. Marshall (music)
G. Kahn (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP

No One But Our Dear Old Dad (1916) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Bessie Wynn (perf.)
Bessie Wynn (perf.)
Piano, Voice

Oh, Mister Railroad Man, Won't You Take Me Back to Alabam' (1914) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana
pdf15.gif Old Fashioned Garden in Virginia (1915), An H.I. Marshall (music)
Marion Sunshine (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.

On the 5.15 (1914) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Elizabeth M. Murray (perf.)
Constance Farber (perf.)
Piano, Voice

pdf15.gif On the 5:15 (1914) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Elizabeth M. Murray (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif  Rocky Mountain Moon (1923) H.I. Marshall (music)
R.A. Whiting (coauth.)
Raymond B. Egan (words)
Piano, Voice YorkSpace Pub.
pdf15.gif Somebody's Wrong (1923) H.I. Marshall (music)
Raymond B. Egan (coauth.)
Richard A. Whiting (coauth.)
S. Tucker (perf.)
Della Brooks (perf.)
Piano YorkSpace Pub.
pdf15.gif That Funny Jas Band From Dixieland (1916) H.I. Marshall (music)
G. Kahn (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif When Kelly Sang Killarney (1917) H.I. Marshall (music) Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif Won't You Hesitate With Me (1914) H.I. Marshall (music)
S. Murphy (words)
Piano, Voice YorkSpace Pub.
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 60 works by Henry I. Marshall. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Dress My Mother Wore, The Marion Sunshine (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
Bless Your Ever Loving Little Heart 1911 Stanley Murphy (words)
Elsie Janis (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Go to Sleep 1911 Edgar Selden (words)  wvicon.gif
Love Me (w&m) 1911  wvicon.gif
My Brown Eyed Baby Boy 1911 Stanley Murphy (words)
Hess Sisters (perf.)
Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee 1912 Stanley Murphy (words)
Elizabeth Brice (perf.)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
Charles King (perf.)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gifpdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
Hello, Hello, Melbourne Town 1912 Stanley Murphy (words)  wvicon.gif
Hello, Hello, New York Town 1912 Stanley Murphy (words)
Freeman & Dunham (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Honey, Make That Fellow Play That Cello Again! 1912 Stanley Murphy (words)
Willie Weston (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
How Sweet Is Love (w&m) 1912  wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
I Never Knew What Eyes Could Do 1912 Stanley Murphy (words)  Pub.
I Want a Boy to Love Me 1912 Stanley Murphy (words)
Anna Held (perf.)
Florence Tempest (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
I Want You Dearie, 'deed I Do 1912 Stanley Murphy (words)  Pub.
Let's Go Up to Molly's 1912 Stanley Murphy (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Malinda 1912 Stanley Murphy (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
My Little Lovin' Sugar Babe 1912 Stanley Murphy (words)
American Quartet (perf.)
Premier Quartet (perf.)
 Pub.  cylinder15.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Teasing Moon 1912  wvicon.gif
Teasing Moon - Song 1912 Stanley Murhy (words)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
 Pub.  cylinder15.gif
Cross the Mason-Dixon Line 1913 Stanley Murphy (words)
American Quartet (perf.)
Premier Quartet (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gifpdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Dazie, The 1913  youtube15.jpg
Dinah 1913 Stanley Murphy (words)
Peerless Quartet (perf.)
Blanche Ring (perf.)
Marion Sunshine (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
I'm Goin' Away 1913 Stanley Murphy (words)
I've Got Everything I Want But You 1913 Marion Sunshine (words)
Jack Charman: (perf.)
Blanche Ring (perf.)
Marion Sunshine (perf.)
Daisy Taylor (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
It's Funny How the Boys All Fall For Me 1913 Blanche Ring (perf.)
Marion Sunshine (perf.)
Lovin' Child 1913 Stanley Murphy (words)  Pub.
Matin De Septembre 1913  Pub. pdf15.gif
Roll Those Eyes 1913 Anna Held (perf.)
When It's Buzz, Buzz, Buzzin' Time in Bee Bee Bee Town 1913 Stanley Murphy (words)  Pub.
When Your Old Gray Bonnet Was New 1913 Stanley Murphy (words)  Pub.
You Can't Stop Me From Loving You 1913 Gerber (words)
Murphy (words)
You're My Boy 1913. Blanche Ring (perf.)
Marion Sunshine (perf.)
I Want to Linger 1914 Stanley Murphy (words)
Andrews Sisters (perf.)
Edward Miller (perf.)
Parillo & Frabito (perf.)
Helen Vincent (perf.)
Jack Wise (perf.)
Baby Zelda (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif youtube15.jpg
Title Year Attribution Remarks
I've Got a Moving Picture in My Heart of You 1914 Stanley Murphy (words)
Cross & Josephine (perf.)
Kitty Mackay 1914 Stanley Murphy (words)
Molly McIntyre (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Mandy, Ain't You Coming Out To-Night 1914 Stanley Murphy (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Mary You're a Little Bit Old Fashioned 1914 Marion Sunshine (words)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
Cross & Josephine (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
My Moonlight Babe 1914 Henry Bergman (words)
Premier Quartet (perf.)
 Pub.  cylinder15.gif
Oh, Mister Railroad Man, Won't You Take Me Back to Alabam' 1914 Stanley Murphy (words)  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
On the 5:15 1914 Stanley Murphy (words)
Harry Cove (perf.)
Constance Farber (perf.)
Jack Morrison (perf.)
Elizabeth M. Murray (perf.)
Pete Murray (perf.)
William H. Thompson (perf.)
Lee White (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gifpdf15.gif  record15.gif
 cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif
Won't You Hesitate With Me 1914 Stanley Murphy (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
And That's How We Love in Old Ireland 1915 Amy Clark (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
In Honolulu 1915 Stanley Murphy (words)  Pub.
Loading Up the Mandy Lee 1915 Stanley Murphy (words)
Donald Alexander Chalmers (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Steve Porter (perf.)
William Redmond (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
Old Fashioned Garden in Virginia, An 1915 Marion Sunshine (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Good Morning Dixieland 1916 Stanley Murphy (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Heavenly Twins 1916 Stanley Murphy (words)
Dolly Sisters (perf.)
If You Ever Get Lonely 1916 Gus Kahn (words)  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
In Honeysuckle Time 1916 Stanley Murphy (words)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
 Pub.  cylinder15.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
No One But Our Dear Old Dad 1916 Stanley Murphy (words)
Bessie Wynn (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
That Funny Jas Band From Dixieland 1916 Gus Kahn (words)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
Ask Her in Tulip Time 1917 Joseph Santley (perf.)
Ivy Sawyer (perf.)
Buzzin' Along 1917 Stanley Murphy (words)  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif 
Go Lad and May God Bless You 1917 Haven Gillespie (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
In the Harbor of Love With You 1917 Haven Gillespie (words)  Pub.
Maybe Sometime 1917 Gus Kahn (words)  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
When Kelly Sang Killarney 1917  Pub. pdf15.gif
Baby Sister Blues (w&m) 1922 Marion Sunshine (words)
Duncan Sisters (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gifpdf15.gif 
Rocky Mountain Moon 1923 Richard A. Whiting (co-author)
Raymond B. Egan (words)
McNalpak's Dance Orchestra (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
Somebody's Wrong 1923 Raymond B. Egan (co-author)
Richard A. Whiting (co-author)
Della Brooks (perf.)
Sophie Tucker (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Great White Way 1924  Pub.
     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg H.I. Marshall I Want To Linger (2:51) Andrews Sisters
youtube15.jpg H.I. Marshall The Dazie (1:57) Ragtime Dorian Henry