Henry F. Greenfield 
Last updated: 04.09.23
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 14 works by Henry F. Greenfield. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
I Love You, and Somebody Else 1905 Edgar Bateman (words)
Janet Howard-Reynolds (perf.)
Lonely Bachelor Coon, A (w&m) 1905 arr.: Reginald Allan  Pub.
Birdseed (w&m) 1906  Pub.
Gold-Fish and the Water-Lily, The (w&m) 1906 Madoline Rees (perf.)  Pub.
She's My Only Gal (w&m) 1906 T. E. Finglas (perf.)  Pub.
There's a Dear Little Place Called England (w&m) 1907 Frank Harwood (perf.)  Pub.
You Wonder Why I Love You 1907 Florrie Gallimore (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Do You Remember? How Can I Forget! 1908 Edgar Bateman (words)
G. Wallis Arthur (perf.)
Doris Lee (perf.)
Great Invasion Play, The (w&m) 1909 Edgar Bateman (words)  Pub.
What a Change! 1909 Edgar Bateman (words)  Pub.
And Just Then He Fell Out of Bed 1910 Edgar Bateman (words)
Ada Reeve (perf.)
In the Beautiful Land of Dreams (w&m) 1912 Claire Romaine (perf.)  Pub.
We Must Study Strict Economee 1913 Edgar Bateman (words)
George Blackmore (words)
Will Bentley (perf.)
Frank Wood (perf.)
When You and I Are One 1914 Edgar Bateman (words)
Clarice Mayne (perf.)