Purchasing information Notice for leaders/bass players
Length: approx. 3 mins.
Slippery Elm Rag is really quite a beautiful rag scored to be played very slowly and smoothly. Its form is a 4-bar introduction followed by AABBCCA strains in the major flatted keys of Eb and Ab (the recorder players' favourites!). As an adaptation for recorder it is an ensemble piece par excellence. The A strain is basically a duet for the two tenors. The treble joins the 1st tenor in the B strain and the descant, who has much bar-counting to do, finally takes the melody for the C strain.
Clarence Woods dedicated this piece to his friend, Phil Epstein.
Slippery Elm Rag was published by
The Bush & Gerts Piano Co., Dallas, Texas, USA.
A tempo of 84 crotchets/min. is suggested.