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Length: approx. 4¼ mins.
X. L. Rag was respectfully dedicated to the X. L. Club of New Franklin, Missouri. It is regarded by many as one of the finest rags and it is graced Joplinesque touches. Its form is AABBACCABA form with a 4-bar introduction and 4-bar interludes between the BB-C and the CC-A strains and it is written in the major keys of Db and Gb. The keys used will naturally light-up the eyes of excellent recorder players whilst very many not so excellent players will be dismayed. Whatever, this is truly an excellent composition both as a rag and as exercise piece in Db and Gb for recorder ensembles.
X. L. Rag was published by A.W. Perry & Sons' Music Co., Sedalia, Missouri, USA.
A tempo of 80 crotchets/min. is suggested.