Silv'ry Bells (1912)
Jingle Bells Intermezzo Two Step
Last updated: 17.02.23
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Composer: G. Botsford Suppliers: dbe15.gif
Editor: Geoff Grainger Sextet A/T/T/T+B/B/GB(B)
Publisher: Ditty Box Enterprises Publication: DBE 409
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Length: approx. 3½ mins. Sounds best if the 1st tenor and bass are doubled.
Silv'ry Bells is a fine, jingling intermezzo with a Christmassy feel well in keeping with the horsed-drawn sleighs depicted on the cover of the original sheet music. Its form is AABBCCDB with an 8-bar introduction and 4-bar interlude between the AA and BB strains. The bell-like chords, indeed the whole piece, will warm the cockles of all recorder players hearts who have a bent towards campanology - an ideal item for a Christmas programme!
Silv'ry Bells was published by Jerome H. Remick & Co., New York & Detroit, USA.
A tempo of 80 crotchets/min. is suggested.
  Issue Instruments Performer
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audiodbemp315.gif Not issued A/T/T/T+B/B/GB(B) Midi Ragtime Recorder Ens.