Stark & Cowan Inc.
Last updated: 01.02.24
Address: New York, USA

Stark & Cowan Inc. has 36 publications posted in these webpages. They include 36 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif How Come You Do Me Like You Do? (1924) Gene Austin(w&m) Roy Bergere (co-author)
sm15.gif It Takes a Good Man to Do That (1921) Jack Elliot Bayha(w&m) Chris Smith (co-author)
Van & Schenck (perf.)
Bob La Salle (perf.)
sm15.gif Wanita: Wanna Eat? Wanna Eat? (1923) Sam Coslow Al Sherman (co-author)
Howard Brothers (perf.)
sm15.gif Lonely and Blue (1924) Rubey Cowan Rubey Cowan (words)
Arthur Ashley (perf.)
Helen Clement (perf.)
sm15.gif There's Just a Little Touch of Dixie in Your Eyes (1920) Rubey Cowan Jack Strouse (words)
Thomas F. Swift (words)
sm15.gif Oh Sister Ain't That Hot (1923) Will Donaldson Harry White (co-author)
sm15.gif Under a Thousand Eyes (1923) Leo Edwards Irma Hopper (words)
sm15.gif Everybody's Buddy (1920) Billy Frisch Bernie Grossman (words)
sm15.gif I Wonder Who You're Calling Sweetheart (1921) Joe Goodwin(w&m) Bud Green (co-author)
Al Piantadosi (co-author)
sm15.gif Whippin' the Keys (1923) Sam Goold
sm15.gif Don't Feel Sorry For Me (1922) Archie Gottler Grant Clarke (words)
Edgar Leslie (words)
Jean Granese (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! Is She Dumb (1922) Archie Gottler Grant Clarke (words)
Edgar Leslie (words)
sm15.gif Oogie Oogie Wa Wa (1922) Archie Gottler Grant Clarke (words)
Edgar Leslie (words)
Margaret Young (perf.)
sm15.gif Blue (1922) Lou Handman Grant Clarke (words)
Edgar Leslie (words)
Jean Granese (perf.)
Tom Waring (perf.)
Chas Klass (perf.)
Brilant Saul (perf.)
sm15.gif Grandma's Boy (1922) Jean Havez Herb Crooker (co-author)
Pete Wendling (co-author)
sm15.gif In a Tent (1923) Ted Koehler Frank Magine (co-author)
Joe Lyons (co-author)
sm15.gif Sighing Sands (1923) Ted Koehler(w&m) Joe Lyons (co-author)
Frank Magine (co-author)
Dennis Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif  Hottentot Trot (1924), The Max Kortlander Sam Coslow (words)
sm15.gif Hello Paddy (1923) Joseph Meyer Herman Ruby (words)
sm15.gif Panorama Bay (1922) James V. Monaco Grant Clarke (words)
sm15.gif Scandinavia, Sing Dose Song and Make Dose Music (1921) Ray Perkins(w&m) Aileen Stanley (perf.)
sm15.gif Tenth Interval Rag (1924) Harry Ruby
sm15.gif If You'll Come Back (1920) Otis Spencer Rubey Cowan (co-author)
Eugene West (words)
sm15.gif Maybe You Think You're Fooling Baby (1922) Solly Violinsky Grant Clarke (words)
sm15.gif Rose of the Rio Grande (1922) Harry Warren Ross Gorman (words)
Edgar Leslie (words)
Broadway Dance Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Black'n Blue (1924) Pete Wendling Max Kortlander (co-author)
sm15.gif Buck Shots (1924) Pete Wendling Max Kortlander (co-author)
sm15.gif Butter Fingers (1924) Pete Wendling Max Kortlander (co-author)
sm15.gif Flower of Spain (1924) Pete Wendling Max Kortlander (co-author)
sm15.gif He Loves It (1922) Pete Wendling Grant Clarke (words)
Edgar Leslie (words)
Monica Young (perf.)
sm15.gif New Orleans Fizz (1924) Pete Wendling Max Kortlander (co-author)
sm15.gif Silver Screen (1924) Pete Wendling Kortlander (co-author)
sm15.gif Sleepy Little Village (1922), A Pete Wendling Edgar Leslie (words)
sm15.gif Steps - Modern Progression (1924) Pete Wendling Max Kortlander (co-author)
sm15.gif What Cha Gonna Do When There Ain't No Jazz? (1920) Pete Wendling Edgar Leslie (words)
Jane Greene (perf.)
James Blyler (perf.)
sm15.gif  Wonderful Girl of Today (1923) Willy White Bernie Grossman (words)