Stark Music Co
Last updated: 05.09.23
Address: St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Stark Music Co has 161 publications posted in these webpages. They include 3 items of piano sheet music at the Amazons and 158 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Author Supplier
Piano Sheet Music:
sm15.gif They Gotta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Aroun' C. Bruggeman flag15us.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Fig Leaf Rag S. Joplin flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif The Blue Jay Rag F. Wooster
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Key-Stone (1921) Willie Anderson
sm15.gif One More Rag (1909) Minnie Berger
sm15.gif S.O.S. Musician's Distress (1919) Kenneth W. Bradshaw Joe McGrade (co-author)
sm15.gif Castle Square (?) Fred Brownold
sm15.gif Directors (1902), The Fred Brownold
sm15.gif Manhattan Rag (1901) Fred Brownold
sm15.gif Comus Rag (1904) Carrie Bruggeman
sm15.gif Dainty Foot (1903) Carrie Bruggeman
sm15.gif Dream Pillow (1908), The Carrie Bruggeman Eddie Dustin (words)
sm15.gif They Gotta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Aroun' (1912) Carrie Bruggeman Webb M. Oungst (words)
sm15.gif Rag La Joie (1918) Jerre Cammack
sm15.gif Tom and Jerry Rag (1917) Jerre Cammack
sm15.gif I'll Take a Little Ragtime For Mine (1908) Millie Carew(w&m)
sm15.gif Sympathetic Jasper (1905) E.L. Catlin
sm15.gif Dreamland (1912) Manuel Cortez
sm15.gif Kentucky Walk-a Way (?) Cummins
sm15.gif Carnation (1903) Clyde Douglass
sm15.gif  Sand Paper Rag (1910) Harry E. Ellman S. Lew Schwab (co-author)
sm15.gif Camel Walk (1919), The Ebon Gay(w&m)
sm15.gif Cactus Rag (1916), The Lucian Porter Gibson
sm15.gif Jinx Rag (1911) Lucian Porter Gibson
sm15.gif Rambler (1906), The Walter G. Haenschen Arthur F. Beyer (co-author)
sm15.gif Tango Tea (1913) Ed. A. Hallway
sm15.gif Agitation Rag (1915) Robert Hampton
sm15.gif Cataract Rag (1914) Robert Hampton
sm15.gif Dogin' Rag (1913), The Robert Hampton Frank Gray (words)
sm15.gif Chromatic Rag (1916) William Held
sm15.gif Moonshine Rag (1916) Edward Hudson
sm15.gif Nitric-Acid Rag (1922) Edward Hudson
sm15.gif Sandella Rag (1921) Edward Hudson
sm15.gif That Left Hand Rag - Song (1912) Charles Humfeld
sm15.gif Seraphine Waltzes (1905) Charles H. Hunter
sm15.gif Mando Rag (1914) Robert George Ingraham
sm15.gif Antoinette (1906) Scott Joplin
sm15.gif Augustan Club Waltzes (1901), The Scott Joplin
sm15.gif  Breeze From Alabama (1902), A Scott Joplin
sm15.gif Cascades (1904), The Scott Joplin
sm15.gif Chrysanthemum (1904), The Scott Joplin
sm15.gif Elite Syncopations (1902) Scott Joplin
sm15.gif Entertainer (1902), The Scott Joplin Paul Newman (perf.)
Robert Redford (perf.)
Dorian Henry (perf.)
sm15.gif Felicity Rag (1911) Scott Joplin Scott Hayden (co-author)
sm15.gif Fig Leaf Rag (1908) Scott Joplin
sm15.gif Heliotrope Bouquet (1907) Scott Joplin Louis Chauvin (co-author)
Constantin Stephan (perf.)
sm15.gif Kismet Rag (1913) Scott Joplin Scott Hayden (co-author)
Tony Wilkenson (perf.)
sm15.gif Maple Leaf Rag (1899) Scott Joplin Fred Van Eps (perf.)
Paragon Ragtime Orchestra (perf.)
Stefano Ligoratti (perf.)
William Albright (perf.)
Sue Keller (perf.)
sm15.gif Maple Leaf Rag - Song (1904) Scott Joplin Sydney Brown (words)
sm15.gif March Majestic (1902) Scott Joplin
sm15.gif Nonpareil (1907), The Scott Joplin Gerlüz (perf.)
sm15.gif Peacherine Rag (1901) Scott Joplin Gerlüz (perf.)
sm15.gif Ragtime Dance - Song (1902), The Scott Joplin(w&m)
sm15.gif Ragtime Dance (1906), The Scott Joplin
sm15.gif Reflection Rag (1917) Scott Joplin
sm15.gif Rosebud March (1905), The Scott Joplin
sm15.gif  Strenuous Life (1902), The Scott Joplin
sm15.gif Sunflower Slow Drag (1901) Scott Joplin Scott Hayden (co-author)
sm15.gif Swipesy (1900) Scott Joplin Arthur Marshall (co-author)
sm15.gif African Pas' (1902) Maurice Kirwin
sm15.gif American Guards (1897) Maurice Kirwin
sm15.gif Havana Rag (1904) Maurice Kirwin
sm15.gif American Beauty (1913) Joseph F. Lamb
sm15.gif Bohemia (1919) Joseph F. Lamb John Arpin (perf.)
sm15.gif Champagne Rag (1910) Joseph F. Lamb
sm15.gif Cleopatra Rag (1915) Joseph F. Lamb
sm15.gif Contentment (1915) Joseph F. Lamb
sm15.gif Ethiopia Rag (1909) Joseph F. Lamb
sm15.gif Excelsior Rag (1909) Joseph F. Lamb
sm15.gif Patricia Rag (1916) Joseph F. Lamb
sm15.gif Ragtime Nightingale (1915) Joseph F. Lamb Constantin Stephan (perf.)
Max Morath Quartet (perf.)
sm15.gif Reindeer Rag (1915) Joseph F. Lamb
sm15.gif Sensation (1908) Joseph F. Lamb
sm15.gif Top Liner (1916) Joseph F. Lamb
sm15.gif  Ham And! (1908) Arthur Marshall
sm15.gif Kinklets (1906) Arthur Marshall
sm15.gif Peach (1908), The Arthur Marshall
sm15.gif Pippin (1908), The Arthur Marshall
sm15.gif Daisy Waltz (1910) J. Sherrie Mathews
sm15.gif Pastime Rag No. 1 (1913) Artie Matthews
sm15.gif Pastime Rag No. 2 (1913) Artie Matthews
sm15.gif Pastime Rag No. 3 (1916) Artie Matthews
sm15.gif Pastime Rag No. 4 (1920) Artie Matthews
sm15.gif Pastime Rag No. 5 (1918) Artie Matthews
sm15.gif Weary Blues (1915), The Artie Matthews
sm15.gif Edward J. Mellinger Rag (1913) Edward J. Mellinger
sm15.gif That Contagious Rag (1913) Edward J. Mellinger
sm15.gif That Corrugated Rag (1911) Edward J. Mellinger
sm15.gif Hot-House Rag (1914) Paul Charles Pratt
sm15.gif On the Rural Route (1917) Paul Charles Pratt
sm15.gif Spring-Time Rag (1916) Paul Charles Pratt
sm15.gif That Gosh Darn Hiram Tune (1912) Paul Charles Pratt J. Will Callahan (words)
sm15.gif  Nobody Knows We're Lovin' But You and the Moon (1911) S. G. Rhodes
sm15.gif Old Man, Your Hair Is Turning Gray (1912) S. G. Rhodes(w&m)
sm15.gif That Pipe Organ Rag (1912) S. G. Rhodes(w&m)
sm15.gif Minstrel Man (1911), The J. Russel Robinson
sm15.gif Sapho Rag (1909), The J. Russel Robinson
sm15.gif Whirl Wind (1911) J. Russel Robinson
sm15.gif Miss Liza, Your Real Color Has Come Back (1898) Ed Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif Broadway Rag (1922) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Climax Rag (1914) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Dont Jazz Me (1921) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Efficiency Rag (1917) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Evergreen Rag (1915) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Frog Legs Rag (1906) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Grace and Beauty (1909) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Heart's Longing (1910) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Hilarity Rag (1910) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Honey Moon Rag (1916) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Kansas City Rag (1907) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif  Modesty Rag (1920) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif New Era Rag (1919) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Ophelia Rag (1910) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Paramount Rag (1917) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Peace and Plenty Rag (1919) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Pegasus (1920) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Princess Rag (1911) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Prosperity Rag (1916) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Quality (1911) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Rag Sentimental (1918) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Ragtime ''Betty'' (1909), The James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Ragtime Oriole (1911) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Shimmie Shake (1920), The James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Springtime of Love (1918) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Suffragette Waltz (1914) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Sunburst Rag (1909) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Troubadour Rag (1919) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Valse Venice (1909) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif  Victory Rag (1921) James Sylvester Scott
sm15.gif Climbers (1911), The Arthur Lynn Sizemore
sm15.gif Billiken Rag (1913) Etilmon J. Stark
sm15.gif Brain-Storm Rag (1907) Etilmon J. Stark
sm15.gif Bryan and Sewell--Free Silver (1896) Etilmon J. Stark(w&m)
sm15.gif Chicken Tango (1914) Etilmon J. Stark
sm15.gif Clover Blossom Rag (1912) Etilmon J. Stark
sm15.gif Darktown Capers (?) Etilmon J. Stark
sm15.gif Elaine (1913) Etilmon J. Stark
sm15.gif Gum Shoe (1917) Etilmon J. Stark
sm15.gif John Henry (1903) Etilmon J. Stark
sm15.gif Kyrene (1903) Etilmon J. Stark
sm15.gif La Mode (1913) Etilmon J. Stark B.R. Whitlow (co-author)
sm15.gif Trombone Johnsen (1902) Etilmon J. Stark Fred Van Eps (perf.)
sm15.gif Twilight (1907) Etilmon J. Stark
sm15.gif Valse Pensive (1913) Etilmon J. Stark
sm15.gif We Are Coming, Uncle Sammy (1917) Etilmon J. Stark John Stark (words)
sm15.gif He's All Shot to Pieces by the French Girls' Eyes (1917) John S. Stark .1 (words)
sm15.gif  John Barleycorn, Goodbye (1919) John S. Stark
sm15.gif Oh, You Tommy (1920) John S. Stark John S (words)
sm15.gif Pegasus (1908) Robert B. Stirling
sm15.gif And the Song Came Back (1922) Clarence H. St. John(w&m)
sm15.gif Cole Smoak (1906) Clarence H. St. John
sm15.gif Collars and Cuffs (1907) Clarence H. St. John
sm15.gif Meddlesome (1908) Clarence H. St. John
sm15.gif Calla Lilly (1907) Logan Thane
sm15.gif Shultzmeier Rag (1914) B.R. Whitlow
sm15.gif My Summer Moon (?) Herbert W. Willett
sm15.gif Ohio Flo (1913) Herbert W. Willett(w&m)
sm15.gif Why Do Girls Get Married? (?) Herbert W. Willett Leona Remongton (co-author)
sm15.gif Shave 'em Dry (1917) Sam Wishnuff
sm15.gif Blue Jay Rag (1907), The Frank Wooster
sm15.gif Derby Winner (1907), The Miner M. York