Carl Hoffman Music Co
Last updated: 07.03.23
Address: Kansas City, Missouri, USA

Carl Hoffman Music Co has 21 publications posted in these webpages. They include 21 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Black Diamond (1899), The Grace Marie Bolen
sm15.gif Dat Mornin' in de Sky (1899) John W. Boone
sm15.gif Imperial Courier March (1897) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Margery (1898) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif My Josephine (1898) Charles Neil Daniels Earl Fitzhugh (words)
E A Filleau (words)
sm15.gif My Rag Time Lady (1898) Charles Neil Daniels Seymour Rice (words)
Albert H. Brown (words)
sm15.gif Poster Girl March (1899), The Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Entry of the Gladiators Op. 68 (1897), The Julius Fucik
sm15.gif Going Some (1907) Mabel Harrison
sm15.gif Black Smoke (1902), A Chas. L. Johnson
sm15.gif Blue Jay and the Squirrel (1902), The Chas. L. Johnson
sm15.gif Good-Bye Susanna (1905) Chas. L. Johnson Milton G. Harsha (words)
sm15.gif My May Day Fortune (1906) Chas. L. Johnson M.F.C. Hardman (words)
sm15.gif With Fire and Sword (1901) Chas. L. Johnson
sm15.gif Original Rags (1899) Scott Joplin
sm15.gif Peaceful Henry (1901) Edward Harry Kelly
sm15.gif Melrose March (1901) W. Franklin Lee
sm15.gif  Mistah Police, Don't 'rest Me (1896) N. Clarke Smith(w&m)
sm15.gif Virginny Frolic (1898), A Harry O. Wheeler
sm15.gif Happy Hopper (1906) Mamie E. Williams
sm15.gif Snipes (1909) Mamie E. Williams