Perhaps because of her youth and early tragic death from diphtheria and certainly because of the popularity of her piano rolls which even today (2009) still enjoy a loyal following, Zema Randale has become a fascinating subject of interest and research among latter-day ragtimers. She was an important ragtime performer who cut a score or so of rolls for Imperial Player Roll Co., Chicago. Biographical details are sketchy and there is much conjecture. Ed Sprankle is said to have reproduced a photo of her, perhaps from a catalogue, showing a wonderful "spit curl" in the middle of her forehead. A recently located obituary notice revealed that her full name was Zema Randale Housholder and that she was mourned by her mother and brother.
For data housekeeping purposes she is listed in these webpages as the one-off composer of
Mutilation Rag (1915).