Sam Cowell 
Last updated: 26.04.24
This list is derived from information provided by which went down sometime in 2023.
The loss of this valuable resource is very sad and a mystery.
     Title Attribution Remarks
  Artful Dodger, The Sam Cowell (music)
Morison Kyle (words)
Sam Cowell (perf.)
  Bacon and Greens Sam Cowell (words & music)
Sam Cowell (perf.)
  Cork Leg, The Thomas Hudson (words & music)
Sam Cowell (perf.)
  Forty Thieves, The John Caulfield (music)
J Harroway (words)
Dan Leno (perf.)
Sam Cowell (perf.)
  Guy Fawkes Sam Cowell (words & music)
Sam Cowell (perf.)
  Hot Codlings John Whitaker (music)
Charles Dibdin Jnr. (words)
Sam Cowell (perf.)
Tom Mathews (perf.)
  Lord Lovel Sam Cowell (music)
J Harroway (words)
Thomas Hood (words)
Sam Cowell (perf.)
John W. Sharpe (perf.)
  Ratcatcher's Daughter, The Sam Cowell (music)
Revd. Edward Bradley (words)
Sam Cowell (perf.)
Ernest Butcher (perf.)
Muriel George (perf.)
  Vilikins and His Dinah Traditional (music)
John Parry (words)
Sam Cowell (perf.)
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
  As performer        
pdf15.gif Cork Leg (1835), The T. Hudson (w&m)
S. Cowell (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
The peformer is featured on 9 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
     Title Composer Attribution Remarks
perf15.jpg Forty Thieves (1855), The John Caulfield J Harroway (words)
perf15.jpg Cork Leg (1835), The Thomas Hudson(w&m)
perf15.jpg Vilikins and His Dinah (1855) Traditional John Parry (words)
perf15.jpg Hot Codlings (1819) John Whitaker Charles Dibdin Jnr. (words)
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 5 works by Sam Cowell. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Lord Lovel 1855 J Harroway (words)
Thomas Hood (words)
Sam Cowell (perf.)
John W. Sharpe (perf.)
Artful Dodger, The ? Morison Kyle (words)
Sam Cowell (perf.)
Bacon and Greens ? Sam Cowell (perf.)
Guy Fawkes ? Sam Cowell (perf.)
Ratcatcher's Daughter, The ? Revd. Edward Bradley (words)
Ernest Butcher (perf.)
Sam Cowell (perf.)
Muriel George (perf.)