The Two Sides of Perfessor Bill
Last updated: 22.11.22
Label: Siggnal Sounds
Designation: CD 101B
  1. Paragon Rag (1909), Scott Joplin
  2. Weeping Willow (1903), Scott Joplin
  3. Pastime Rag No. 3 (1916), Artie Matthews
  4. The Entertainer (1902), Scott Joplin
  5. London Blues, Ferdinand Morton
  6. Solace (1909), Scott Joplin
  7. Yellow Dog Blues, William C. Handy
  8. Goofus
  9. Squeeze Me, Thomas Waller/Clarence Williams
  10. The Darktown Strutters' Ball (1917), Shelton Brooks
  11. Black and Blue, Hal. G. Nichols
  12. Blame It on the Blues, Charles L. Cooke
  13. Bumblebee Boogie
  14. The Cannon Ball, Jos. C. Northup
  15. The Thunder and Lightning Polka
  16. Romanze (3 Little Oddities)
  17. Euphonic Sounds (1909), Scott Joplin
  18. Pastime Rag No. 4 (1920), Artie Matthews
  19. My Pet (1921), Zez Confrey
  20. St. James Infirmary Blues
  21. When My Great Granddaddy and My Great Grandmammy used to Cuddle and CooIn a Coconut Tree
  22. Sweet Substitute, Ferdinand Morton
  23. Alligator Crawl, Thomas (Fats) Waller
  24. Keepin' Out of Mischief Now, Thomas (Fats) Waller/Andy Razaf