It's Ragging Cats and Dogs
Last updated: 22.11.22
Label: Siggnal Sounds
Designation: CD 132
Obtainable at: Siggnal Sounds
  1. Kitten on the Keys (1921), Zez Confrey
  2. Me-ow, Mel B. Kaufman
  3. The Cat Came Back
  4. The Black Cat Rag (1905), Frank Wooster/Ethyl B. Smith
  5. Alley Cat
  6. Teasing the Cat (1916), Chas. L. Johnson
  7. The Belly Rub Rag, Steve Standiford
  8. Pussyfoot Prance, James White
  9. The Tuxedo Cat Rag, Bill Edwards
  10. Red Mouse Rag, Wilbur Piper
  11. Dog on the Piano, Ted Shapiro
  12. Der Deitcher's Dog
  13. That Dawggone Rag, Maurice K. Smith
  14. Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow-Wow
  15. Pink Poodle, Chas. L. Johnson
  16. The Whistler and His Dog (1905), Arthur Willard Pryor
  17. They Gotta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Aroun', Cal. Stark
  18. Wig-Wag Rag (1911), Harry C. Thompson
  19. Snuggle Pup, George Linus Cobb
  20. Yellow Dog Blues, William C. Handy
  21. My Pet (1921), Zez Confrey