Purchasing information Notice for leaders/bass players
Length: approx. 3 mins.
The Eight O'Clock Rush, supposedly imitating early rush-hour street noises, was Bessie E. Rudisill's last publication and perhaps her best. A breathless tenor/bass affair which proceeds apace - its form is AABBACCDA with a 4-bar introduction. The D-strain in particular is evocative of tramway rumblings with its drum imitations - quite demanding for the bass players. The 3rd tenor is in a bit of a quandary too with several quick alternations to bass. Should this player have either a good bass instrument or can easily master the upper notes then it is not always necessary to alternate, he or she could carry on with a bass. In fact the whole is a tenor's delight, the 1st tenor having the complete melodic line from start to finish.
The Eight O'Clock Rush was published by
Sear-Wilson Music Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois, USA.
A tempo of 96 crotchets/min. is suggested.
There is also a
tenor solo version of this item.