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Length: approx. 3¾ mins.
Kentucky Kut-Up is a pleasant march with contrasting themes. Its form is AABBACCBB with a 4-bar introduction which doubles as an interlude between the CC- and BB-strains whereby the AABBA- and CCBB-strains are written in the major keys of C and F respectively. The A-strain is a bright tootling affair, ideal for the recorder, which contrasts with the more even, leisurely B- and C-strains. In this adaptation for recorder sextet, the treble voice has all the running. Perhaps some doubling in the 2nd bass, with a tenor maybe, is perhaps necessary to fill out the C-strain. Please experiment!
A tempo of 80 crotchets/min. is suggested.
Kentucky Kut-Up was published by F. B. Haviland Publishing Co. Inc., New York, USA.