Snowball Babe (1900)
A Rag Time Inspiration
Last updated: 28.01.22
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Composer: C.R. Flick Suppliers: dbe15.gif
Editor: Geoff Grainger Quintet A/T+D/T/B/GB(B)
Publisher: Ditty Box Enterprises Publication: DBE 500
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Length: approx. 3½ mins.
Snowball Babe is a delightful, strolling rag with some nice touches. Trebor Jay Tichenor considered a typical Tennessee romp representative of the original Nashville sound. It has an AABBCCAB form with an 8-bar introduction. Flick scored the tempo as "Slightly torn", perhaps meaning a little bit ragged who knows? Obviously a light-hearted approach is intended. The cover of the original sheet music depicts a top-hatted and tailed pickaninny labelled as "Abe the Coal Man" presumably your actual snowball babe. It underlines the intended humour. The bass may have technical difficulties in the C-section with an extended passage at the top of the instruments range. Should this be too difficult or ugly sounds are produced then an alternation to a tenor crotchets/min. is suggested whereby only the offbeat notes are played.
Snowball Babe was published by Frank G. Fite, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
A tempo of 76 crotchets/min. is suggested.
  Instruments Performer
  DBE MP3 Sample 
audiodbemp315.gif A/T+D/T/B/GB(B) Midi Ragtime Recorder Ens.
  Midi File(s) 
audiomidi15.gif Midi Sakae Watanabe
     Performer CD Title Supplier
cd15.gif Richard Egan From the Land of Ragtime