Frank G. Fite
Last updated: 18.01.22
Address: Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Frank G. Fite has 8 publications posted in these webpages. They include 8 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Teddy's Pardners (1903) Horace Dowell
sm15.gif Fantasie (1904) C. Roland Flick
sm15.gif Snowball Babe (1900) C. Roland Flick
sm15.gif Just Ask Me (1902) Charles H. Hunter
sm15.gif Tickled to Death (1899) Charles H. Hunter
sm15.gif Why We Smile (1903) Charles H. Hunter
sm15.gif Coon Serenade (1903), A M.H. Irish
sm15.gif Water Lou (1905) Thomas V. White Claude L. Barker (words)