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Length: approx. 3¼ mins.
Wizzle Dozzle as shown on the cover of the original sheet music appears to celebrate a cheerful, mythical creature vaguely reminiscent of a Bavarian wolperting. The rag itself is a bright and breezy affair in AABBCCAA form with a 4-bar introduction whereby the AABB- and CCAA strains are written in the recorder players' favourite major keys of Eb and Ab. It is still recorded and perhaps most recently by the Californian ragtime composer and pianist, Tom Brier.
In making this adaptation for recorder sextet, the editor gratefully acknowledges Richard Morse, concertina enthusiast of The Button Box, Sunderland, Massachusetts, for generously providing access to his materials.
Wizzle Dozzle was published by Bell & Johnson, Princeton, Indianapolis, USA.
A tempo of 80 crotchets/min. is suggested.