Purchasing information Notice for leaders/bass players
Length: approx. 2½ mins.
From the front cover of the original sheet music we learn that
Happy Hours in Coontown was dedicated to
Monroe H. Rosenfeld, the then prominent composer and publisher of popular music. The cover also graces an endorsement from the illustrious
Kerry Mills who wrote, "I consider
Happy Hours in Coontown one of the best cakewalk two-steps ever written". And finally from the extravagant claims department we are told that it is published for every instrument and every combination of instruments. For all that this cakewalk is indeed a fine piece which deserves wider recognition. Its form is AABBACC with a 4-bar introduction. The strains are all bright whistling melodies very reminiscent of Kerry Mills own
Rastus on Parade - Song (1896) and
Whistling Rufus (1899). Jolly stuff indeed!
Happy Hours in Coontown was published by
F. A. Mills, New York, USA.
A tempo of 90 crotchets/min. is suggested.