East London Printing Co.
Last updated: 29.01.21
Address: London, England

East London Printing Co. has 6 publications posted in these webpages. They include 6 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Love Me the Same (1900) Will Hyde(w&m)
sm15.gif Only a Baby's Rattle (1906) Will Hyde Sam Aarons (words)
Tots Davis (sung by)
sm15.gif Rastus Is Coming Home Again (92-)) Will Hyde Vincent Exley (words)
sm15.gif You Won't Always 'ave It (1906) Will Hyde Nat Travers (words)
Brothers Ralston (sung by)
sm15.gif Fiddle De Diddle De Dee (1906) Sam Mayo Arthur Ricks (words)
Harry Leighton (words)
S. Mayo (sung by)
sm15.gif Have a Drop O' Gin Old Dear (1906) Tom Woottwell J P Harrington (words)
T. Woottwell (sung by)