John Redmond  (1906-1982)
Last updated: 11.01.25
url15.gif John Redmond (songwriter) Biography by  
url15.gif  DAHR: John Redmond List of 61 historic recordings from 1936 to 1950.
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
  Historic Records      
recordmp3.gif Apple Dumpling (1936) J. Redmond Dolly Dawn
Johnny McKeever
Victor: BS-101539
recordmp3.gif Hot Gavotte (1940) J. Redmond King Sisters Victor: PBS-042368
recordmp3.gif Man With the Mandolin, The (1939) J. Redmond Marion Hutton Victor: BS-038264
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 16 works by John Redmond (1906-1982). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Apple Dumpling 1936 Bert Douglas (co-author)
Charlie MacCarthy (co-author)
Dolly Dawn (perf.)
Johnny McKeever (perf.)
By the Old Wishing Well 1936 Graham Prince (words)
E. P. La Franiere (words)
Big Apple (w&m) 1937 Lee David (co-author)  wvicon.gif
They're Burning Down the House (w&m) 1937 Charles McCarthy (co-author)
Lee David (co-author)
Where Is the Sun? 1937 Lee David (words)
Man With the Mandolin, The 1939 James Cavanaugh (co-author)
Frank Weldon (co-author)
Marion Hutton (perf.)
Hot Gavotte 1940 Frank Weldon (co-author)
James Cavanaugh (co-author)
King Sisters (perf.)
You'll Never Be Blue in a Blue Uniform (w&m) 1943  Pub.
Brand New Grand Old Polka (w&m) 1946 Mart Fryberg (co-author)  wvicon.gif
I Never Saw a Saw Saw (Like I Saw a Saw Saw) (w&m) 1946 Mart Fryberg (co-author)
Alex M. Kramer (co-author)
Somebody Went and Stole My Steel Guitar (w&m) 1946  Pub.
Toy-Town Jamboree (w&m) 1946 Major Hurwitz (co-author)
Mary Schaeffer (co-author)
Buffalo Billy (w&m) 1950 Frank Weldon (co-author)
James Cavanaugh (co-author)
Christmas in Killarney (w&m) 1950 James Cavanaugh (co-author)
Frank Weldon (co-author)
Thirty-Two Feet and Eight Little Rails 1951 James Cavanaugh (co-author)
Frank Weldon (co-author)
Gene Autry (perf.)
Nevada (w&m) 1958