William Lawes (1602-1645) : Essays on His Life, Times and Work
Last updated: 17.12.19
Hardcover (April 1998), usually able to ship it within 3-5 weeks.
Table of Contents
List of Plates
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Music Examples
I: The Environment
1. William Lawes and the `Lutes, Viols and Voices' Andrew Ashbee
2. William Lawes's Music for Plays Julia K. Wood
3. `That Sacred Oratory': Religion and the Chapel Royal during the Personal Rule of Charles Anthony
4. The True Christmas: Carols at the Court of Charles David Pinto
5. Images of Virtue and War: Music in Civil War Oxford Jonathan P. Wainwright
6. Paper in English Music Manuscripts: Robert Thompson
7. Wednesday, 24 September, 1645--The Death of William Lawes during the Battle of Rowton Heath at the Siege of Chester Layton Ring
8. `Choice Psalmes': A Brother's Memorial Andrew Robinson II: The Music
9. Formality and Rhetoric in English Fantasia-Suites Christopher D.S. Field
10. New Lamps for Old: The Versions of the Royall Consort David Pinto
11. The Aire in William Lawes's Five- and Six-Part Consort Sets for Viols and Organ: A Comparison and
Analysis Mark Davenport
12. Lawes's Division Viol. Pedigree of an Instrument Annette Otterstedt
13. William Lawes's Lyra Viol Music: Some Observations Frank Traficante
Notes on the Contributors