Lilyan Waterson
Last updated: 20.10.23
p_watersonl.jpgAll that can presently (October 2023) be gleaned about Lilyan Waterson from sheet music covers and by Internet searching is that she was presumably an American actress/singer who has been featured on 3 works published between 1926 and 1927 as a partner in a double-act, Edwards & Lilyan
Their portrait on the left is taken from Lonesome and Sorry (1926) words & music by Benny Davis, co-author Con Conrad, and published by Henry Waterson Inc., New York, USA.
Surfers are welcome to contribute any further information about this performer.
This list is arranged by composer and contains 4 works performed by Lilyan Waterson who is featured on sheet music covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
     Title Composer Attribution Remarks
perf15.jpg Talking to the Moon (1927) Billy Baskette George A. Little (words)
Bell &. Coates (perf.)
Mr Edwards (perf.)
Harkin Sisters (perf.)
Charlotte Meyers (perf.)
Palais D'or Orchestra (perf.)
Lilyan Waterson (perf.)
perf15.jpg Lonesome and Sorry (1926) Benny Davis(w&m) Con Conrad (co-author)
Nita Bernard (perf.)
Jim Dempsey (perf.)
Mr Edwards (perf.)
Doris Gutow (perf.)
Bell Hawley (perf.)
Adelyn Jason (perf.)
Daisy Leon (perf.)
Lilyan Waterson (perf.)
perf15.jpg Gorgeous (1927) Benny Davis(w&m) Harry Akst (co-author)
Mr Edwards (perf.)
Doree Leslie (perf.)
Lilyan Waterson (perf.)
perf15.jpg Bam Bam Bamy Shore (1925) Ray Henderson Mort Dixon (words)
Al Bernivici (perf.)
Brooks & Ross (perf.)
Stanley Cable (perf.)
Eddie Chester (perf.)
Courtney Sisters (perf.)
Jeanne La Crosse (perf.)
Mr Edwards (perf.)
Arthur Hall (perf.)
O'Connor Sisters (perf.)
Hotel Carlton Terrace Orchestra (perf.)
Lilyan Waterson (perf.)