Kinniburgh, Thomas F. (1875-1975)
Last updated: 31.01.24
p_kinniburghtf.jpg According to the Internet source given below, Thomas Frame Kinniburgh was a Scottish singer.
He made at least 33 recordings under different pseudonyms. These include Kenneth MacKenzie, Alec MacDonald, Alec McGregor, Henry Galmont, George Ross, Robert Wallace, Fred Yorke, Ivan Donaldson and Kenneth Douglas.
Surfers are welcome to contribute any further information about this performer.
url15.gif Tom Kinniburgh Discography by Discogs  

  Title (Release Year) Composer with Performers Issue
  Wax Cylinders      
cylinder15.gif March of the Cameron Men (1912) M.M. Campbell Edison Blue Amberol: 23337
cylinder15.gif Lead Kindly Light (1907) J.B. Dykes Edison Bell Record: 20033
cylinder15.gif Bantry Bay (1914) J.L. Molloy Edison Blue Amberol: 23222
cylinder15.gif Jesus, Lover of My Soul (1913) J.M. Parry Hardy Williamson Edison Blue Amberol: 23067
cylinder15.gif Tis I (1911) C. Pinsuti Edison Blue Amberol: 23299
cylinder15.gif Hark! Hark! My Soul (1913) H.T. Smart Hardy Williamson Edison Blue Amberol: 23050
cylinder15.gif Shipmates O' Mine (1913) E. Teschemacher Edison Blue Amberol: 23120
cylinder15.gif The Ould Plaid Shawl (1913) Traditional Edison Blue Amberol: 23160
cylinder15.gif Muleteer of Malaga (1913) Henry Trotère Edison Blue Amberol: 23018
cylinder15.gif The Deathless Army (1912) Henry Trotère Edison Blue Amberol Record: 23057
cylinder15.gif In Sheltered Vale (1912-1921) Unknown Edison Blue Amberol: 23071
This list is arranged by composer and contains 11 works performed by Thomas Frame Kinniburgh who is featured on sheet music covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
     Title Composer Attribution Remarks
perf15.jpg March of the Cameron Men (1912) Mary M. Campbell Thomas Frame Kinniburgh (perf.)  cylinder15.gif
perf15.jpg Lead Kindly Light (1907) John Bacchus Dykes John Henry Newman (words)
Thomas Frame Kinniburgh (perf.)
perf15.jpg Bantry Bay (189-) James L. Molloy(w&m) Thomas Frame Kinniburgh (perf.) wvicon.gif cylinder15.gif
perf15.jpg Jesus, Lover of My Soul (1879) Joseph M. Parry Charles Wesley (words)
Thomas Frame Kinniburgh (perf.)
Hardy Williamson (perf.)
perf15.jpg Tis I (1911) Ciro Pinsuti Thomas Frame Kinniburgh (perf.)  cylinder15.gif
perf15.jpg Hark! Hark! My Soul (1913) Henry Thomas Smart Frederick William Faber (words)
Thomas Frame Kinniburgh (perf.)
Hardy Williamson (perf.)
perf15.jpg Shipmates O' Mine (1913) Edward Teschemacher W. Sanderson (words)
Thomas Frame Kinniburgh (perf.)
perf15.jpg Ould Plaid Shawl (1913), The Traditional Thomas Frame Kinniburgh (perf.)  cylinder15.gif
perf15.jpg Deathless Army (1891), The Henry Trotère F E Weatherly (words)
Thomas Frame Kinniburgh (perf.)
wvicon.gif cylinder15.gif
perf15.jpg Muleteer of Malaga (1913) Henry Trotère Thomas Frame Kinniburgh (perf.)  cylinder15.gif
perf15.jpg  In Sheltered Vale (1912) Unknown Thomas Frame Kinniburgh (perf.)  cylinder15.gif