Purchasing information Notice for leaders/bass players
Length: approx. 4 mins. Sounds best if with doubled 1st tenor.
Carnation March (title as given on score) or
Carnations March (if you prefer the title as given on the cover of the original sheet music) is a fine swing-along march with some nice touches and snares to trap the unwary. Its form is AABBACC-CC with a 4-bar introduction and an 8-bar interlude where the B strain is of an unusual 15 bars the others being of a normal 16 bars. The 15 bar touch surprises but seems to work - its effect is heightened by the fact that the following A strain is also abbreviated to 15 bars! All-in-all a pleasing composition which should charm performers and audiences alike.
Carnation March was published by
Ted Snyder Music Co., New York, USA.
A tempo of 150 crotchets/min. is suggested.