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Length: approx. 3 mins. Sounds best with the bass doubled.
Irwin Dash dedicated Blue Ribbon Rag to his friend "Jim Manning". It is a bit of a puzzle as to why he picked this particular title only one year after May Aufderheide published her own Blue Ribbon Rag (1910). The two rags have quite different characters. For the treble voice, this rag with its ascending and descending runs is a great tootle in this adaptation for recorder quintet. It has the form of AABBCCDC with a 4-bar introduction and a 4-bar interlude between the BB- and CC-strains whereby the AB- and CD-strains are written in the major keys of C and F respectively. The cover of the original sheet music expectedly shows a blue ribbon, that mark of honour and name of the Order of the Garter, as indeed May Aufderheide used for her publication. What about great minds thinking alike!
Blue Ribbon Rag was published by Longbrake & Edwards Inc., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
A tempo of 90 crotchets/min. is suggested.
This adaptation for recorder quintet is respectfully dedicated to "Perfessor" Bill Edwards, professional patriotic purveyor of pleasingly pianistic pyrotechnics, ragtime pianist and musicologist now of Ashburn, Virginia.