Good Bye Blues (1916)
Fox Trot
Last updated: 17.02.23
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Composer: G.L. Cobb Suppliers: dbe15.gif
Editor: Geoff Grainger Quintet A/T/T/B/GB(B)
Publisher: Ditty Box Enterprises Publication: DBE 1124
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Length: approx. 3½ mins. Sounds best with the bass doubled.
Good Bye Blues is not to be confused with the Miller Brothers' song hit written by Jimmy McHugh in 1932. This particular blues fox-trot is a very entertaining composition having the form of AABBACC with a 4-bar introduction and a 16-bar interlude preceding the final C-strain. The AB- and C-strains are written in the major keys of C and F respectively. The A-strain particularly catches this editor's ears being characterised by chromatic runs elaborated by notes inégales. The whole is a real fun piece which the treble voice will especially enjoy having long passages to demonstrate his or her virtuosity.
themselves and not overwhelm the melody voices.
Good Bye Blues was first published by Chas. E. Roat Music Co. Ltd., Battle Creek, Michigan, USA.
A tempo of 150 crotchets/min. is suggested.

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audiodbemp315.gif Not issued A/T/T/B/GB(B) Midi Ragtime Recorder Ens.