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Length: approx. 3½ mins.
Bohunkus is an all tenor/bass affair which will particularly endear itself to those recorder ensembles that love these instruments and that are armed with a full battery of basses. The composition is in AABBACC form with a 4-bar introduction whereby the AB- and C-strains are written in the major keys of F and Bb respectively.
Whether the composer took the title (and possible the tune) from a late 19th century Ohio nonsense song or just making an inside joke about someone's posterior attributes is lost in ragtime history. It has a vaguely mysterious character and reminiscent of some of the Indian intermezzi of the period with its snatches of tom-tom interspersed throughout -especially in the introduction and the C-strain.
Bohunkus was published in Melody by Walter Jacobs, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
A tempo of 80 crotchets/min. is suggested.