Frank Harding
Last updated: 03.07.22
Address: 229 Bowery, New York, USA

Frank Harding has 15 publications posted in these webpages. They include 1 item of piano sheet music at the Amazons and 14 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Author Supplier
Piano Sheet Music:
sm15.gif The Streets of Cairo J. Thornton flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Korn Ach Kure (1913) Carl H. Copenhaver
sm15.gif Lakeside Whistle Rag (1912) Carl H. Copenhaver
sm15.gif Such a Rag (1913) Carl H. Copenhaver
sm15.gif Ah! Me (1898) William T. Francis Hal Homiston (words)
sm15.gif Her Mem'ry Brings Me No Regret (1895) Charles Graham Howard Graham (words)
sm15.gif Since Kate Learnt How to Play (1889) Benjamin H. Janssen(w&m)
sm15.gif I'm the Man That Wrote Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom- De-Ay (1892) James Thornton(w&m)
sm15.gif Keeley Cure (1892), The James Thornton John Stromberg (words)
Sam Bell (perf.)
sm15.gif Man That Brought Columbus Over Here (1893), The James Thornton
sm15.gif My Sweetheart's the Man in the Moon (1892) James Thornton(w&m) Bonnie Thornton (perf.)
sm15.gif Streets of Cairo (1893), The James Thornton(w&m) Ellaline Terriss (perf.)
Bonnie Thornton (perf.)
sm15.gif When Summer Comes Again (1893) James Thornton Bonnie Thornton (perf.)
sm15.gif When the Days Grow Longer (1892) James Thornton
sm15.gif Three Little Chaps (1893) Arthur West(w&m) W. Loraine (co-author)