Alicia Adelaide Needham  (1863-1945)
Last updated: 06.11.24
url15.gif Alicia Adélaide Needham Biography by  
url15.gif  DAHR: Alicia Adelaide Needham List of 15 historic recordings from 1911 to 1928.
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
  Historic Records      
record15.gif Exile's Return, The (1928) A. Needham Colin O'More Victor: BVE-46105
record15.gif Haymaking (1913) A. Needham Helma Fritz Victor: [Trial 1913-12-06-02]
record15.gif Husheen (1915) A. Needham Clara Butt Columbia: 6541
recordmp3.gif Husheen (1920) A. Needham Elvira Leveroni Edison: 7351
recordmp3.gif Irish Lullaby (1917) A. Needham Amy Ellerman Edison: 5484
recordmp3.gif My Dark Rosaleen (1928) A. Needham John Oakley Columbia: W109138
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 7 works by Alicia Adelaide Needham (1863-1945). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Fairy's Lullaby, The 1897 Eugene Field (words)
Louise Dale (perf.)
Husheen 1897 Francis A. Fahy (words)
Clara Butt (perf.)
Elvira Leveroni (perf.)
 Pub.  record15.gif recordmp3.gif
Haymaking 1913 H. M. Waithman (words)
Helma Fritz (perf.)
Four Ducks on a Pond 1914 William Allingham (words)
Rosina Buckman (perf.)
Irish Lullaby 1917 Francis A. Fahy (words)
Amy Ellerman (perf.)
Exile's Return, The 1928 John Locke (co-author)
Colin O'More (perf.)
My Dark Rosaleen 1928 John Oakley (perf.)   recordmp3.gif