Ron Hannah  (1945-)
Last updated: 02.04.23
According to the Internet source given below, Ron Hannah is a Canadian composer born in Saskatchewan living much of his life in Western Canada. A pianist and clarinettist he has studied various other instruments in order to be able to write effectively for them. In 2009 he returned to his homeland after several years of teaching English and backpacking in various parts of the world. At present he resides in Austria.
He composes principally chamber, choral and symphonic music.
Relevant to this domain, he is the one-off ragtime composer of Deep River Rag (1997). Amongst his compositions there are two works for recorder quartet and harpsichord which were accepted for performance by Dulcis Venti, a group in Colchester.
Please see the URL below for further details.
url15.gif The Wide World of Ron Hannah Composers' home page.  
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 1 work by Ron Hannah (1945-). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Deep River Rag 1997  wvicon.gif