Louis M. Gottschalk  (1829-1869)
Last updated: 10.01.25
According to The New Penguin Dictionary of Music, Louis Moreau Gottschalk was an American pianist, the first such to win international standing as a virtuoso. Also composer of virtuoso style piano pieces, 2 operas and various orchestral works.
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
  Midi File(s) from various sources      
audiomidi15.gif Apple's the Cause of It All, An James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Army of Oogaboo (1913), The James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Ask the Flowers to Tell You (1913) Unknown
audiomidi15.gif Clockwork Man (1913), The James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Dear Old Hank (1913) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Folly! (1913) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Jolly Fellows (1906) James Pitt-Payne
     Title Author Supplier
book15.gif  La Jota Aragonesa and Other Favorites for Piano Four Hands Louis Moreau Gottschalk flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
book15.gif  Louis Moreau Gottschalk: Music in American Life S. Frederick Starr flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15es.gif
book15.gif  Piano Music of Louis Moreau Gottschalk L. M. Gottschalk flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
book15.gif  Where the Word Ends: The Life of Louis Moreau Gottschalk Vernon Loggins flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
     Performer CD Title Supplier
Ragtime Music CDs:
cd15.gif Various Artists American Piano Classics CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
cd15.gif Various Artists Great American Piano II: Vol. 8 flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif
cd15.gif The Great American Main St. Band Silks & Rags flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Apple's the Cause of It All (1913), An L.M. Gottschalk (music)
L. Frank Baum (words)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Army of Oogaboo (1913), The L.M. Gottschalk (music)
L. Frank Baum (words)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
pdf15.gif Ask the Flowers to Tell You (1913) L.M. Gottschalk (music)
L. Frank Baum (words)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
pdf15.gif Ask the Flowers to Tell You : Ozma and Files (1913) L.M. Gottschalk (music)
L. Frank Baum (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif Bamboula Op. 2, La (1844) L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Bananier Op. 5, La (1853) L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Banjo Op. 15 (1855), The L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif  Battle Cry of Freedom (1865) L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Clockwork Man (1913), The L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
pdf15.gif Dear Old Hank (1913) L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
Dying Poet (1864), The L.M. Gottschalk (w&m)
Piano, Voice IMSLP
pdf15.gif Folly! (1913) L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
pdf15.gif Gloria's Dream Waltz (1914) L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Jolly Fellows (1906) L.M. Gottschalk (music)
W.H. Gardner (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif Lady Bountiful (1902) L.M. Gottschalk (music)
Robert Hobart Davis (words)
Mamie Gilroy (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana
pdf15.gif  Last Hope (1856), The L.M. Gottschalk (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
Love and Chivalry (1863) L.M. Gottschalk (music)
Piano Greer
Mancenillier, Le (1851) L.M. Gottschalk (music)
Piano Greer
pdf15.gif Manchega (1853) L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif O Loving Heart Trust On (1864) L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif O Ma Charmante Epargnez Moi (1861) L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano IMSLP Pub.
Ojos Criollos (1860) L.M. Gottschalk (music)
Piano Greer
Pasquinade (1870) L.M. Gottschalk (music)
Piano Greer
pdf15.gif  Polka de Salon Op.1 (1859) L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano IMSLP
pdf15.gif Savane Op. 3, La (1846) L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano IMSLP
pdf15.gif Souvenir De Porto Rico (1857) L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Souvenirs d'Andalousie (1851) L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Tournament Gallop (1854) L.M. Gottschalk (music) Piano IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif When Ragtime Reaches Heaven (1902) L.M. Gottschalk (music)
Frank Dupree (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif
Recorder Sheet Music
Polka de Concert: Ses Yeux (S/D/A/T/B)smp_unav15.gif
Score and Parts.
Publisher: Polyphonic Publications (PP00144)
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 47 works by Louis M. Gottschalk (1829-1869). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Apple's the Cause of It All, An L. Frank Baum (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
Bamboula Op. 2, La 1844  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
La Savane 1846
Le Bananier 1846
Savane Op. 3, La 1846  pdf15.gif
Mancenillier, Le 1851  wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Souvenirs d'Andalousie 1851  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Bananier Op. 5, La 1853  Pub. pdf15.gif
Manchega 1853  Pub. pdf15.gif
Tournament Gallop 1854  Pub. pdf15.gif
Banjo Op. 15, The 1855  Pub. pdf15.gif youtube15.jpg
Last Hope, The (w&m) 1856  Pub. pdf15.gif
Danza 1857
Marche Des Gibaros 1857
Souvenir De Porto Rico 1857  Pub. pdf15.gif
La Gallina 1859
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Polka de Salon Op.1 1859  pdf15.gif
Ojos Criollos 1860  wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
O Ma Charmante Epargnez Moi 1861  Pub. pdf15.gif
Love and Chivalry 1863 As Seven Octaves  wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Dying Poet, The (w&m) 1864  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
O Loving Heart Trust On 1864  Pub. pdf15.gif
Battle Cry of Freedom 1865  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Dying Swan, The 1869
Morte Op.60, La 1869  Pub.
Pasquinade 1870  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Stuttering Song 1894
In Florida 1901 Harry B. Smith (words)
Song of the Yankee Tar, The 1901
Lady Bountiful 1902 Robert Hobart Davis (words)
Mamie Gilroy (perf.)
When Ragtime Reaches Heaven 1902 Frank Dupree (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Jolly Fellows 1906 W.H. Gardner (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
Title Year Attribution Remarks
On the Trail to Santa Fé 1907
Army of Oogaboo, The 1913 L. Frank Baum (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
Ask the Flowers to Tell You 1913 L. Frank Baum (words)  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif 
Clockwork Man, The 1913  Pub. pdf15.gif 
Dear Old Hank 1913  Pub. pdf15.gif 
Folly! 1913  Pub. pdf15.gif 
Magnet of Love, The 1913
Oh! My Bow 1913
Rainbow Bride 1913
So Do I! 1913
Waltz Scream, The 1913
When in Trouble Come to Papa 1913
Gloria's Dream Waltz 1914 Violet MacMillan (perf.)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Broken Blossoms 1919 Robert Edgar Long (co-author)
Ching Ching Chinaman 1923
     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg L.M. Gottschalk The Banjo Op. 15 (4:02) Ragtime Dorian Henry