Stanleigh P. Friedman  (1884-1960)
Last updated: 18.12.23
All that can presently (May 2022) be gleaned about Stanleigh P. Friedman from sheet music covers and by Internet searching is that he published 4 works between 1903 and 1934.
Surfers are welcome to contribute any further information about this composer.
  Title (Release Year) Co-Author(s) Performers Issue
  Wax Cylinders      
cylinder15.gif Down the Field (1908) Edison Military Band Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9793
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 4 works by Stanleigh P. Friedman (1884-1960). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: ER
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Under the Elms 1903  wvicon.gif
Down the Field 1904 Caleb-Wilson O'Connor (words)
Edison Military Band (perf.)
 wvicon.gif audioextmp315.gif
Glory For Yale - Song 1905 Jullian Arnold (words)  wvicon.gif
Whoop It Up 1934  Pub.