Eric Coates  (1886-1957)
Last updated: 22.04.24
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 13 works by Eric Coates (1886-1957). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Our Little Home 1917 Fred E. Weatherly (words)
Carmen Hill (perf.)
I Pitch My Lonely Caravan at Night 1921 Annette Horey (words)
George Baker (perf.)
Hubert Eisdell (perf.)
Passion Flower 1921 Gertrude Wiskin (words)
Louise Dale (perf.)
Bird Songs at Eventide 1926 Royden Barrie (words)  Pub.
Sleepy Lagoon 1930 Jack Lawernce (words)  Pub.
Summer Afternoon 1935 Royden Barrie (words)  Pub.
Gates of if Ever, The ? Margaret Balfour (perf.)  Pub.
I Heard You Singing ? Joseph Hislop (perf.)  Pub.
Little Green Balcony, The ? Hubert Eisdell (perf.)  Pub.
Little Snoozy Coon ?  Pub.
Sea Rapture ? Rosina Buckman (perf.)  Pub.
Song of the Little Folk ? Dora Labbette (perf.)  Pub.
Yearning ? Hubert Eisdell (perf.)  Pub.