Title (Release Year) | Composer | Performers | Issue |
Historic Records | ||||
Herman the German, My Friend From Berlin (1927) | B. Buttenuth | Billy Murray Aileen Stanley |
Victor: BVE-39633 | |
I'm a Lonesome Cry Baby (1923) | B. Buttenuth | Aileen Stanley | Victor: B-28155 | |
Tonight's My Night With Baby (1926) | B. Buttenuth | Irving Kaufman as Frank Harris | Columbia: W142104 |
Title | Year | Attribution | Remarks |
I'm a Lonesome Cry Baby (w&m) | 1923 | Phil Morris (co-author) Aileen Stanley (perf.) |
Tonight's My Night With Baby | 1926 | Joseph Meyer (co-author) Irving Caesar (words) Irving Kaufman as Frank Harris (perf.) |
Herman the German, My Friend From Berlin (w&m) | 1927 | Billy Dunham (co-author) Billy Murray (perf.) Aileen Stanley (perf.) |