A collection of shape-note tunes, ancient and modern, for singing groups large all small
Hardcover: 457 tune pages not including preface and composer tune indices.
Publisher's blurb:
The inspiration for The Shenandoah Harmony was to create a collection of the best songs published by Ananias Davisson from 1815 to 1825 in the Shenandoah Valley.
These works include five editions of the Kentucky Harmony and three editions of the Supplement to the Kentucky Harmony, which combine New England composed tunes with the arranged folk melodies of the era.
Personal remarks:
I was priveleged to obtain my copy of this splendid work on the day of its book launch on Saturday, 2nd March 2013 in Cork, Ireland during The Third Ireland Sacred Harp Convention at St, Fin Barre's Cathedral Hall. The tune book was introduced by Dr. Wells Hall, a member of the music committee which publishes The Shenandoah Harmony. She also lead the convention in singing some of the book's tunes during the 90-minute book release event. With a few exceptions, the books does not include tunes found in
Sacred Harp (1844-1991).