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Little baby goes to sleep
(xiǎo bǎo bèi kuài ān shuì)
Last updated: 22.01.22
In their cultural notes in Sing Chinese, Cindy Mao and Ma Baolin explain that many of China's 55 national minorities have their own unique lullabies. The Lisu nationality, numbering about half a million, lives in a mountainous region of north-western Yunnan Province. This Lisu nationality lullaby has the distinctive character of the music of Southwest China. The lyrics show that the mothers of Lisu nationality carry their babies on their backs while they work.
This song is not only a delight to sing, (very Chinese for my taste) but also lends itself well to a recorder/concertina combination.
Ay Ay Ay Ayài ài ài ài
Little one go to sleep on Mama's backxiǎo bǎo bèi kuài ān shuì mā ma bā nǐ bēi
In your sweet dream whom will you meet?zuò yí gè tián tian de mèng kàn nǐ mèng jiàn le shuí
You will dream of little birds, safe at their mother's sidenǐ huì mèng jiàn xiǎo niǎo tā mā ma bǎ tā wēi
When the little birds grow up, their mama leads them flyingděng dào xiǎo niǎo zhǎng dà tā mā ma lǐng tā fēi
Ay Ay.ài ài
Little one goes to sleep om Mama's back.xiǎo bǎo bèi kuài ān shuì mā ma bā nǐ bēi
Little treasue grow up fast. This wide world is for you to fly.bǎo bèi kuài zhàng dà. zhè me dà de shì jiè suí nǐ fēi