"What shall we do with a drunken sailor" was learned at primary school and is very well known here in Germany where I believe it is also a school song. I sing it very often. The version I sing has eight verses which I have picked up along the way and does not correspond to anything I've seen in print.
Master Mariner W.B. Whall in his authoritative
Sea Songs Ships and Shanties interestingly only gives two verses.
It was also sung in the
Idle Fellows and by the
The Herminas.
One unforgettable performance was with the
The Vegesack Whalermen during
Ceilidh 2003 where we demonstrated on stage exactly what one does with a drunken sailor who in this case was our Deern, Susi Wollin. We beat her, drenched her and even hauled her up by her arms and legs! Good one Susi!!
This song may be found in the Tyneside Maritime Chorus songbook