Sam Will Oblige (1905)
A Musical Monologue
Last updated: 28.01.22
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Composer: S. Jackson Suppliers: dbe15.gif
Editor: Geoff Grainger Quintet A/T/T/B/GB(B)
Publisher: Ditty Box Enterprises Publication: DBE 602
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Length: approx. 3¼ mins.
Sam Will Oblige was clearly intended to be a fun piece. Its story as told in the original sheet music is given below:

Sam Will Oblige - A Colored Inspiration composed by Sam and his sister.

Down in Georgia a barn dance was given one evening not long ago. After all the ordinary dances had been executed time and time again, to add variety to the entertainment, one of the merry party requested the orchestra (consisting of old Len Perkins and his wheezy violin), to play a cake walk, Lem thereupon informed the guests that cake walks and such new fangled music was beyond his conception.
Sam Jackson an eccentric colored character who was doing duty as a waiter for the occasion then politely informed the assemblage that anticipating a request for cake walk music he had brought along his banjo, and if no objections were offered he
would only too happy to play a colored inspiration, composed by himself and his sister Alamanda. It is needless to say that the merry-makers received his announcement with great joy. Sam immediately ascended the platform and as each gentleman took the hand of his fair partner, and formed in line for the cake walk Sam loudly cried, "All perambulate, SAM WILL OBLIGE".

Note: Interspersed with the music are the quaint remarks delivered by Sam during the rendition of his composition.
(amongst these interjections I particularly enjoy, It's certainly a long time between drinks. A sentiment often expressed by myself on similar occasions! Ed.)
Sam closes his performance with the following words:

"Ladies an' gemmen dat concludes my part ob de entertainment, hoping dat my excrutating endeeavours in de musical line has met wif your disapproval an' helped to facilitate de spirit of congeniality among de conglomeration here assembled, I beg to announce dat yo' will always find me delighted to render my artistic services fo' de edification ob de white folks and at any future social functions is so requested (for a small financial consideration) SAM WILL OBLIGE."

Sam Will Oblige was published by Edwin S. Brill, New York City, USA.
A tempo of 80 crotchets/min. is suggested.
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audiodbemp315.gif A/T/T/B/GB(B) Midi Ragtime Recorder Ens.