M. Witmark and Sons
List of Works: C - K
Last updated: 06.11.24
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Why Have You Changed (1904) Adele Ruth Cahn
sm15.gif Blue Goose (1904), The Frank H, Campbell
sm15.gif Just Been Wond'ring All Day Long (1921) Irene Akerley Canning(w&m)
sm15.gif Break Away Mccafferty! (1891) M. F. Carey(w&m)
sm15.gif Betsy's the Belle of the Bathers (1907) Richard Carle
sm15.gif If No 1 Met No 2 (1907) Richard Carle(w&m)
sm15.gif Peculiar Julia (1904) Richard Carle
sm15.gif How Little We Know (1944) Hoagy Carmichael Johnny Mercer (words)
Humphrey Bogart (perf.)
Lauren Bacall (perf.)
sm15.gif Georgia Land (1912) Harry Carroll Arthur Fields (words)
Blanche Ring (perf.)
Will Carleton (perf.)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
sm15.gif Here Come the Married Men (1915) Earl Carroll(w&m)
sm15.gif So Long, Letty (1915) Earl Carroll(w&m) Helen Clark (perf.)
Joseph A. Phillips (perf.)
sm15.gif Ragtime Reverie (1900) Stanley Carter
sm15.gif All That Glitters Is Not Gold (1901) James W. Casey George A. Norton (words)
sm15.gif Could I But Dream (1901) James W. Casey George A. Norton (words)
sm15.gif I Can't Forget I Love You, Eloise (1901) James W. Casey George A. Norton (words)
sm15.gif My Big Moon (1910) James W. Casey
sm15.gif Never (1899) James W. Casey George A. Norton (words)
sm15.gif  She's All My Own (1901) James W. Casey George A. Norton (words)
sm15.gif Sing Me a Song of the South (1899) James W. Casey George A. Norton (words)
William H. Thompson (perf.)
Bennett & Rich (perf.)
sm15.gif Trip Through Dixie (1900), A James W. Casey
sm15.gif Where Is My Boy To-Night (1899) James W. Casey George A. Norton (words)
sm15.gif You'll Know (1900) James W. Casey George A. Norton (words)
sm15.gif Uncle Billy Was a Fireman (1911) Harry Castling(w&m) Fred Godfrey (co-author)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif Ay Vant to Go Back to Sveden (1904) Frederic Chapin Guy F. Steely (words)
sm15.gif There's a Lady-Bug A-Waitin' For Me (1905) Frederic Chapin L. Frank Baum (words)
sm15.gif Three Maids and a Man (1904) Frederic Chapin Guy F. Steely (words)
sm15.gif What! Mary? (1924) Frederic Chapin Guy F. Steely (words)
sm15.gif Babe, It's Too Long Off (1906) Louis Chauvin Elmer Bowman (words)
sm15.gif Baby Rose (1906) George Christie Louis Weslyn (words)
Maude Lambert (perf.)
Geo McKay & John Cantwell (perf.)
Weston Fields (perf.)
Carroll Fields (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Lee White (perf.)
Geo. Perry (perf.)
sm15.gif Brown Eyes (1908) George Christie Dave Reed (words)
Ren Shields (words)
Sue Smith (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't Forget to Write Me Everyday (1908) George Christie Ren Shields (words)
sm15.gif Hoola Boola Glide (1911) George Christie Ren Shields (words)
Lee White (perf.)
George Perry (perf.)
sm15.gif I Always Knew the Girl I'd Love, Would Be a Girl Like You (1912) George Christie J. Brandon Walsh (words)
Maude Lambert (perf.)
Ernest Roland Ball (perf.)
sm15.gif I'll Love You Sweetheart Sue (1912) George Christie Dave Reed (words)
sm15.gif If All My Dreams Were Made of Gold, I'd Buy the World For You (1911) George Christie J.F. Bradley (words)
C.F. Quigley (words)
Reese V. Prosser (perf.)
George F. Britt (perf.)
sm15.gif  Lady Angeline (1912) George Christie Dave Reed (words)
Weston, Fields & Carroll (perf.)
Willie & Eugene Howard (perf.)
sm15.gif On a Good Old Time Straw Ride (1912) George Christie Dave Reed (words)
Ernest Roland Ball (perf.)
Maude Lambert (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
sm15.gif That's What I Call A Good Time (1912) George Christie Ren Shields (words)
Maude Lambert (perf.)
Ernest Roland Ball (perf.)
sm15.gif Your Mother Still Believes in You (1910) George Christie Frank Morrell (words)
sm15.gif I'm Away From the World When I'm Away From You (1927) Sidney Clare Lew Pollack (words)
sm15.gif Bride of the Waves (1904) Herbert Lincoln Clarke Herbert Lincoln Clarke (perf.)
sm15.gif Carnival of Venice (1912), The Herbert Lincoln Clarke
sm15.gif Cousins' (1904) Herbert Lincoln Clarke
sm15.gif Debutante (1912), The Herbert Lincoln Clarke
sm15.gif Du, du liegst mir im Herzen (1912) Herbert Lincoln Clarke
sm15.gif From the Shores of the Mighty Pacific (1912) Herbert Lincoln Clarke
sm15.gif Harp that Once Thro' Tara's Halls (1912), The Herbert Lincoln Clarke
sm15.gif Lillian (1915) Herbert Lincoln Clarke
sm15.gif Maid of the Mist (1912), The Herbert Lincoln Clarke
sm15.gif Side Partners (1912) Herbert Lincoln Clarke
sm15.gif Sounds From the Hudson (1904) Herbert Lincoln Clarke
sm15.gif Southern Cross (1911) Herbert Lincoln Clarke
sm15.gif My Diabolo Beau (1907) Kenneth S. Clark(w&m) Stella Tracey (perf.)
sm15.gif  Take a Puff-Puff-Puff (1908) Kenneth S. Clark(w&m)
sm15.gif Teddy, the Jungle Bogie-Man (1909) Kenneth S. Clark(w&m)
sm15.gif When You Steal a Kiss or Two (1907) Kenneth S. Clark(w&m) Lotta Faust (perf.)
sm15.gif When You're Roaming in the Gloaming With Your Sweetheart (1909) Kenneth S. Clark(w&m) Joe Weber (perf.)
sm15.gif Be Kind to the Cook (1907) Sadie Clark Addison Burkhardt (words)
sm15.gif Come on and Kiss Your Baby (1907) Sadie Clark(w&m)
sm15.gif Dainty American Girl (1907), The Sadie Clark(w&m)
sm15.gif H-A-S-H, Dat Am De Word I Love (1908) Sadie Clark(w&m)
sm15.gif Hot Lunch Man (1907), The Sadie Clark Edgar Keller (words)
sm15.gif I Long to See the Sunny South Again (1907) Sadie Clark(w&m)
sm15.gif Is That Love? (1907) Sadie Clark(w&m)
sm15.gif It's Good Enough For Me (1909) Sadie Clark George Christie (co-author)
sm15.gif Sly Old Moon (1907) Sadie Clark(w&m)
sm15.gif So Long, So Long (1907) Sadie Clark(w&m)
sm15.gif Cake-Walk Lindy (1900) Edward B. Claypoole
sm15.gif In Revolutionary Mexico (1914) Edward B. Claypoole Leonard Weinberg (words)
sm15.gif Then He'd Put Another Record On (1914) Edward B. Claypoole Leonard Weinberg (words)
Elmer L. Greensfelder (words)
sm15.gif Are You From Dixie? (1915) George Linus Cobb Jack Yellen (words)
sm15.gif  It's All a Dream (1915) George Linus Cobb Jack Yellen (words)
Van & Schenck (perf.)
sm15.gif Good-Bye Little Girl Good-Bye (1904) Will D. Cobb Gus Edwards (co-author)
Flo Adler (perf.)
sm15.gif All in the Wearing (1922) George. M. Cohan
sm15.gif All My Boys (1922) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Billie (1928) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Blue Skies, Gray Skies (1927) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Born and Bred in Brooklyn (1923) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Dancing My Worries Away (1922) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Darn Good Cry (1923), A George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Easter Sunday Parade (1927), The George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Ev'ry Boy in Town's My Sweetheart (1928) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Feeling in Your Heart (1927), A George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif God Is Good to the Irish (1927) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Hinkey Dee (1922), The George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif I Never Met a Girl Like You (1923) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif I'm True to Them All (1918) George. M. Cohan(w&m) Arthur Fields (perf.)
sm15.gif In a Kingdom of Our Own (1919) George. M. Cohan(w&m) Gladys Rice (perf.)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Betsy Lane Shepherd (perf.)
Marion Evelyn Cox (perf.)
Charles Hart (perf.)
sm15.gif In the Slums (1923) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif  Ireland, My Land of Dreams (1918) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Let's You and I Just Say Goodbye (1923) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Like the Wandering Minstrel (1927) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Love Dreams (1923) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Marathon Step (1923), The George. M. Cohan
sm15.gif Molly Malone (1927) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Name of Kelly (1922), The George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Nellie Kelly, I Love You (1922) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Poor Old World (1923) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Roses Understand (1927) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Selection From ''Little Nelly Kelly'' (1922) George. M. Cohan
sm15.gif Selection From ''The Merry Malones'' (1927) George. M. Cohan
sm15.gif Tee Teedle Tum Di Dum (1927) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Till My Luck Comes Rolling Along (1922) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Tisn't Easy to Say Good Bye, Broadway (1924) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif To Heaven on the Bronx Express (1927) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Two of Us (1928), The George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Voice in My Heart (1922), The George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif  When I Look Into Your Eyes Mavourneen (1918) George. M. Cohan
sm15.gif When June Comes Along With a Song (1923) George. M. Cohan
sm15.gif When You Come Back (1918) George. M. Cohan(w&m) American Quartet (perf.)
sm15.gif Where Is the Girl I Left Behind (1919) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Where Were You - Where Was I? (1928) George. M. Cohan
sm15.gif Won't You Come Back to Me? (1922) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Yankee Father in the Yankee Home (1927) George. M. Cohan
sm15.gif You Remind Me of My Mother (1922) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Hors d'Oeuvre (1914) David Comer
sm15.gif Dat Blackville Wedding (1898) Robert Cone
sm15.gif Dat Darktown Wedding (1898) Robert Cone
sm15.gif Emerald Isle (1899) Robert Cone
sm15.gif Forevermore (1899) Robert Cone E. Tyson (words)
sm15.gif Huckleberry Cross-Roads (1899) Robert Cone
sm15.gif I'll Ask Him Not to Go (1898) Robert Cone Raymond A. Browne (words)
sm15.gif L'Aiglon Waltzes (1900) Robert Cone
sm15.gif Love Divine (1902) Robert Cone E. Blanchard (words)
sm15.gif Twas Once a Happy Home (1902) Robert Cone Dave Lewis (words)
sm15.gif  When Love Was Young (1901) Robert Cone E. Tyson (words)
sm15.gif I'm Gonna Bring a Watermelon to My Girl Tonight (1924) Con Conrad Billy Rose (words)
sm15.gif Clorindy (1898) Will Marion Cook
sm15.gif Darktown Is Out To-Night - Song (1898) Will Marion Cook Paul Laurence Dunbar (words)
sm15.gif Darktown Is Out Tonight (1897) Will Marion Cook
sm15.gif Hottest Coon in Dixie (n.d.) Will Marion Cook Paul Laurence Dunbar (words)
sm15.gif Who Dat Say Chicken in Dis Crowd? (1898) Will Marion Cook Paul Laurence Dunbar (words)
sm15.gif Will You Come Along With Me (1909) Will Marion Cook
sm15.gif Life Begins With Love (1934) Joe Cooper Charles Tobias (words)
sm15.gif My Desert Love (1919) John Cooper
sm15.gif My Desert Love - Song (1919) John Cooper Mort Nathan (words)
sm15.gif My Persian Pearl (1918) John Cooper Mort Nathan (words)
sm15.gif I Ain't Married No More (1917) Les C. Copeland Rennold Wolf (words)
sm15.gif O'Brien Is Tryin' to Learn to Talk Hawaiian (1916) J. Rennie Cormack Al Dubin (words)
Ada Jones (perf.)
sm15.gif Twas Only an Irishman's Dream (1916) J. Rennie Cormack John J. O'Brien (words)
Al Dubin (words)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Blanche Ring (perf.)
sm15.gif Your Country Needs You Now (1917) J. Rennie Cormack Geo. B. McConnell (words)
Al Dubin (words)
Mary Maurice (perf.)
Eulalie Jensen (perf.)
Harry T. Morey (perf.)
sm15.gif Dancing in the Dark (1925) Sam Coslow(w&m) Al Sherman (co-author)
Max Prival (co-author)
sm15.gif Living a Life of Dreams (1930) Rubey Cowan(w&m) Rudy Vallée (perf.)
sm15.gif  I Want to Tell You Something (1911) Clifton Crawford(w&m) Quaker Girl (perf.)
sm15.gif Regular Army Man (1912) Clifton Crawford
sm15.gif I'll Sing You a Song About Dear Old Dixie Land (1919) Henry Creamer(w&m) Turner Layton (co-author)
Al Jolson (perf.)
sm15.gif Nellie Claire (1892) Warner Crosby
sm15.gif My Sugar Baby (1901) Charles Neil Daniels Albert H. Brown (words)
sm15.gif Just Remove Your Name Plate From Ma Do' (1906) Isabell D'Armond Janet Priest (words)
Isabell D'Armond (perf.)
sm15.gif Gone But Still in My Heart (1923) Lee David Benton Ley (words)
sm15.gif There's Just a Bit O' Heaven in Your Smile (1923) Lee David Benton Ley (words)
Anna Chandler (perf.)
sm15.gif Please Think of Me (1942) Benny Davis(w&m) Russ Morgan (co-author)
Ted Murry (co-author)
Jan Savitt (perf.)
Hal McIntyre (perf.)
Freddy Martin (perf.)
sm15.gif Pretty Little Thing (1923) Benny Davis(w&m) Harry Akst (co-author)
Russell Hird (co-author)
sm15.gif Bright Side of Lifes (1896), The Gussie Lord Davis(w&m)
sm15.gif Honey, Don't You Shake Me (1895) Gussie Lord Davis(w&m)
sm15.gif Nearing the Harbor (1896) Gussie Lord Davis(w&m)
sm15.gif Wedded at Last (1894) Gussie Lord Davis(w&m)
sm15.gif When the Cuckoo Goes to Sleep (1886) Gussie Lord Davis Billy Speed (words)
sm15.gif David Harum (1900) Henry W. Davis
sm15.gif I'm Sitting Pretty in a Pretty Little City (1923) Lou Davis(w&m) Abel Baer (co-author)
Henry Santly (co-author)
Keller Sisters & Lynch (perf.)
William Newell (perf.)
Elsie Most (perf.)
Jan Garber (perf.)
Marshall Montgomery (perf.)
Leila McIntyre (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Thirsty For Kisses - Hungry For Love (1928) Lou Davis J. Fred Coots (co-author)
Colleen Moore (perf.)
sm15.gif  I'm Tired of Dodging Dat Installment Man (1899) Lawrence Deas Jack Wilson (words)
Belle Davis (perf.)
sm15.gif At the Coffee Cooler's Tea (1918) Harry DeCosta Alex Sullivan (co-author)
sm15.gif Eyes of Heaven (1916), The Harry DeCosta William A. Wilander (words)
sm15.gif I'll Be Back Home in Indiana (1919) Harry DeCosta Frank Chodrow (words)
sm15.gif I've Got the Shimmee Blues (1919) Harry DeCosta(w&m)
sm15.gif In Alabama, Dear, With You (1915) Harry DeCosta Ellen Orr (co-author)
sm15.gif Little Grey Mother (1915), The Harry DeCosta Bernard Grossman (words)
Jim Doherty (perf.)
Mary Maurice (perf.)
sm15.gif Old Grand Army Man (1918), An Harry DeCosta(w&m)
sm15.gif That Soothing Serenade (1918) Harry DeCosta(w&m) Howard Bros (perf.)
Adele Rowland (perf.)
sm15.gif We Want Our Daddy Dear, Back Home (1918) Harry DeCosta James M. Reilly (words)
sm15.gif Starlight Love (1919) Lucien Denni Arthur A Penn (words)
Edith McDonald (perf.)
sm15.gif Angie (1903) James G. Dewey(w&m)
sm15.gif Nakokus (1904) James G. Dewey
sm15.gif Orizaba (1902) James G. Dewey
sm15.gif Little White House With the Little Red Roof Tucked Away in the Heart of the Hills (1921), The Renee Dietrich
sm15.gif Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (1900) Herbert Dillea Arthur Gillespie (words)
Frederic Whitfield (perf.)
Fred Gladdish (perf.)
Millie Corbin (perf.)
Harry Talley (perf.)
sm15.gif I Love You, That Is All (1898) Herbert Dillea Joe Kelly (words)
sm15.gif Mah Butterfly (1900) Herbert Dillea Ralph M Skinner (words)
Lucy Daly (perf.)
sm15.gif  Mah Moonlight Lou (1901) Herbert Dillea C J Campbell (words)
Ralph M Skinner (words)
Lucy Daly (perf.)
sm15.gif Ragtime Society (1899) Herbert Dillea
sm15.gif Tell Me Honey (1901) Herbert Dillea George Sidney (words)
Lucy Daly (perf.)
sm15.gif At the Pan-I-Marry-Can (1901) Harry Dillon(w&m)
sm15.gif On the Old Back Seat of the Henry Ford (1916) Lawrence Dillon William Austin Dillon (words)
sm15.gif Bonnie, My Highland Lassie (1908) William Austin Dillon(w&m) Blanche Ring (perf.)
sm15.gif I'd Rather Have a Girlie Than an Automobile (1908) William Austin Dillon(w&m)
sm15.gif I'll Wed the Girl I Left Behind (1916) William Austin Dillon(w&m) George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
sm15.gif My Grandfather's Girl (1916) William Austin Dillon(w&m) Blanche Ring (perf.)
sm15.gif On the Old Back Seat of the Henry Ford (1916) William Austin Dillon Lawrence Dillon (co-author)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
sm15.gif Playtime (1908) William Austin Dillon
sm15.gif Fesia (1904) Will H. Dixon Alfred Anderson (words)
Nichols Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Daughter of Rosie O'Grady (1918), The Walter Donaldson Monty C. Brice (words)
Ada Jones (perf.)
Gladys Leslie (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Got the Sweetest Girl in Maryland (1917) Walter Donaldson Percy Bronson (perf.)
Winnie Baldwin (perf.)
Premier Quartet (perf.)
sm15.gif My Loveable Girl (1917) Walter Donaldson Monty C. Brice (words)
sm15.gif Suki San (1917) Walter Donaldson J. Keirn Brennan (words)
Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
sm15.gif Doggy in the Yard (1906), The Marie Doro(w&m)
sm15.gif Light of Heaven Op.75 (1910), The Louis A. Drumheller
sm15.gif  Come Back to Jumbo Gumbo (1920) Alexander Dubin(w&m) Clarence Gaskill (co-author)
sm15.gif Pagan Moon (1931) Alexander Dubin(w&m) Al Bryan (co-author)
Joe Burke (co-author)
sm15.gif There Is My Love Song (1941) Alexander Dubin Joe Burke (words)
Loyce Whiteman (perf.)
Abe Lyman (perf.)
sm15.gif Twas Only an Irishman's Dream (1916) Alexander Dubin John J. O'Brien (words)
sm15.gif Who'll Take the Place of Mary (1920) Alexander Dubin(w&m) Clarence Gaskill (co-author)
Harry Mayo (co-author)
sm15.gif King Auto (1907) J. Mahlon Duganne
sm15.gif New Gaiety Dance (1892), The Augustus E. Durandeau
sm15.gif Sing Sweet Juanita Sing (1928) Earl & Bell Earl & Bell (perf.)
sm15.gif I'd Rather Be a Nigger Than a Poor White Man (1894) Harry Earle(w&m) Maud Huth (perf.)
sm15.gif What yer gwine to do in de winter? : (1895) Harry Earle Maud Huth (perf.)
sm15.gif That Will Bring You Back (1899) Shepard N. Edmonds
sm15.gif There Are Others Who Don't Think That Way (1898) Shepard N. Edmonds
sm15.gif Della (1904) Gus Edwards Robt. B. Smith (words)
Eva W. Wallace (perf.)
sm15.gif Girl Who Cares For Me (1904), The Gus Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
James R. Purvis (perf.)
sm15.gif Good-Bye, Little Girl, Good-Bye (1904) Gus Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
Geo. Lydecker (perf.)
May Bouton (perf.)
Fern Melrose (perf.)
Corinne Griffith (perf.)
Walter McGrail (perf.)
Lyle J. Gardiner (perf.)
Dorothy Kenton (perf.)
William H. Thompson (perf.)
Sallie Stemblers (perf.)
Madge Lessing (perf.)
sm15.gif He's Me Pal (1905) Gus Edwards Vincent Bryan (words)
Eleanor Falk (perf.)
Lillie Lawson (perf.)
Jeanie Brooker (perf.)
sm15.gif I Want You Morning, Noon and Night (1921) Gus Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
Gus Edwards (perf.)
sm15.gif If I Came Back to You and Said I'm Sorry (1913) Gus Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
sm15.gif  If I Dared to Tell My Love For You (1900) Gus Edwards Will D Cobb (words)
Dorothy Morton (perf.)
sm15.gif In My Merry Oldsmobile (1905) Gus Edwards Vincent Bryan (words)
Spook Minstrels (perf.)
Sue Smith (perf.)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Miss No-One From No-Where (1904) Gus Edwards Robert B. Smith (words)
Della Fox (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Partner of Mine (1921) Gus Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
Gus Edwards (perf.)
sm15.gif Tammany (1905) Gus Edwards Jefferson DeAngelis (perf.)
sm15.gif Tammany - Song (1905) Gus Edwards Vincent Bryan (words)
sm15.gif Tell That to the Marines! (1918) Gus Edwards Bernard S. Barron (words)
sm15.gif Welcome Home Laddie Boy, Welcome Home (1918) Gus Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
sm15.gif You're There, Little Girl, You're There (1920) Gus Edwards L. M. Bell (words)
Gus Edwards (perf.)
sm15.gif Dolly Varden (1901) Julian Edwards Stanislaus Stange (words)
Lulu Glaser (perf.)
sm15.gif Gay Musician (1908), The Julian Edwards Charles J. Campbell (words)
sm15.gif Girl and the Governor (1906), The Julian Edwards S. M. Brenner (words)
sm15.gif Jolly Musketeer (1898), The Julian Edwards Stanislaus Stange (words)
sm15.gif Little Girl Like Me (1905), A Julian Edwards Alfred E. Aarons (co-author)
Chas W. Campbell (words)
Ralph M. Skinner (words)
sm15.gif Love's Lottery (1904) Julian Edwards Stanislaus Stange (words)
Madame Schumann-Heink (perf.)
sm15.gif Lovelight Beaming From Your Eyes (1908), The Julian Edwards Chas. J. Campbell (words)
sm15.gif Motor Girl (1909), The Julian Edwards Charles J. Campbell (words)
Ralph M. Skinner (words)
sm15.gif My Own United States (1909) Julian Edwards Stanislaus Stange (words)
sm15.gif  Patriot (1907), The Julian Edwards Stanislaus Stange (words)
sm15.gif Princess Chic (1900), The Julian Edwards Kirk La Shelle (words)
sm15.gif Spring, Sweet Spring (1902) Julian Edwards Stanislaus Stange (words)
Zetti Kennedy (perf.)
sm15.gif When Johnny Comes Marching Home (1902) Julian Edwards Stanislaus Stange (words)
sm15.gif There's a Long, Long Trail (1913) Alonzo Elliot Stoddard King (words)
John McCormack (perf.)
Ada Reeve (perf.)
sm15.gif Sweet Dreams of Home (1908) Hans Engelmann
sm15.gif Thoroughbred (1910), The Hans Engelmann
sm15.gif Hello - Alright - Goodbye (1905) Ellis R. Ephraim Robt. B. Morris (words)
Florence Bindley (perf.)
Caro Roma (perf.)
Louise Temple Swi (perf.)
sm15.gif Injun Gal (1905) Ellis R. Ephraim
sm15.gif Injun Gal - Song (1905) Ellis R. Ephraim P.C. Mason (words)
Eleanor Falk (perf.)
sm15.gif Iris (1900) Ellis R. Ephraim Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif On the Rocky Road to Dublin (1906) Ellis R. Ephraim Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif When It's Springtime in Virginia (1914) Ernie Erdman J. Brandon Walsh (words)
sm15.gif Goodnight Angeline (1919) James Reese Europe(w&m) Noble Sissle (co-author)
Eubie Blake (co-author)
sm15.gif On Patrol in No Man's Land (1918) James Reese Europe(w&m) Noble Sissle (co-author)
Eubie Blake (co-author)
sm15.gif Little Maggie Brady (1911) George Evans(w&m) George Evans (perf.)
sm15.gif Friends That Are Good and True (1905) Edmund Eysler Julius Steger (words)
sm15.gif Africa's 400 (1897) Barney Fagan Verona Jarbeau (perf.)
sm15.gif  My Gal Is a High Born Lady (1896) Barney Fagan
sm15.gif By a Waterfall (1933) Sammy Fain Irving Kahal (words)
sm15.gif I Speak to the Stars (1944) Sammy Fain Paul Francis Webster (words)
Doris Day (perf.)
sm15.gif I'll Pin Another Petal on the Daisy (1933) Sammy Fain Irving Kahal (words)
sm15.gif It's Time to Sing ''Sweet Adeline'' Again (1933) Sammy Fain Benny Davis (words)
Al Boasberg (words)
Eddy Duchin (perf.)
sm15.gif Sittin' on a Backyard Fence (1933) Sammy Fain Irving Kahal (words)
sm15.gif There's Always a Way to Remember (1927) Sammy Fain Lew Pollack (co-author)
sm15.gif Was That the Human Thing to Do? (1931) Sammy Fain Joe Young (words)
Pickens Sisters (perf.)
Boswell Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Bo-La-Bo (1919) George W. Fairman(w&m) Ted Lewis (perf.)
sm15.gif Girl in the Train (1908), The Leo Fall Harry B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif Chinnin' and Chattin' With May (1930) Buddy Fields Seymour Simons (co-author)
Buddy Fields (words)
Seymour Simons (words)
sm15.gif Pirouette (1911) Herman Finck Peerless Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Hangin' on the Garden Gate (1929) Ted Fiorito Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Another Little Coon in Town (1894) Joseph Flynn(w&m) Allie Gilbert (perf.)
Sam Collins (perf.)
sm15.gif Dolly Dooley (1897) Joseph Flynn(w&m)
sm15.gif He Cannot Talk at Al (1895) Joseph Flynn(w&m)
sm15.gif Little Hoop of Gold (1893) Joseph Flynn Geo Rosey (words)
sm15.gif McGonigle Winked His Eye (1894) Joseph Flynn(w&m)
sm15.gif  McKenna's Insurance (1893) Joseph Flynn(w&m)
sm15.gif McNulty and the Dago (1893) Joseph Flynn(w&m)
sm15.gif Only a Faded Violet (1893) Joseph Flynn(w&m)
sm15.gif Paddy Shay (1889) Joseph Flynn(w&m)
sm15.gif Pawnbroker's Shop (1893), The Joseph Flynn Al Tanner (words)
sm15.gif Speak Not Her Name (1894) Joseph Flynn(w&m)
sm15.gif All the Girls Are Lovely by the Seaside (1913) Harry Fragson Worton David (words)
Bert Lee (words)
Jack Charman (perf.)
sm15.gif When the Golden Sun Has Sunk Into the West (1901) William T. Francis Grant Stewart (words)
sm15.gif Concert in the Park (1939) Dave Franklin Cliff Friend (words)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
sm15.gif There's a Brand New Picture in My Picture Frame (1938) Dave Franklin Cliff Friend (words)
Freddy Martin (perf.)
sm15.gif I Was Born in Michigan (1921) Malvin Franklin Alex Gerber (words)
American Quartet (perf.)
sm15.gif Michigan (1921) Malvin Franklin Alex Gerber (words)
Howard Bros (perf.)
sm15.gif When the Lights Go Down in Chinatown (1922) Malvin Franklin Alex Gerber (words)
sm15.gif Dream-Girl O' Mine (1913) Cass M. Freeborn Chancellor Chauncey Olcott (words)
Chancellor Chauncey Olcott (perf.)
sm15.gif Stop-Trot Rag (1914), The Cass M. Freeborn
sm15.gif I'll Be Your Honey in the Springtime (1902) Harold B. Freeman(w&m) Anna Laughlin (perf.)
sm15.gif In the Heart of the Sunset (1915) Harold B. Freeman(w&m)
sm15.gif Runaway June (1915) Harold B. Freeman(w&m) Norma Phillips (perf.)
sm15.gif  Dream on Sue (1904) Leo Friedman Geo. Lieb Jr. (words)
sm15.gif If I Should (1903) Leo Friedman Bartley C. Costello (words)
Sallie Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Wigwam Dance (1903) Leo Friedman
sm15.gif Freckle Face, You're Beautiful (1934) Cliff Friend(w&m) Carmen Lombardo (co-author)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
sm15.gif Freddy the Freshman (1931) Cliff Friend(w&m) Dave Oppenheim (co-author)
George Olsen (perf.)
sm15.gif It Looks Like Susie (1931) Cliff Friend(w&m)
sm15.gif Lights Are Low - Music Is Sweet (1934) Cliff Friend(w&m) Carmen Lombardo (co-author)
Grace Hayes (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Toy Town (1950) Cliff Friend(w&m)
sm15.gif Solider Dreams (1942), A Cliff Friend Al Dubin (words)
Kate Smith (perf.)
sm15.gif Sweethearts Forever (1932) Cliff Friend Irvin Caesar (co-author)
Ann Dvorak (perf.)
sm15.gif We Did It Before (1941) Cliff Friend Charles Tobias (co-author)
Eddie Cantor (perf.)
sm15.gif When My Dream Boat Comes Home (1936) Cliff Friend(w&m) Dave Franklin (co-author)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
George Olsen (perf.)
Danny Sullivan (perf.)
Little Sam Robbins (perf.)
Les Brown (perf.)
Freddy Martin (perf.)
Jerry Johnson (perf.)
Stumptown Jazz (perf.)
Ann Leaf (perf.)
Dick Stabile (perf.)
sm15.gif Colored Delegates (1901) James M. Fulton
sm15.gif I'm Expectin' a Special Delivery (1901) James M. Fulton Geo. H. Summers (words)
sm15.gif In the Flower Crowned Green Mountains of Vermont (1900) James M. Fulton George H Summers (words)
sm15.gif Cobweb Waltz Song (1892) William Furst Charles Alfred Byrne (words)
Louis Harrison (words)
sm15.gif Griollette's Goose (1902) William Furst(w&m)
sm15.gif I'm Pommery 2nd the King (1892) William Furst Charles Alfred Byrne (words)
Louis Harrison (words)
sm15.gif  Isle of Champagne (1892) William Furst Charles Alfred Byrne (words)
Louis Harrison (words)
sm15.gif Music Master (1904), The William Furst David Warfield (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh Fly Sweet Bird (1892) William Furst Charles Alfred Byrne (words)
Louis Harrison (words)
sm15.gif All I Needed Was the Money (1904) Seymour Furth Edwin P. Moran (words)
sm15.gif Everything Is Rosy, Rosie (1906) Seymour Furth Ed. P. Moran (words)
sm15.gif Get the Habit (1904) Seymour Furth Ed. P. Moran (words)
sm15.gif Good-Bye Sweetheart, Don't Forget (1904) Seymour Furth Ed. P. Moran (words)
sm15.gif Let's All Make Hay While the Sun Shines (1905) Seymour Furth Edward P. Moran (words)
Eva W. Wallace (perf.)
sm15.gif Mary Canary (1904) Seymour Furth Ed. P. Moran (words)
Bessie Wynn (perf.)
sm15.gif Nothing Like That in Our Family (1906) Seymour Furth Will A Heelan (words)
William F. Denny (perf.)
sm15.gif Dear Moonlightt (1902) Fred Gagel Mathew Woodward (words)
sm15.gif Hawaiian Annexation March (1898) Fred Gagel
sm15.gif As You Were When I First Met You (1918) Clarence Gaskill(w&m) Gladys Leslie (perf.)
Lewis James (perf.)
Charles Hart (perf.)
sm15.gif Bug House Fables (1923) Clarence Gaskill(w&m)
sm15.gif I've Got the Blues For My Kentucky Home (1920) Clarence Gaskill(w&m) Aileen Stanley (perf.)
Premier Quartet (perf.)
Nelson & Cronin (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Got the Red, White and Blues (1921) Clarence Gaskill(w&m)
sm15.gif Kentucky Blues (1921) Clarence Gaskill(w&m) Nelson & Cronin (perf.)
Howard Bros (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Colleen (1917) Clarence Gaskill Alfred Dubin (words)
Chancellor Chauncey Olcott (perf.)
sm15.gif  Tony Spagoni's Cabaret (1917) Clarence Gaskill Al Dubin (words)
sm15.gif Waltzing the Blues (1922) Clarence Gaskill(w&m) Alice Maison (perf.)
Billy Reardon (perf.)
sm15.gif Fate (1922) Byron Gay(w&m) Ted Lewis (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Always Happy Sunday (1917) Byron Gay Al Dubin (words)
sm15.gif I'm the Warmest Member in the Land (1897) T. Mayo Geary A.F. Dannic (words)
Josephine Sabel (perf.)
sm15.gif I Love Love (1911) Charles J. Gebest Channing Pollock (words)
Rennold Wolf (words)
Beulah Gaylord Young (perf.)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Beulah Gaylord Young as Caroline Vaughan (perf.)
Raymond Hitchcock (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm a Wonderful Man in Yonkers (1911) Charles J. Gebest William Jerome (words)
Raymond Hitchcock (perf.)
sm15.gif Just For You (1911) Charles J. Gebest Channing Pollock (words)
Rennold Wolf (words)
Raymond Hitchcock (perf.)
sm15.gif Never Mind Singing, Just Dance, My Dear (1911) Charles J. Gebest Channing Pollock (words)
Rennold Wolf (words)
Raymond Hitchcock (perf.)
sm15.gif Red Widow (1911), The Charles J. Gebest Channing Pollock (words)
Rennold Wolf (words)
Raymond Hitchcock (perf.)
sm15.gif We Will Go, Go, to Go-Go (1911) Charles J. Gebest Channing Pollock (words)
Rennold Wolf (words)
sm15.gif My Yiddisha Mammy (1922) Alex Gerber(w&m) Jean Schwartz (co-author)
Eddie Cantor (co-author)
Eddie Cantor (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Never Had a Sweetheart (1911) Melville J. Gideon Hough (words)
Adams (words)
sm15.gif My Honolulu Honey Lou (1911) Melville J. Gideon Hough (words)
Adams (words)
sm15.gif On the Levee Before the War (1912) Melville J. Gideon Harold Atteridge (words)
May Irwin (perf.)
sm15.gif Two to Duluth (1911) Melville J. Gideon Hough (words)
Adams (words)
sm15.gif Poor Old Adam Was My Father (1911) Harry Gifford(w&m)
sm15.gif He Must Be a Man of Decent Height (1892) Fred Gilbert(w&m)
sm15.gif  I Will Be There (1895) Fred Gilbert
sm15.gif It Certainly Wasn't Meant for Me (1903) Arthur Gillespie Otis Turner (words)
Sheffer & French (perf.)
sm15.gif When It's Circus Day Back Home (1917) Jack Glogau Jack Yellen (words)
sm15.gif A.B.C.D.E.F.G (1911) Fred Godfrey(w&m) Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif Lead Me Towards the Girls (1911) Fred Godfrey John A Glover-Kind (words)
sm15.gif Take Me There (1911) Fred Godfrey Will Letters (words)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif Everything Looks Rosy and Bright (1917) E. Ray Goetz
sm15.gif When You've Picked Your Basket of Peaches (1917) E. Ray Goetz(w&m)
sm15.gif Aphrodite Waltz (1919) Anselm Goetzl
sm15.gif Dear Little Rose Girl (1920) Anselm Goetzl William Cary Duncan (words)
sm15.gif When the Cherry Blossoms Fall (1919) Anselm Goetzl William Carey Duncan (co-author)
Leola Lucey (perf.)
Charles Hart (perf.)
sm15.gif My Canary Has Circles Under His Eyes (1931) Jack Golden Ted Kohler (words)
Edward Pola (words)
Marion Harris (perf.)
sm15.gif My Gert (1896) John L. Golden R. F. Outcault (words)
Steve Brodie (perf.)
sm15.gif Slow Poke (1923) Joe Gold I. Jay Faggen (words)
sm15.gif That's My Girl (1926) Lou Gold Benny Davis (words)
sm15.gif Suzanna (1922) Archie Gottler Benny Davis (words)
Mabel Normand (perf.)
sm15.gif Gloria's Dream Waltz (1914) Louis M. Gottschalk Violet MacMillan (perf.)
sm15.gif Ma Starlight Sue (1901) William F. Gould
sm15.gif  Her Father Has Turned the Dear Picture Again (1891) Charles Graham(w&m)
sm15.gif Keep a Place at the Table For Jack (1892) Charles Graham(w&m)
sm15.gif Picture That Is Turned Toward the Wall (1891), The Charles Graham(w&m)
sm15.gif Train Was Saved (1891), The Charles Graham(w&m)
sm15.gif That's How You Can Tell They're Irish (1920) Thomas J. Gray Clarence Gaskill (co-author)
sm15.gif My Mother's Evening Prayer (1920) Bud Green(w&m) Charlie Pierce (co-author)
Al Dubin (co-author)
sm15.gif I'm Makin' Hay in the Moonlight (1932) Jessie Greer Tot Seymour (words)
Dick Powell (perf.)
sm15.gif Make Love With a Guitar (1940) María Grever Raymond Leveen (words)
Horace Heidt (perf.)
sm15.gif Give Me One Rose to Remember (1924) Frank Henry Grey J. Will Callahan (words)
sm15.gif In the Dusk (1919) Frank Henry Grey Bernard Hamblen (words)
sm15.gif Harmony of Love (1911) C.A. Grimm
sm15.gif How Dy Do, Mis' Springtime (1924) David W. Guion Ben Gordon (words)
sm15.gif Texas Fox Trot (1915), The David W. Guion
sm15.gif On Sweetheart Bay (1938) Albert Gumble Charlie Tobias (words)
Dick Barrie (perf.)
sm15.gif Coon With the Big White Spot (1895), The Frank J. Gurney
sm15.gif Dance of the Marionettes (1896) Frank J. Gurney
sm15.gif Dance of the Nighthawks (1897) Frank J. Gurney
sm15.gif Frolic of the Coons (1896) Frank J. Gurney
sm15.gif  Social Highwayman (1896), A Frank J. Gurney
sm15.gif Sons and Fathers (1896) Frank J. Gurney
sm15.gif Hearts Were Made to Break (1896) Fred J. Hamill(w&m)
sm15.gif Night at the Play (1895), A Fred J. Hamill
sm15.gif Black Man's Kissing Bug (1899) Benjamin R. Harney(w&m)
sm15.gif I Love My Honey (1897) Benjamin R. Harney
sm15.gif If You Got Any Sense You'll Go (1898) Benjamin R. Harney
sm15.gif Mister Johnson, Turn Me Loose (1896) Benjamin R. Harney(w&m) May Irwin (perf.)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Tell It to Me (1899) Benjamin R. Harney
sm15.gif My Georgiana (1904) Joseph Hart(w&m) Carrie DeMar (perf.)
sm15.gif Hyacinth (1903), The Emma Lyon Hatch David Sequeira (co-author)
sm15.gif Ragtime Table d'Hote (1910), The Carter de Haven Carter de Haven (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Don't You Quit, Quit, Quit (1905) Jean Havez(w&m) Carroll Johnson (perf.)
sm15.gif Be True, Dear Heart (1908) Annie Andros Hawley(w&m)
sm15.gif Der Faderland for Mine (1907) Annie Andros Hawley(w&m) Blanche Ring (perf.)
sm15.gif Gay Butterfly (1908) Annie Andros Hawley(w&m) Geraldine Farrar (perf.)
sm15.gif My Loving Heart (1908) Annie Andros Hawley(w&m)
sm15.gif My Treasure Trove (?) Annie Andros Hawley(w&m)
sm15.gif  Somebody Loves You, Dear (1907) Annie Andros Hawley(w&m)
sm15.gif At the Post (1903) Walter Hawley
sm15.gif Tenderfoot (1903), The Harry Lawson Heartz Richard Carle (words)
sm15.gif Mermaid of the Nile (1903) Silvio Hein
sm15.gif Get Busy (1902) Otto M. Heinzman John Heinzmann (co-author)
sm15.gif He Looks at Her, Then He Goes Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! (1923) Ray Henderson Billy Rose (words)
Keller Sisters & Lynch (perf.)
sm15.gif Absinthe Frappe (1904) Victor Herbert(w&m) Glen MacDonough (words)
sm15.gif Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life (1910) Victor Herbert Rida Johnson Young (words)
Jeanette MacDonald (perf.)
Nelson Eddy (perf.)
Emma Trentini (perf.)
sm15.gif Al Fresco (1904) Victor Herbert Edison Concert Band (perf.)
sm15.gif Always Do As People Say You Should (1898) Victor Herbert Harry B Smith (words)
Alice Nielsen (perf.)
sm15.gif Ameer (1899), The Victor Herbert Victor Herbert Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Art Is Calling For Me--I Want to Be a Prima Donna (1911) Victor Herbert Fred De Gresac (words)
Harry B. Smith (words)
Kitty Gordon (perf.)
sm15.gif Babes in Toyland (1903) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Babette (1903) Victor Herbert H.Bache Smith (words)
Fritzi Scheff (perf.)
sm15.gif Bagdad (1912) Victor Herbert James O'Dea (words)
David Craig Montgomery (perf.)
Fred Stone (perf.)
sm15.gif Beatrice Barefacts (1904) Victor Herbert Glen Mac Donough (words)
sm15.gif Because You're You! (1906) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
Victor Herbert Orchestra (perf.)
Harry MacDonough (perf.)
Florence Hinkle (perf.)
Elise Stevenson (perf.)
Frank C. Stanley (perf.)
sm15.gif Dream Melody (1910), The Victor Herbert
sm15.gif  Eileen (1917) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif Eileen, Alanna Astore (1917) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif Estrellita (1915) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Fleurette (1903) Victor Herbert Victor Herbert Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Fortune Teller (1898), The Victor Herbert H.Bache Smith (words)
Victor Herbert Orchestra (perf.)
Alice Nielsen (perf.)
sm15.gif Get Together (1915) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Girlie Land (1911) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Good-a-Bye, John! (1906) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
David Craig Montgomery (perf.)
Fred Stone (perf.)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
sm15.gif Gypsy Jan (1898) Victor Herbert H.Bache Smith (words)
sm15.gif Gypsy Love Song (1898) Victor Herbert Harry Bache Smith (words)
Frank C. Stanley (perf.)
Frank Croxton (perf.)
Reinald Werrenrath (perf.)
sm15.gif Ho! Ye Townsmen (1898) Victor Herbert Harry B Smith (words)
Alice Nielsen (perf.)
sm15.gif I Can't Do the Sum (1903) Victor Herbert Edison Male Quartette (perf.)
sm15.gif I Wish I Was an Island in an Ocean of Girls (1915) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif I'd Like to Be a Quitter, But I Find It Hard to Quit (1915) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif I'm Falling in Love With Someone (1910) Victor Herbert Rida Johnson Young (words)
Orville Harrold (perf.)
Jeanette MacDonald (perf.)
Nelson Eddy (perf.)
David Craig Montgomery (perf.)
Fred Stone (perf.)
Berrick von Norden (perf.)
Emma Trentini (perf.)
sm15.gif If I Should Dream of You (1911) Victor Herbert(w&m)
sm15.gif If Only You Were Mine (1899) Victor Herbert Stanislaus Stange (words)
Harry B Smith (words)
Alice Nielsen (perf.)
sm15.gif In the Isle of Our Dreams (1906) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif  Indian Summer - Song (1939) Victor Herbert Al Dubin (words)
Freddy Martin (perf.)
Cecil Golly (perf.)
Lou Breese (perf.)
Mitchell Ayers (perf.)
Ray Herbeck (perf.)
Dick Stabile (perf.)
sm15.gif Ireland My Sireland (1917) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif Irish Have a Great Day To-Night (1917), The Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif It's Pretty Soft For Simon (1910) Victor Herbert Rida Johnson Young (words)
Emma Trentini (perf.)
sm15.gif Italian Street Song (1921) Victor Herbert Rida Johnson Young (words)
Jeanette MacDonald (perf.)
Emma Trentini (perf.)
sm15.gif Jack O'Lantern Girl (1904), The Victor Herbert Glen MacDonough (words)
Bessie Clayton (perf.)
sm15.gif Kiss Me Again (1915) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
Marie Tiffany (perf.)
Fritzi Scheff (perf.)
Vienese Trio (perf.)
Helen Louise (perf.)
Frank Ferera (perf.)
sm15.gif L' Encore (1910) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif La Coquette (1900) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Lady of the Slipper (1912), The Victor Herbert James O'Dea (words)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Harvey Hindermeyer (perf.)
Elsie Janis (perf.)
David Craig Montgomery (perf.)
Fred Stone (perf.)
sm15.gif Life and Love (1918) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif Little Boy and Girl (1919) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif Love Is the Best of All (1915) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif Love Is Tyrant (1900) Victor Herbert Stanislaus Stange (words)
Harry B Smith (words)
Alice Nielsen (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Theme (1916), The Victor Herbert
sm15.gif March (1899) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif March of the Toys (1903) Victor Herbert(w&m) American Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Mister Voodoo (1910) Victor Herbert Rida Johnson Young (words)
Emma Trentini (perf.)
sm15.gif  Mlle. Modiste (1905) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
Fritzi Scheff (perf.)
sm15.gif Moonbeams (1906) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif More I See of Others Dear (1914), The Victor Herbert(w&m)
sm15.gif My Lady 'Tis for Thee (1903) Victor Herbert H.Bache Smith (words)
sm15.gif My Little Irish Rose (1917) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif Naughty Marietta (1910) Victor Herbert Rida Johnson Young (words)
Marie De Kyser (perf.)
Victor Herbert Orchestra (perf.)
Emma Trentini (perf.)
sm15.gif Neapolitan Love Song (1915) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif Neath the Southern Moon (1910) Victor Herbert Rida Johnson Young (words)
Emma Trentini (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh I Sing the Praise of the Sword (1901) Victor Herbert Harry B Smith (words)
Eugene Cowles (words)
Alice Nielsen (perf.)
sm15.gif Only Girl (1914), The Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
Jaudas' Society Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Only One (1905), The Victor Herbert Glen MacDonough (words)
sm15.gif Personality (1914) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif Polka and Two-Step (1899) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Prima Donna (1908), The Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
Victor Herbert Orchestra (perf.)
Fritzi Scheff (perf.)
sm15.gif Princess of Far Away (1912) Victor Herbert James O'Dea (words)
Clara Moister (perf.)
sm15.gif Princess Pat (1915), The Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
Eleanor Painter (perf.)
sm15.gif Punchinello (1900) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Red Mill (1916), The Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif  Rose of the World (1940) Victor Herbert Glen MacDonough (words)
Victor Herbert Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Serenades of All Nations (1898), The Victor Herbert Harry Bache Smith (words)
Alice Nielsen (perf.)
sm15.gif Signor Mons Muldoni (1898) Victor Herbert Harry B Smith (words)
Alice Nielsen (perf.)
sm15.gif Singing Girl - Selections - Lanciers (1899) Victor Herbert Columbia Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Singing Girl - Selections - March (1899) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Singing Girl - Selections - March (Our Native Land) (1899) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Singing Girl - Selections - Mazurka (1899) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Singing Girl - Selections - Waltzes (1899) Victor Herbert Peerless Orchestra (perf.)
Gilmore's Band (perf.)
sm15.gif Singing Girl (1899), The Victor Herbert H.Bache Smith (words)
sm15.gif So They Say (1900) Victor Herbert H.C. Barnabee (perf.)
Marcia van Dresser (perf.)
sm15.gif Streets of New York (1906), The Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Tattooed Man (1897), The Victor Herbert Harry Bache Smith (words)
Frank Daniels (perf.)
sm15.gif Teach Me to Forget (1911) Victor Herbert Joseph Herbert (words)
sm15.gif There Once Was an Owl (1903) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Thine Alone (1929) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif To the Land of My Own Romance (1911) Victor Herbert Harry Bache Smith (words)
Beulah Gaylord Young (perf.)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Kitty Gordon (perf.)
sm15.gif Toyland (1903) Victor Herbert Glen MacDonough (words)
Corinne Morgan (perf.)
Frank C. Stanley (perf.)
sm15.gif Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! (1910) Victor Herbert Rida Johnson Young (words)
Emma Trentini (perf.)
sm15.gif  Under the Elms (1903) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Valse a La Mode (1915) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Velvet Lady (1919), The Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif Viceroy (1900), The Victor Herbert H. Bache Smith (words)
sm15.gif When Love Awakens (1917) Victor Herbert(w&m)
sm15.gif When Sweet Sixteen (1910) Victor Herbert George Vere Hobart (words)
sm15.gif When You're Away (1914) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
Grace Kerns (perf.)
Marie De Kyser (perf.)
sm15.gif When You're Wearing the Ball and Chain (1914) Victor Herbert Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif Whispering Willows (1915) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Wild Rose (1910), The Victor Herbert(w&m) Victor Herbert Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Wonderland (1905) Victor Herbert Glen MacDonough (words)
sm15.gif Yesterthoughts (1900) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif You Marry a Marionette (1910) Victor Herbert Rida Johnson Young (words)
Emma Trentini (perf.)
sm15.gif You're the Only Girl For Me (1914) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Dream Buddy (1927) Louis Herscher Joe Matthews (words)
Billy Hays (words)
sm15.gif Oh, You Crazy Moon (1939) Jimmy van Heusen Johnny Burke (words)
Van Alexander (perf.)
sm15.gif Mabel May (1903) J. Leubrie Hill(w&m)
sm15.gif My American Beauty Rose (1903) J. Leubrie Hill Henry Troy (words)
sm15.gif  My Dahomian Queen (1903) J. Leubrie Hill Frank B. Williams (words)
Mattie Edwards (perf.)
sm15.gif Alimony Blues (1918) Louis Achille Hirsch
sm15.gif China Rose (1927) Louis Achille Hirsch Anna Marble (words)
sm15.gif Going Up (1917) Louis Achille Hirsch Otto Harbach (words)
sm15.gif Hello Frisco! (1915) Louis Achille Hirsch
sm15.gif Hello Frisco! - Song (1915) Louis Achille Hirsch Gene Buck (words)
Samuel Ash (perf.)
Elida Morris (perf.)
Harvey Hindermeyer (perf.)
Helen Clark (perf.)
Alice Faye (perf.)
John Payne (perf.)
Jack Oakie (perf.)
Lynn Bari (perf.)
sm15.gif Hello! Melbourne (1915) Louis Achille Hirsch
sm15.gif Hold Me in Your Loving Arms (1915) Louis Achille Hirsch Gene Buck (words)
sm15.gif I'll Think of You Will You Think of Me? (1917) Louis Achille Hirsch Rennold Wolf (words)
Gladys Rice (perf.)
Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
sm15.gif If You Look in Her Eyes (1917) Louis Achille Hirsch Otto Harbach (words)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Henry Burr (perf.)
sm15.gif Kiss Me (1917) Louis Achille Hirsch
sm15.gif Marie Odile (1915) Louis Achille Hirsch Channing Pollock (words)
Rennold Wolf (words)
sm15.gif My Rainbow Girl (1917) Louis Achille Hirsch Rennold Wolf (words)
sm15.gif Rainbow Girl (1918), The Louis Achille Hirsch
sm15.gif Red, White and Blue (1914), The Louis Achille Hirsch Maurice Walton (perf.)
Florence Walton (perf.)
sm15.gif Sweet Kentucky Lady (1914) Louis Achille Hirsch William Jerome (words)
sm15.gif Tickle Toe - Song (1918), The Louis Achille Hirsch Otto Harbach (words)
sm15.gif Tickle Toe (1918), The Louis Achille Hirsch Otto Harbach (words)
sm15.gif  When I Hear a Sycopated Tune (1918) Louis Achille Hirsch Gene Buck (words)
sm15.gif Yale Banner (1902) A.M. Hirsh
sm15.gif Kiss, Kiss, Kiss (1906) Gertrude Hoffmann Harry B. Smith (words)
Anna Held (perf.)
sm15.gif On San Francisco Bay (1906) Gertrude Hoffmann Harry B. Smith (words)
Anna Held (perf.)
sm15.gif Out San Francisco Way (1923) Gertrude Hoffmann Vincent Bryan (words)
Sam Marley (words)
sm15.gif Aber Nit (1904) Max Hoffmann Vincent Bryan (words)
sm15.gif Bom-Ba-Shay (1897) Max Hoffmann(w&m) Attie Spencer (perf.)
DeHaven & Mai (perf.)
sm15.gif Minstrel Parade (1904), The Max Hoffmann
sm15.gif Rag Medley (1897) Max Hoffmann
sm15.gif Ragtown Rags (1898) Max Hoffmann
sm15.gif You're All the World to Me (1906) Max Hoffmann Addison Burkhardt (words)
Anna Held (perf.)
sm15.gif All Coons Look Alike to Me (1896) Ernest Hogan
sm15.gif All Coons Look Alike to Me - Song (1896) Ernest Hogan(w&m) May Irwin (perf.)
sm15.gif De Congregation Will Please Keep Their Seats (1900) Ernest Hogan
sm15.gif Ninth Battalion on Parade (1896), The Ernest Hogan Bert Williams (words)
sm15.gif Butterfly (1910), The Karl L. Hoschna Otto Hauerbach (words)
Lina Abarbanell (perf.)
sm15.gif Cuddle Up a Little Closer, Lovey Mine (1908) Karl L. Hoschna Otto Harbach (words)
Ada Jones (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Doctor Tinkle Tinker (1910) Karl L. Hoschna Otto Hauerbach (words)
John Hyams (perf.)
Leila McIntyre (perf.)
sm15.gif  Every Little Movement (1910) Karl L. Hoschna Otto Harbach (words)
Inez Barbour (perf.)
Reinald Werrenrath (perf.)
American Standard Orchestra (perf.)
Marie Narelle (perf.)
Frederic H. Potter (perf.)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
Mary Jordan (perf.)
Lina Abarbanell (perf.)
sm15.gif For Every Boy Who's Lonely, There's a Girl Who's Lonely Too (1911) Karl L. Hoschna Otto Hauerbach (words)
Beulah Gaylord Young (perf.)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Helen Clark (perf.)
Ralph C. Herz (perf.)
sm15.gif For You Bright Eyes (1909) Karl L. Hoschna Otto Harbach (words)
Edith Chapman (perf.)
John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
sm15.gif I Want a Regular Man (1911) Karl L. Hoschna Hapgood Burt (words)
Blanche Ring (perf.)
sm15.gif Katie-Did (1911) Karl L. Hoschna
sm15.gif Madame Sherry - Song (1910) Karl L. Hoschna Otto Hauerbach (words)
sm15.gif My Little Lassoo (1905) Karl L. Hoschna H.Bache Smith (words)
Florence Bindley (perf.)
sm15.gif No One But You! (1911) Karl L. Hoschna Otto Hauerbach (words)
Ralph C. Herz (perf.)
sm15.gif Out With the Owl (1910) Karl L. Hoschna Otto Hauerbach (words)
sm15.gif Yama Yama Man (1908), The Karl L. Hoschna O.A. Hauerback (words)
American Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
Indestructible Concert Band (perf.)
sm15.gif As the Grain Needs the Rain, So I Need You Once Again (1919) Joseph Edgar Howard(w&m) I.B. Kornblum (co-author)
Z. Myers (co-author)
sm15.gif It Won't Be Long Before We're Home (1918) Joseph Edgar Howard Paul Cunningham (words)
Joseph Edgar Howard (perf.)
sm15.gif Once Again (1919) Joseph Edgar Howard I.B. Kornblum (co-author)
&1 (words)
Z. Myers (words)
sm15.gif Some of These Nights (1915) Joseph Edgar Howard Herbert Stothart (co-author)
Harry Breen (words)
Joseph Noel (words)
sm15.gif Somewhere in France Is the Lily (1917) Joseph Edgar Howard Philander Johnson (words)
Arthur Middleton (perf.)
Joseph Edgar Howard (perf.)
sm15.gif That Strictly Neutral Jag (1915) Joseph Edgar Howard Herbert P. Stothart (co-author)
Joseph Noel (words)
sm15.gif Virginia Brown (1923) Joseph Edgar Howard Norman J Vause (co-author)
Henry Welling (co-author)
Ethlyn Clark (perf.)
sm15.gif When Our Boys Come Marching Home (1917) Joseph Edgar Howard(w&m) Joseph Edgar Howard (perf.)
sm15.gif  Sakes Alive (1903) Stephen Howard
sm15.gif Oolong Li (1904) Edward James Howe Jos. E. Miller (words)
sm15.gif Fantana - Act I (1904) John Raymond Hubbell Robert B. Smith (words)
Sam S. Shubert (words)
sm15.gif Fantana - Acts II-III (1904) John Raymond Hubbell Robert B. Smith (words)
Sam S. Shubert (words)
sm15.gif Just My Style (1904) John Raymond Hubbell Robert B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif Laughing Little Almond Eyes (1904) John Raymond Hubbell Robert B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif Selection From Fantana (1904) John Raymond Hubbell
sm15.gif Toymaker's Tragedy (1896), The Charles Ingle Brian Daly (words)
Albert Chevalier (perf.)
sm15.gif Ain't Love a Wonderful Thing (1923) Roy Ingraham King Zany (words)
sm15.gif Alabamy Blacksheep (1922) Roy Ingraham King Zany (words)
Sophie Tucker (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Got a Cross-Eyed Papa (1923) Roy Ingraham Billy Du Val (words)
King Zany (words)
Marion Harris (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Worried to Death About That (1904) May Irwin(w&m)
sm15.gif Taint No Sense in Loving Dat Way (1904) May Irwin(w&m)
sm15.gif El Rio (1914) Harold Ivers
sm15.gif Keep Em' Goin' (1918) Harold Ivers
sm15.gif Pepper Pot (1913) Harold Ivers
sm15.gif Rose of My Soul (1921) Jerry Jarnagin John Steel (words)
John Steel (perf.)
sm15.gif My Coal Black Lady (1896) W.T. Jefferson(w&m) Lizzie B. Raymond (perf.)
sm15.gif  Collegianna (1936) Maurice K. Jerome Jack Scholl (words)
Frank McHugh (perf.)
Joe Cawthorn (perf.)
Patricia Ellis (perf.)
Warren Hull (perf.)
sm15.gif Drifting Along (1936) Maurice K. Jerome Jack Scholl (words)
sm15.gif I Wish That I Wish Tonight (1945) Maurice K. Jerome Jack Scholl (words)
Dennis Morgan (perf.)
Barbara Stanwyck (perf.)
sm15.gif Isle of Blues (1933) Maurice K. Jerome Joan Jasmyn (words)
sm15.gif Little Heaven of the Seven Seas (1937) Maurice K. Jerome Jack Scholl (words)
sm15.gif Looking in the Window (1930) Maurice K. Jerome Harry Richman (words)
Al. Bryan (words)
Harry Richman (perf.)
sm15.gif My Little Buckaroo (1937) Maurice K. Jerome Jack Scholl (words)
Dick Foran (perf.)
Jane Bryan (perf.)
sm15.gif Old Apple Tree (1938), The Maurice K. Jerome Jack Scholl (words)
Allen Jenkins (perf.)
Frank McHugh (perf.)
Humphrey Bogart (perf.)
Louise Fazenda (perf.)
Nat Pendleton (perf.)
Penny Singleton (perf.)
Weaver Bros. And Elviry (perf.)
sm15.gif Thru the Courtesy of Love (1936) Maurice K. Jerome Jack Scholl (words)
sm15.gif Wish That I Wish Tonight (1945) Maurice K. Jerome Jack Scholl (words)
Dennis Morgan (perf.)
Barbara Stanwyck (perf.)
sm15.gif You and I in the Moonlight (1929) Maurice K. Jerome Ned Washington (words)
sm15.gif Araby (1904) Al Johns
sm15.gif Bible Stories (1904) Al Johns John Lee Clarke (words)
May Irwin (perf.)
sm15.gif Board-Walk Parade (1904) Al Johns
sm15.gif Ethiopia (1903) Al Johns
sm15.gif Sallie (1904) Al Johns Frank H Bernard (words)
Edgar Atchison-Ely (perf.)
sm15.gif Porcupine Rag (1909) Chas. L. Johnson New York Military Band (perf.)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Dreamer Love (1911) Alexander Johnstone Will B. Johstone (words)
Grace La Rue (perf.)
sm15.gif  Sunshine Jazz (1919) Alexander Johnstone
sm15.gif California Here I Come (1924) Al Jolson(w&m) B. G. DeSylva (co-author)
Joseph Meyer (co-author)
Al Jolson (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Is the Ocean So Near the Shore? (1913) Clarence M. Jones Alfred Bryan (words)
Arthur B Weinberg (words)
Blanche Ring (perf.)
Ada Jones (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Can't This Night Go on Forever? (1933) Isham Jones Charles Newman (words)
sm15.gif I Think An Awful Lot Of You (1907) Joe Jordan Alfred Anderson (words)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Dance of the White Rat (1901) Effie F. Kamman
sm15.gif Darkey Doings (1899) Effie F. Kamman
sm15.gif Baby Girl (1896) Walter P. Keen(w&m)
sm15.gif But There Are Others (1893) Walter P. Keen(w&m)
sm15.gif Charley's Aunt (1894) Walter P. Keen(w&m)
sm15.gif In This World of Pleasure and Pain (1895) Walter P. Keen(w&m)
sm15.gif Night I Lost the Bet (1896), The Walter P. Keen(w&m)
sm15.gif Story of a Woman With a Past (1895), The Walter P. Keen(w&m)
sm15.gif They Are, I Don't Think (1892) Walter P. Keen Ruby Hart (words)
sm15.gif My June-Time Rose (1904) Lester Keith John Kemble (words)
Milton Aborn (words)
Sargent Aborn (words)
Reginald De Koven (words)
Elsie Janis (perf.)
sm15.gif Clock Will Never Strike Again (?), The John T. Kelly
sm15.gif I Long to See the Girl I Left Behind (1893) John T. Kelly(w&m)
sm15.gif If Hearts Could Only Speak (?) John T. Kelly
sm15.gif  Mine, Only Mine (?) John T. Kelly
sm15.gif She's Only a Working Girl (1895) John T. Kelly(w&m)
sm15.gif Charme d'Amour (1907) Edwin F. Kendall American Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Charme d'Amour - Song (1909) Edwin F. Kendall Louis Weslynn (words)
sm15.gif Good As Gold (1921) James Kendis James Brockman (co-author)
Al Hoffman (co-author)
Al Sherman (co-author)
Max Fells' Della Robbia Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Jabberwocky (1921) James Kendis(w&m) Brockman (co-author)
Brown (co-author)
Eastwood (co-author)
Weslyn (co-author)
sm15.gif Good-Night, Sweetheart (1902) Karl Kennett(w&m)
sm15.gif Sunrise (1902) Karl Kennett(w&m)
sm15.gif Country Boy (1934) Walter Kent Richard Jerome (words)
Ethel Shutta (perf.)
sm15.gif You Lead the Parade (1934) Walter Kent Carmen Lombardo (co-author)
Milton Drake (words)
sm15.gif Love's Dilemma (1902) C.H. Kerr Howard Shelley (words)
Grace Cameron (perf.)
sm15.gif Fuzzy-Wuzzy (1915) Roy H. King
sm15.gif Here We Are Again (1914) Roy H. King
sm15.gif That's Why You're Mary Mine (1925) Roy H. King Harry Mayo (words)
Sidney D. Mitchell (words)
sm15.gif Dark Eyes (1913) Manuel Klein John P. Wilson (words)
sm15.gif Every Nation Has a Flower (1912) Manuel Klein Manuel Klein (words)
sm15.gif Hippodrome Tango (1913), The Manuel Klein
sm15.gif I'm Looking For a Sweetheart (1908) Manuel Klein Robert Hubberthorne Burnside (words)
Ada Jones (perf.)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
sm15.gif  It's a Long Lane That Has No Turning (1911) Manuel Klein Arthur A. Penn (words)
Columbia Quartette (perf.)
Helen Clark (perf.)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
sm15.gif Kathleen Kildare (1912) Manuel Klein John B. Fitzpatrick (words)
Andrew Mack (perf.)
sm15.gif Lucia (1905) Manuel Klein(w&m) Victor Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Meet Me Where the Lanterns Glow (1909) Manuel Klein(w&m) Henry Burr (perf.)
Merle Alcock as Merle Tillotson (perf.)
sm15.gif Moon Dear (1905) Manuel Klein(w&m) Frank C. Stanley (perf.)
sm15.gif Yachting (1910) Manuel Klein Will Evans (perf.)
sm15.gif Belles of Andalusia (1894) Sadie Koninsky
sm15.gif I'll Be Your Friend Through All (1898) Sadie Koninsky
sm15.gif Silver Cloud (1910) H. Sylvester Krouse