White-Smith Music Publishing Co.
Last updated: 05.08.24
Address: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

White-Smith Music Publishing Co. has 110 publications posted in these webpages. They include 8 items of piano sheet music at the Amazons and 102 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Author Supplier
Piano Sheet Music:
sm15.gif Love, Like the Dawn Came Stealing C.W. Cadman flag15us.gif
sm15.gif The New Love's Come to Stay M. Irwin flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif The Queen of New York L.B. O'Connor flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Seven Songs of Old Quebec G.de.V. O'Hara flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Tea Song A.B. Sloane flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Evahbody Knows Ma Name C.E. Trevathan flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Honey on My Lips C.E. Trevathan flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif May Irwin's Frog Song C.E. Trevathan flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Have You Seen the Old Home Since You Left It? (1896) Bernard Adler Arthur J Lamb (words)
sm15.gif Hide and Seek (1882) Charles Dupee Blake Earl Marble (words)
Julia Wilson (perf.)
sm15.gif Murmuring Waves (1884) Charles Dupee Blake Julia Wilson (perf.)
sm15.gif Shepherd's Evening Song (1874), The Charles Dupee Blake
sm15.gif Her Shadow (1918) Frederick R. Burton Tsianina Redfeather (perf.)
sm15.gif As in a Rose Jar (1906) Charles Wakefield Cadman Thomas S. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Calling to Thee (1916) Charles Wakefield Cadman Wm. H. Gardner (words)
sm15.gif From the Land of the Sky-Blue Water (1909) Charles Wakefield Cadman Nelle Richmond Eberhart (words)
sm15.gif He Who Moves in the Dew (1916) Charles Wakefield Cadman Nelle Richmond Eberhart (words)
sm15.gif I Hear a Thrush at Eve (1913) Charles Wakefield Cadman Nelle Richmond Eberhart (words)
John McCormack (perf.)
Dan Beddoe (perf.)
sm15.gif In Paradise (1917) Charles Wakefield Cadman Nelle Richmond Eberhart (words)
sm15.gif Love, Like the Dawn Came Stealing (1917) Charles Wakefield Cadman Gilbert Moyle (words)
Dorothy Jardon (perf.)
sm15.gif Magnolia Blooms (1916) Charles Wakefield Cadman Joaquin Miller (words)
sm15.gif Paradox (1919) Charles Wakefield Cadman Robert H. Davis (words)
Geraldine Farrar (perf.)
sm15.gif Coster's Serenade (1892), The John Crook Albert Chevalier (words)
Albert Chevalier (perf.)
sm15.gif Fighting Life's Battle Alone (1897) Gussie Lord Davis(w&m) William H. Gardner (words)
sm15.gif At a Children's Concert - Four Pieces (1908) Hans Engelmann
sm15.gif  Southern Echoes (1901) Nanka Estelle Faucette
sm15.gif Dixie Kid (1900), The Adam Geibel Bessie Davis (perf.)
sm15.gif Kentucky Babe (1896) Adam Geibel Richard Henry Buck (words)
Isadore Rush (perf.)
Bessie Davis (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Cotton Dolly (1897) Adam Geibel Richard Henry Buck (words)
sm15.gif Old Farmer Slow (1921) Adam Geibel Elmer E. Fetter (words)
sm15.gif Our Country Forever (1898) Adam Geibel Richard Henry Buck (words)
sm15.gif Suwanee Shore (1898), The Adam Geibel Bessie Davis (perf.)
sm15.gif Sweet Kentucky Babe (1896) Adam Geibel Richard H. Buck (words)
sm15.gif Bonnie Sweet Bessie the Maid O' Dundee (1875) James L. Gilbert Arabella Root (words)
Grace Kerns (perf.)
Anna Case (perf.)
Geraldine Farrar (perf.)
Alice Verlet (perf.)
Elizabeth Wheeler (perf.)
Marie Narelle (perf.)
sm15.gif Columbia March (1899) Bart E. Grady
sm15.gif King Joker (1905) Bart E. Grady
sm15.gif Munyon's Grand March (1897) Bart E. Grady
sm15.gif Love's Magic (1927) Frank Henry Grey Daniel S. Twohig (words)
sm15.gif Miss Simplicity (1901) Harry Lawson Heartz E.A. Church (words)
D.K. Stevens (words)
sm15.gif Bold Fisherman (1876), The G.W. Hunt R W Sherwood (words)
George Leybourne (perf.)
sm15.gif Live Humble (1894) May Irwin(w&m)
sm15.gif My Baby, I'll Go Too (1897) May Irwin
sm15.gif New Love's Come to Stay (1897), The May Irwin(w&m)
sm15.gif  Arabian Nights (1900) Alice Johnson
sm15.gif Amorous Goldfish (1896), The Sidney Jones Harry Greenbank (words)
Marie Tempest (perf.)
sm15.gif Geisha's Life (1896), A Sidney Jones Harry Greenbank (words)
Marie Tempest (perf.)
sm15.gif Song of My Dream (1905) Jules Jordan(w&m)
sm15.gif Naughty Clara (1850?) W. Knowles Alice Atherton (perf.)
sm15.gif Come Where the Rose Buds Sleep (1907) Charles Lecocq C. A. White (words)
sm15.gif Cows Are in the Corn (1878) Herbert Leslie R. W. Gilder (words)
sm15.gif Signor Mac Stinger, the Baritone Singer (1882) Arthur Lloyd William Sim (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Midnight Serenade (1899) Cissie Loftus Glen McDonough (words)
May Irwin (perf.)
sm15.gif My Bed Is Like a Little Boat (1899) Cissie Loftus Robert Louis Stevenson (words)
May Irwin (perf.)
sm15.gif Impudence (1897) Alan Macey
sm15.gif Dar*s a New Coon Wedding (1892) A.S. MacKenzie A. S (words)
sm15.gif Night We Christened a Freak (1893), The George Maywood Arthur J. Lamb (words)
sm15.gif O Hopeless Love! (1893) George Maywood Harold Vynne (words)
sm15.gif Once More in the Dear Old Land (1893) Felix McGlennon(w&m)
sm15.gif Up the Street - Song (1895) Robert Gorham Morse W.L.W. Field (words)
sm15.gif Queen of New York (1898), The Lawrence B. O'Connor
sm15.gif Seven Songs of Old Quebec (1927) Geoffrey de Vere O'Hara
sm15.gif  Brigand's Love Song (1893) Henry W. Petrie
sm15.gif In the Deep Cold Sea (1894) Henry W. Petrie Philip Wingate (words)
E B Thorburn (words)
sm15.gif Il mazzolin delle viole (1877) Ciro Pinsuti Louis C. Elson (words)
sm15.gif Funny Old Fakir (1898), The C.E. Pomeroy
sm15.gif Hie Away, Ole Satan (1885) Monroe H. Rosenfeld
sm15.gif I Am Content (n.d.) Charlotte H. Sainton-Dolby Claribel (words)
sm15.gif My Love He Stands Upon the Quay (n.d.) Charlotte H. Sainton-Dolby Frederic Edward Weatherly (words)
sm15.gif Ragged Raglan (1901), The Orin Sargent
sm15.gif Curly Locks (1897) Alfred Baldwin Sloane George Lowell Tracy (words)
R A Barnet (words)
sm15.gif De Frogtown Terror (1896) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Herbert N Farrar (words)
Madge Lessing (perf.)
sm15.gif Giant's Song (1896), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane(w&m)
sm15.gif Jack Waltz (1896), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane
sm15.gif Simple Simon (1897) Alfred Baldwin Sloane R A Barnet (words)
sm15.gif Sinbad's Song (1896) Alfred Baldwin Sloane(w&m)
sm15.gif Song of the Pretty Maids (1896) Alfred Baldwin Sloane(w&m)
sm15.gif Strange Adventures of Jack and the Beanstalk (1896), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane R A Barnet (words)
sm15.gif Tea Song (1896) Alfred Baldwin Sloane
sm15.gif Tell Me Truly, Daisy (1896) Alfred Baldwin Sloane R A Barnet (words)
sm15.gif  Beautiful Blue Danube Walzer (1900) Johann Strauss
sm15.gif Poor Wandering One (1881) Arthur Sullivan W.S. Gilbert (words)
Grace Kerns (perf.)
Marie De Kyser (perf.)
Isabel Jay (perf.)
sm15.gif Carolina Tar Heel (1898) Dan. J. Sullivan
sm15.gif Miss Pocahontas (1906) Dan. J. Sullivan R A Barnet (words)
Robert Melville Baker (words)
H H Luther (words)
sm15.gif Mobile Buck (1899), The Dan. J. Sullivan
sm15.gif South Car'lina Sift (1897) George Lowell Tracy
sm15.gif Texas Teaser (1898) George Lowell Tracy
sm15.gif Bully Song (1896) Charles E. Trevathan Fred Field (perf.)
sm15.gif Crappy Dan (1897) Charles E. Trevathan(w&m) May Irwin (perf.)
sm15.gif Evahbody Knows Ma Name (1897) Charles E. Trevathan(w&m) Jerome Sykes (perf.)
sm15.gif Honey on My Lips (1898) Charles E. Trevathan Reginald De Koven (words)
May Irwin (perf.)
sm15.gif May Irwin's Bully Song (1896) Charles E. Trevathan(w&m) May Irwin (perf.)
sm15.gif May Irwin's Frog Song (1896) Charles E. Trevathan(w&m) May Irwin (perf.)
sm15.gif Come, Buy My Flowers (1882) Charles Albert White(w&m)
sm15.gif Comrades, We Come Once More (1875) Charles Albert White(w&m)
sm15.gif Easter Lillies (1890) Charles Albert White
sm15.gif Flag Without a Stain (1918), The Charles Albert White(w&m)
sm15.gif Glad Tidings Every-Where (1875) Charles Albert White(w&m)
sm15.gif  Huntsman's Horn (1881), The Charles Albert White(w&m)
sm15.gif I'se Gwine Back to Dixie (1874) Charles Albert White(w&m) Alma Gluck (perf.)
sm15.gif Madame La Font - Act I (1881) Charles Albert White George M. Vickers (words)
sm15.gif Marguerite (1911) Charles Albert White(w&m) Royal James Fish (perf.)
sm15.gif Mother Take Me Home Again (1869) Charles Albert White Dexter Smith (words)
sm15.gif My Angel Bird (1878) Charles Albert White Geraldine Ulmar (perf.)
sm15.gif Old Log Cabin in the Dell (1875), The Charles Albert White(w&m)
sm15.gif Please Sell No More Drink to My Father (1884) Charles Albert White Mrs F.B. Pratt (words)
Elsa Lanchester (perf.)
sm15.gif Shew Fly Quadrille (1869) Charles Albert White
sm15.gif Tell Me, Sweetheart (n.d.) Charles Albert White
sm15.gif Thinking (1891) Charles Albert White
sm15.gif Uncle Tom's Gwine to Stay (1881) Charles Albert White George Russell Jackson (words)
sm15.gif When 'Tis Moonlight (1975) Charles Albert White(w&m)