Weymann & Son
Last updated: 12.06.24
Address: 923 Market St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Weymann & Son has 22 publications posted in these webpages. They include 1 item of piano sheet music at the Amazons and 21 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Author Supplier
Piano Sheet Music:
sm15.gif Fleeting Hours J.C Schmid flag15us.gif flag15es.gif
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif I Wish To-Day Were Yesterday and Yesterday To-Day (1912) Ed Edwards Chas. E Baer (words)
Wm. G Brewton (words)
Elmer Setzler (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, You Baby Face (1912) Ed Edwards Michael Gallagher (words)
sm15.gif Tonight's the Night (1912) Ed Edwards Cliff Odoms (words)
sm15.gif Drink a High Ball (1913) Paul Eno
sm15.gif Birds and Breezes (1906) Johann C. Schmid
sm15.gif Captain General (1906), The Johann C. Schmid
sm15.gif Cupid's Dart (1903) Johann C. Schmid
sm15.gif Daisies (1904) Johann C. Schmid Richard C. Dillmore (words)
sm15.gif Dance of the Snowflakes (1904) Johann C. Schmid
sm15.gif Ev'ry Ship Will Find a Harbor (1906) Johann C. Schmid Chas. E Baer (words)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
sm15.gif Fire and Flame (1905) Johann C. Schmid
sm15.gif Fleeting Hours (1905) Johann C. Schmid
sm15.gif Hour of Prayer (1905), The Johann C. Schmid
sm15.gif North American (1904), The Johann C. Schmid
sm15.gif Ocean Spray (1908) Johann C. Schmid
sm15.gif Phasma (1907) Johann C. Schmid
sm15.gif Rajah (1902), The Johann C. Schmid
sm15.gif  There's a Warm Spot in My Heart For Tennessee (1907) Johann C. Schmid Chas. E. Baer (words)
Fred Rose (perf.)
sm15.gif White Wings (1909) Johann C. Schmid(w&m) James E. Dempsey (co-author)
sm15.gif That Song Divine (1912) Robert Morrison Stults(w&m)
sm15.gif When the Twilight Softly Falls (1908) Robert Morrison Stults