Shapiro and von Tilzer Music Co
Last updated: 05.08.24

Shapiro and von Tilzer Music Co has 28 publications posted in these webpages. They include 4 items of piano sheet music at the Amazons and 24 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Author Supplier
Piano Sheet Music:
sm15.gif Gone, Gone, Gone J. Hollander flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Down at Rosie Riley's Flat M. Nugent flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Is There No Message From England? R. Penso flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Moonlight Dreams H.O. Sutton flag15uk.gif
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif You Mustn't Do That, Naughty Boy (1908) Harry Boden Bert Brantford (words)
Bert Brantford (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, Bosh (1908) Bert Brantford(w&m)
sm15.gif You Mustn't Do That, Naughty Boy! (1908) Bert Brantford Harry Boden (words)
sm15.gif Dolores - Cuban Danza (1905) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Down Where the Briny Breezes Blow (1907) Alf Ellerton (The Elder)(w&m)
sm15.gif Just My Luck (1907) Alf Ellerton (The Elder)(w&m)
sm15.gif That's Extra (1907) Alf Ellerton (The Elder)(w&m)
sm15.gif Let's Have a Song About the Boys (1908) Alf Ellerton (The Younger)(w&m)
sm15.gif Rag-Time Milkman (1908), The Alf Ellerton (The Younger)(w&m)
sm15.gif Gone, Gone, Gone (1904) Joe Hollander
sm15.gif Don't You Think He Ought to See a Doctor (1907) Shirley Ilton Worton David (words)
sm15.gif Clap Hands, Daddy's Come Home (1907) Sam Mayo Worton David (words)
Harry Leighton (words)
Sam Mayo (perf.)
sm15.gif Policeman (1907), The Sam Mayo David Worton (words)
Sam Mayo (perf.)
sm15.gif Wind Blew Hard From the North South West (1908), The Sam Mayo Worton David (words)
L. St John (words)
Sam Mayo (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't Stop My 'arf a Pint of Beer (1907) J. Charles Moore Cornelius Pratt (words)
Gus Elen (perf.)
sm15.gif Down at Rosie Riley's Flat (1902) Maude Nugent(w&m)
sm15.gif Pretty Little China Maid (1901) Maude Nugent(w&m)
sm15.gif  There's No Other Girl Like My Girl (1901) Maude Nugent E.P. Moran (words)
Nellie Lynch (perf.)
Eugene Canfield (perf.)
sm15.gif Is There No Message From England? (1908) Ralph Penso Worton David (words)
sm15.gif Nana (1907) T.F. Robson J Chas Moore (words)
sm15.gif Mrs. Carter, You're a Tartar (1901) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Emma Carus (perf.)
sm15.gif Moonlight Dreams (1905) Harry O. Sutton
sm15.gif I Certainly Didn't Know You When You First Came In (1900) Harry von Tilzer Sadie Fields (perf.)
Harry Fields (perf.)
sm15.gif W'hoa Bill (1901) Harry von Tilzer