Edward Schuberth & Co.
Last updated: 05.08.24
Address: 11 East 22nd Street, New York, USA

Edward Schuberth & Co. has 38 publications posted in these webpages. They include 38 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Twilight Song (1904), A Charles Wakefield Cadman Blanche Katherine Knowlton (words)
sm15.gif Casino Girl - Act I (1900), The Ludwig Engländer Harry B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif Casino Girl - Act II (1900), The Ludwig Engländer Harry B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif Fairies Lullaby (1900), The Ludwig Engländer Harry B Smith (words)
Geo W Lederer (words)
Irene Bentley (perf.)
sm15.gif Madelaine (1888) Ludwig Engländer Carl Hauser (words)
sm15.gif Only a Hundred Girls in the World For Me (1899) Ludwig Engländer Harry B. Smith (words)
Thomas Q. Seabrooke (perf.)
sm15.gif Rounders (1899), The Ludwig Engländer H.B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif Strollers (1901), The Ludwig Engländer H.B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif B. - 1. Step (1919), The Montague Ewing
sm15.gif In Fair Arcadia (1906) Dorothy Forster M C Forster (words)
Margaret Cooper (perf.)
sm15.gif Sons of Old Britannia (1914) Dorothy Forster Leyden Colledge (words)
sm15.gif Life's Thanksgiving (1904) Valentine Hemery Alfred H. Hyatt (words)
Hortense Paulsen (perf.)
Mabel Braine (perf.)
Maggie Purvis (perf.)
Mdme. Sadler-Fogg (perf.)
Edith Serpell (perf.)
Annie Norledge (perf.)
Edith Welling (perf.)
Helen Blain (perf.)
sm15.gif American Fantasie (1898) Victor Herbert New York Military Band (perf.)
Edison Concert Band (perf.)
sm15.gif Badinage (1895) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Idol's Eye (1897), The Victor Herbert H.Bache Smith (words)
Victor Herbert Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif March of the 22nd Regiment N.G.N.Y. (1898) Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Prince Ananias (1894) Victor Herbert Francis Neilson (words)
sm15.gif  Serenade (1897), The Victor Herbert H.Bache Smith (words)
sm15.gif Star Light, Star Bright (1895) Victor Herbert Harry Bache Smith (words)
sm15.gif Under an Oak (1894) Victor Herbert Francis Neilson (words)
sm15.gif Wizard of the Nile (1895), The Victor Herbert
sm15.gif Original Hesitation Waltz (1914) McNair Ilgenfritz Alice Martin (words)
sm15.gif Reverie (1902) Carrie Jacobs-Bond
sm15.gif Anticipation (1912) Cecil Mack
sm15.gif Tango Is the Dance For Me (1913) Cecil Mack Alice Mattullath (words)
sm15.gif Très Moutarde (1911) Cecil Mack Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Air Allemand (n.d.) Georg Matzka
sm15.gif Original Hesitation Waltz (1914) McNair-Ilgenfritz
sm15.gif Spring (1922) McNair-Ilgenfritz Mabel Linn (words)
sm15.gif Give Cinda the Cake (1898) Theodore August Metz
sm15.gif You Gotta Go! (1943) Justin Ringleben(w&m)
sm15.gif Suzanne (1912) Walter Rolfe
sm15.gif What Do You Think of That? (1912) Walter Rolfe(w&m)
sm15.gif Valse Caprice (1886) Anton Rubinstein
sm15.gif Marche Militaire (1899) Franz Schubert Carl Tausig (co-author)
sm15.gif  In My 'ansom (1895.) Walter Slaughter Basil Hood (words)
Arthur Roberts (perf.)
sm15.gif Who is Eagan? (1900) George Lowell Tracy Louis Harrison (words)
Thomas Q. Seabrooke (perf.)
sm15.gif Can't Stop Two Step (1913) Pete Washington