Publisher: P
Last updated: 06.12.24
Publisher: P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

     Publisher Location Items
[§] Pace, Charles H.  
[§] Pace & Handy Music Co. Memphis, Tennessee, USA  Ragtime (30) 
[§] Pacey, Will Toronto, Ontario, Canada  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Pacific Coast Music Co. Oakland, California, USA  Ragtime (3) 
[§] Pacific Music Co., San Francisco, California, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Page, Thomas Buster Lima, Ohio, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Paige & Co., W.H. Terre Haute, Indiana, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Palala Press  Books (1) 
[§] Paley Music Co. New York, USA  Ragtime (4) 
[§] Palgrave Macmillan  Books (1) 
[§] Paling & Co. Ltd., W.H. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia  Books (1) , Ragtime (82) 
[§] Pallma, Frank Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Palmer Music Publisher, Al. J.  Ragtime (9) 
[§] Palmer, Harry J. Mankato, Minnesota, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Palmetto Music Pub. Co. New York, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Pro American Music Resources USA  Books (3) 
[§] Pan Educational Music USA  Books (2) , Recorder (4) 
[§]  Panella Music Co. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA  Ragtime (4) 
[§] Panella and Murray Music Publishing Co. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Pantheon  Books (2) , Ragtime (34) 
[§] Panther Books Ltd England  Books (3) 
[§] Panton  Books (1) 
[§] Paraclete Press  Books (2) 
[§] Parade Music New York, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Paradise Press  Books (1) 
[§] Paragon Sheet Music Lodi, California, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Paramount Music Corporation  Books (1) , Ragtime (66) 
[§] Paramount Publishing Dept Sydney, New South Wales, Australia  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Parapress  Books (1) 
[§] Paris, H.P. Amsterdam, Netherlands  Books (1) 
[§] Parke,, Daniels and Friedman  Ragtime (7) 
[§] Parker & Ditson Boston, Massachusetts, USA  Ragtime (8) 
[§] Parker Music Co New York, USA  Books (8) , Ragtime (18) 
[§] Parks & Densmore Boston, Massachusetts, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Parks, Robert F. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§]  Parnasse musical Lachute, Canada  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Partee Music Co., C.L. New York, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Partridge, Horace Boston, Massachusetts, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Passavia  Books (1) 
[§] Passport Books  Books (1) 
[§] Paterson & Roy  Ragtime (12) 
[§] Paterson's Publications Ltd London, W. 1, England  Books (1) 
[§] Paterson,, Sons & Co. Glasgow, Scotland  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Patey & Rudge London, England  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Patey & Willis London, England  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Pathé Distributors  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Pathfinder Publishing of Calfornia California, USA  Books (1) 
[§] Pattison & Co., J. N. New York, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Paull Music Co., E. T. New York, USA  Books (67) , Ragtime (109) 
[§] Paull-Pioneer Music Corp New York, USA  Ragtime (9) 
[§] Pavilion Books Ltd  Books (1) 
[§] Paxton & Co. Ltd., W. London, England  Books (31) , Ragtime (126) 
[§] Paxton Inc, George New York, USA  Ragtime (3) 
[§]  Paxton Music Inc. USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Payette, Louis Montreal, Canada  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Publication Center Cultural Resources USA  Books (3) 
[§] Peacock Press Mytholmroyd, England  Other (1) , Recorder (2) 
[§] Pearson Education UK UK  Books (1) 
[§] Pease Piano Co. New York, USA  Ragtime (5) 
[§] Pedersen, Olaf E. Omaha, Nebraska, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Peer International Corporation  Books (1) , Ragtime (11) 
[§] Peerless Music Pub. Co. Janesville, Wisconsin, USA  Books (1) , Ragtime (6) 
[§] Peerless Publishing. Co. New York, USA  Ragtime (3) 
[§] Peer, R. S. New York, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Peer-Southern  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Peeters Holland  Books (3) 
[§] Pekin Pub. Co. Chicago, Illinois, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Pelican Publishing Company,, Inc.  Books (3) 
[§] Pelikan Germany  Recorder (48) 
[§] Pendragon Press  Books (14) 
[§] Penfield Press  Books (1) 
[§]  Penguin Books Limited Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England  Books (17) , Ragtime (1) 
[§] Penn Musical Publishing Co. Reading, Pennsylvania, USA  Ragtime (12) 
[§] Pen & Sword Books Ltd  Books (2) 
[§] Pennsylvania Music Company Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA  Books (2) 
[§] Penter, E.E. Champaign, Illinois, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Pepin & Triggs Denver, Colorado, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Pepper, J. W. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  Ragtime (13) 
[§] Percy Music Publishing Co, London, England  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Perennial  Books (3) 
[§] Performing Arts Encyclopedia  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Performers Editions  Books (1) 
[§] Perigee  Books (1) 
[§] Perrins, William H.  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Perry & Sons' Music Co., A.W. Sedalia, Missouri, USA  Ragtime (50) 
[§] Perry Bros. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Perry & De Lima New York, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Perry, Joe New York, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Perry, J. F. Boston, Massachusetts, USA  Ragtime (4) 
[§]  Peters, Edition Leipzig, Germany  Books (9) , Ragtime (1) , Recorder (43) 
[§] Peters & Bro., A.C. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Peters, J. L St. Louis, Missouri, USA  Ragtime (20) 
[§] Peterson, Alfred V. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Peters & Sons, W.C. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA  Ragtime (7) 
[§] Peters,, Webb & Co. Louisville, Georgia, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Petrie Music Co., H.W. Chicago, Illinois, USA  Ragtime (4) 
[§] Petrie Music Co. Austin, Illinois, USA  Ragtime (17) 
[§] Petway, W. H. Nashville, Tennessee, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Pfau  Books (2) 
[§] Pub Group West Canada  Books (2) 
[§] Phaidon Press Inc USA  Books (9) 
[§] Phelps Music Company New York, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Philadelphia Times Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Philadelphia Press, The USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Phillips,, Clark Pub Co Boston, Massachusetts, USA  Ragtime (3) 
[§] Phillips & Crew Co., The Atlanta, Georgia, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Phillips, Ethel S. Fort Worth, Texas, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§]  Phillips & Page  Books (8) , Ragtime (19) 
[§] Phillips, Roy C. Providence, Rhode Island, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Philadalphia Sundy Times Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Phoenix Music  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Photo Play Music Co., New York, USA  Ragtime (6) 
[§] Pianola Co. Melbourne, Australia  Ragtime (13) 
[§] Piantodosi & Co. Inc, Al. New York, USA  Ragtime (33) 
[§] Piantadosi Inc., George & Arthur USA  Ragtime (9) 
[§] Pickwick Music Corporation  Ragtime (4) 
[§] Piedmont Music Co.,, Inc USA  Books (1) , Ragtime (4) 
[§] Pierce, K. B. Beaumont, Texas, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Pierce, Pemberton Pennsgrove, New Jersey, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Pierian Press  Books (1) 
[§] Pierson & Co., W. T. New York, USA  Books (2) , Ragtime (14) 
[§] Piggott Music Publisher, J.  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Pilcher & Son, H. St. Louis, Missouri, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Pilling, W. New York, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Pillsbury Company, C. C.  Ragtime (4) 
[§]  Pimlico  Books (1) 
[§] Pincus Music Corp., George  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Pinger, A.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Pinkard & Alexander Music Co. New York, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Pinkard, Maceo New York, USA  Ragtime (21) 
[§] Pioneer Music Publishing Company Chicago, Illinois, USA  Ragtime (9) 
[§] Piper, Wilbur Sidney, Ohio, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Pitman, F. London, England  Ragtime (5) 
[§] Pitts, Tom Butte, Montana, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Placht & Son, Jos. St. Louis, Missouri, USA  Ragtime (6) 
[§] Plain Dealer  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Platt Publishing Co.  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Players Music Corporation New York, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Play-It  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Plaza Music New York, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Peter Lang Publishing  Books (1) 
[§] Plymouth Music Co.  Ragtime (3) 
[§] Poet's Box Glasgow,, Scotland  Ragtime (3) 
[§]  Polla Company, W. C. Chicago, Illinois, USA  Books (9) , Ragtime (22) 
[§] Pollworth Music Pub. Co. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA  Ragtime (4) 
[§] Polygon UK  Books (2) 
[§] Polyphonic Publications  Books (1) , Recorder (2) 
[§] Pompeian Mfg. Co.  Books (1) , Ragtime (1) 
[§] Ponce, Phil New York, USA  Books (1) , Ragtime (1) 
[§] Pond & Co., Wm. A. New York, USA  Books (1) , Ragtime (128) 
[§] Popular Melodies Inc.  Books (3) , Ragtime (12) 
[§] Popular Music Distributing Co. San Francisco, California, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Popular Music Pub. Co. Chicago, Illinois, USA  Books (1) , Ragtime (12) 
[§] Popular Songs of the Day Inc.  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Porcelain Co., M.  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Porgie,, Debin & Friedman Inc. New York, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Porgie Music Corp. New York, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Posset Press  Books (1) 
[§] Poster Corp, The  Books (1) 
[§] Potter, Clarkson N.  Books (2) 
[§] Powell, C.C. Columbus, Ohio, USA  Ragtime (10) 
[§]  Powell, Frank R. Kansas City, Missouri, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Power, J. London, England  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Powers Clearing House  Books (1) , Ragtime (1) 
[§] Pozzoni, J. A.  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Praeger Publishers  Books (1) 
[§] Praeger & Meier, Bremen, Germany  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Prager, Isadore New York, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Praha Czech.  Recorder (7) 
[§] PRB Productions USA  Books (3) 
[§] Premier Music Co.  Ragtime (4) 
[§] Premium Music Company Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Prentice Hall College Div  Books (5) 
[§] Prentiss, Henry Boston, Massachusetts, USA  Ragtime (7) 
[§] Presser Company, Theodore Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  Books (31) , Ragtime (317) , Recorder (7) 
[§] Presto Publishing Co. New York, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Price, Charles Manchester, England  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Price & Reynolds London, England  Books (1) , Ragtime (18) 
[§] Primrose & West Music Pub. Co. New York, USA  Ragtime (3) 
[§]  Prion Books Ltd  Books (1) 
[§] Pitt Rivers Museum  Books (1) 
[§] Proctor - Patterson Music Co. Macon, Georgia, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Professor Napoleon Co. Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA  Ragtime (4) 
[§] Progressive Music Pub.  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Propheter, George New York, USA  Ragtime (4) 
[§] Prospect Music Pub. Co. USA  Books (1) , Ragtime (4) 
[§] Providence Music Co. Providence, Rhode Island, USA  Ragtime (1) 
[§] Prowse Music Publ. Co., Keith London, W.1, England  Books (8) , Ragtime (42) 
[§] Pryor & Higgins New York, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Psalm 150  Brass (1) 
[§] Pennsylvania State University Press USA  Books (2) 
[§] Publications orientalistes de France France  Books (1) 
[§] Puderer Publishing Company, The New Orleans, Louisiana, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Presses universitaires de France France  Books (2) 
[§] Puntennay & Eutsler Columbus, Ohio, USA  Ragtime (2) 
[§] Princeton Univiversity Press  Books (4) 
[§] Purnell Book Services London, Engalnd  Books (1) 
[§]  Pustet  Books (1) 
[§] Putnam & Co., Ltd. London, England  Books (2) 
[§] Pyle, Eugene S. Campbell, Missouri, USA  Ragtime (1)