Nicholson & Co. Ltd.
Last updated: 24.05.24
Address: 243 George St., Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Nicholson & Co. Ltd. has 12 publications posted in these webpages. They include 12 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Exhibition (1880) Charles Coote(w&m)
sm15.gif Girards (1877), The Charles Coote
sm15.gif Australia's Crowning Hour (1925) Charles Davis
sm15.gif Australia's Marching on (1900c) G.W. Hunt T W Rhodes (words)
sm15.gif Cupid (1909) Chas. F. Jones
sm15.gif Lasca (1909) Chas. F. Jones
sm15.gif Serenata (1891) Moritz Moszkowski Nathan Haskell Dole (words)
sm15.gif Second Romance (1912) Robert Schumann
sm15.gif En Route Op. 132 (18--) Sydney Smith
sm15.gif Mignon - Gavotte (1929) Ambroise Thomas by Ambroise Thomas1 (co-author)
transcribed by Cyril Monk1 (co-author)
sm15.gif Hommage a Beauchamp (1901) Frederick Wynne-Jones
sm15.gif Sleepy Man (190-) Frederick Wynne-Jones Anon (words)